We are the PROMISE!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our day of action.


We are the Promise

The United States Department of Education is the realization of a promise this nation made to boys and girls. That promise is to ensure that every child, regardless of their ability, their wealth, their ethnicity, their gender – would receive a fair chance. Without the programs and policies created by this department, the safeguards, the safety rails, the stop gaps no longer exist. There is no way to measure our nation’s commitment to that promise.

Just imagine for a moment…

A mom sitting at her kitchen table, reviewing her daughter’s Individualized Education Plan. Without federal oversight, the special education funding that had once been a lifeline is gone. The state promised to do its best, but resources are stretched thin. This mom wonders how long it will be before her daughter’s specialized support vanished altogether.

The principal answering call after call from parents desperate for answers. Without federal Title I funds, the programs that had once helped low-income students thrive are crumbling. The tutoring sessions, the after-school programs, the literacy initiatives — they had all been rooted in federal dollars, and now they were disappearing like sand through fingers.

A teacher with a new set of state-approved textbooks that downplays pivotal moments in history and science. Without national standards or oversight, curriculum becomes the political battleground, and the students are the casualties.

Young people watching the news with sinking hearts as they see their hope and dreams move out of reach. The skyrocketing tuition without Pell grants and student loan protection will make higher education a dim reality for those without wealth.

Just as a first responder, we are on the front line of defense. We step up to do our part to protect our students, our schools, our families, and our communities. We stand in the gap for the future, for the opportunities of tomorrow. Together, we can ensure that every child receives the fair chance they deserve. We are the Promise of Public Education.

A Pay Raise for the State Superintendent but Nothing for You

Teachers and school employees have not received a permanent pay raise for the past two years and continue to remain below the Southern Regional Average. In fact, they have received only stipends, and we are being told that even the stipends will NOT be paid next year. Meanwhile, the State Superintendent is getting a $26,000 raise due to the progress made in Louisiana schools.

According to NOLA.com, “During a meeting Friday, the Joint Legislative Budget committee voted unanimously to renew State Superintendent of Education Cade Brumley’s contract and increase his yearly salary to $311,000 — a $26,000 pay raise.”

Citing state’s academic gains, lawmakers approve raise for Louisiana’s education chief

Who do we need to remind that Superintendent Brumley’s progress was actually made by YOU in the schoolhouses?

Why does he deserve more money, especially permanent monies, and you do not?

Why are you expected to continue to do more work for less money?

We truly do believe in paying people for their hard work, but why should he be the only one benefiting from YOUR HARD WORK?

AFT Professional Learning Opportunity for Members- Differentiating Instruction

Registration is now open for AFT members to enroll in the online module, Differentiating Instruction, running Oct. 17 to Nov. 18. You must register by Oct. 3 to save your spot.

Despite the fact that students learn at different rates and have different interests and levels of motivation, many instructors overlook these differences and treat students as if they are all alike. This online module will examine three differentiation models: Tomlinson’s tiered lessons, Conklin’s choice boards and Sternberg’s triarchic model.

The differentiation course, as with all of AFT’s training modules, is designed to foster:

  • Reflection on research;
  • Consideration of the research for application to classroom practice; and
  • Dialogue with other professionals as a way to expand professional knowledge.

This three-part Differentiating Instruction module takes about four hours to complete and is eligible for four hours of credit. If you are an AFT member and aren’t familiar with AFT eLearning, your first step is to create a free account.

In addition to the eLearning course, there will also be four virtual meetings held via Zoom. In order to participate in the course, you MUST attend the first meeting (separate registration link below). The additional meetings are eligible for extra credit hours and are strongly encouraged.

Learn more about the Differentiating Instruction module and register now.

Guidance on 2024 Legislative Acts

Dear RRU Members,

Every year, the legislature passes new laws that impact educators. But this year we experienced an unprecedented number of laws – good and bad – that impact your daily activities at your schools. Because of the sheer volume of new laws, and the uncertainty surrounding how school boards are going to implement these laws, we, along with LFT, have come up with guidance for you.

Important: School districts have already begun the process of drafting and adopting policies to implement these laws. Since each school district has its own policies, the adaptation of these laws will vary. CONACT RED RIVER UNITED with any questions you may have.

Click the links below for more information as well as guidance.

ACT 115-Donation of Sick Leave to Other Employees

ACT 216- Child Abuse Reporting Law

ACT 311- Compensation for Work Beyond Prescribed Duties

ACT 311- Guidance for Members

ACT 313- Cell Phone Ban

ACT 315-School Employee Physical Contact Pay

ACT 400-Student Discipline: Behavior Prevents Orderly Instruction

ACT 400- “Cooling Off” Referral Form

ACT 676-Ten Commandments Law

ACT 680-Pronouns Law “The Given Names Act”

ACT 681-Prohibits Discussion of Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity

A Letter from the Red River United Executive Board

Dear Red River United Member,

For over ten years, professional dues deductions through the district’s payroll have been the target of some Louisiana Legislators. This year has certainly been no exception with over ten bills currently winding their way through the legislative process.  Consequently, the probability of harmful legislation passing is much stronger.  Legislation such as requiring you re-submit your membership form to Red River United, which could negatively impact your ability to be represented and ensure your liability insurance remains intact.

That is why the RRU Ex. Board met and decided that we will move away from payroll deduct and use our other processes.  It was a hard decision but a necessary one to protect all of us.

Our rationale:

  1. We spend time and money every year beating back these attacks. 
  2. We already have a system in place used by many members of the RRU.
  3.  This process will not only remove us from the harmful attacks, it allows us to continue bringing the same services and protections we have had since 1997.
  4. And most importantly, this is OUR decision, not a decision made by those who want to harm us.  We send a clear message that we are a movement of great people wanting to do good things for our schools, our community, our students, and those who serve them. 


Red River United will no longer accept dues via payroll deduction beginning September 2024. This will also apply to any new members joining prior to this date.

Between now and the end of the school year, let us prioritize our collective well-being. Regardless of the outcome of this legislative session, let’s take our future in our hands and move from payroll deduction to ACH bank draft. 

We decide, not them.

Our alternative processes for all members:

ACH Bank Draft

Red River United uses a local bank, Community Bank of Louisiana, for all ACH transactions and they are insured by the FDIC.  Our ACH processes align with the payroll schedule of the school systems we serve, ensuring efficiency.  We prioritize the security of your information, employing encryption measures. 

Credit Card (2.49% processing fee)

Red River United uses PaySimple to process credit cards. We take security very seriously to ensure the protection of our members’ sensitive information. PaySimple is a Level 1 PCI DSS certified service provider and encrypts account information once submitted. To extend this level of security, the PaySimple APIs only allow communications over HTTPS, utilizing SSL/TLS, and only allows authorized requests.


Cash, Check, or PayPal

Red River United recognizes there are members who would prefer to pay via cash, check, or PayPal.  Dues paid in this format must be paid quarterly or yearly.

Click here to join ACH, Credit Card, or Cash/Check/PayPal

In Unity

Red River United

Jackie Lansdale, President

Jordan Thomas, Executive-Vice President and President of Caddo Federation

Ashley Perkins, Secretary/Treasurer and President of Bossier Federation

Bossier Federation

President: Ashley Perkins

Exec. VP: Edward Foutch

VP Certified: Annie McCulloch

VP Classified:  Gretchen Harris

Secretary: Shelly Lewis

Treasurer: Douglas Smith

Retirees: Nicole Falcon

Caddo Federation

Exec. VP: Bernard Friday

VP Certified: Romeo Mangaoang

VP Classified: Ron Buntyn

Secretary: Carl McDaniel

Treasurer: Sandi Bozeman

Retirees: Duke Terrell

Urgent Alert: Protect Your Payroll Deduction Rights – It’s About Us

Call Your Legislator NOW and tell them to KILL THESE BILLS
HB572, HB523, HB571, HB268, SB129, SB331, SB 292, HB712, SB264, SB263
Louisiana House: 225-342-6945
Louisiana Senate: 225-342-2040

Click Here for Names, Emails, and Direct Phone Numbers at the bottom of this page

Several legislative proposals currently threaten to eliminate professional dues deductions directly from your school district’s payroll. While similar deductions will continue for many other sectors, these changes could uniquely prevent you from conveniently managing your dues through payroll services.

Why is this happening in a Right-to-Work State, where joining or staying in an organization should strictly be a personal choice, free from coercion? It seems the legislative body aims to curtail this choice by proposing to strip away your ability to have dues automatically deducted from your paycheck. Their message is clear: they believe they should make decisions for you, not the other way around.

This is particularly concerning in districts without contracts, where your organization stands as your sole advocate and representative. Statistics confirm that employees who join organizations are more likely to remain within our districts, emphasizing the critical role of such memberships. Despite this, legislators are moving to prioritize the elimination of payroll deductions over supporting the workforce in an increasingly challenging environment.

Shockingly, this push is led by legislators from our own communities. What motivates this drive? Is it a personal vendetta or a thirst for control? Are they trying to intimidate us, or are they the ones feeling threatened?

Remember, this attack on our rights follows unsuccessful reforms from the Jindal Agenda of 2012. Instead of adjusting those reforms, our legislators seem intent on intensifying their efforts, disregarding the broader implications.

We are more than just individuals; we are a determined movement. The right to payroll deduction, granted by the Louisiana Legislature in the early 90s, is not just a convenience—it’s a statement of our autonomy. We refuse to be undermined or treated as pawns in their power games.

Let’s stand united from now until the end of the school year to safeguard our collective well-being and ensure our voices are heard loud and clear. Together, we can overcome these unnecessary and demeaning challenges.

Hear Directly from some of our members about this issue:

Tell these Legislators to VOTE AGAINST THESE BILLS
HB572, HB523, HB571, HB268, SB129, SB331, SB 292, HB712, SB264, SB263
Louisiana House: 225-342-6945
Louisiana Senate: 225-342-2040

Chairman Raymond Crews HD8 Bossier R crewsr@legis.la.gov (318) 716-7532
Vice Chair Dodie Horton HD9 Bossier R hortond@legis.la.gov (318) 949-2463
Member Dennis Bamburg HD5 Bossier, Caddo & Red River R hse005@legis.la.gov (318) 588-2014
Member Barbara Carpenter HD63 EBR D carpenterb@legis.la.gov (225) 771-5674
Member Tehmi Chassion HD44 Lafayette D hse004@legis.la.gov
Member Jason Dewitt HD25 Natchitoches & Rapides R hse025@legis.la.gov (318) 277-7475
Member Mike Echols HD14 Ouachita R hse014@legis.la.gov (318) 598-4010
Member Brian Gloriso HD90 St Tammany R hse090@legis.la.gov (985) 960-4251
Member Ed Larvadain HD26 Rapides D hse026@legis.la.gov (318) 487-5441
Member Dixon McMakin HD68 EBR R hse068@legis.la.gov (225) 384-0468
Member Michael Melerine HD6 Caddo R hse006@legis.la.gov (318) 553-2259
Member Shaun Mena HD23 Orleans D hse023@legis.la.gov (504) 396-4105
Member Tammy Phelps HD3 Caddo D hse003@legis.la.gov (318) 862-3080
Member Phillip Tarver HD36 Calcasieu R hse036@legis.la.gov (337) 475-8186
Member Joy Walter HD4 Caddo D hse004@legis.la.gov (318) 560-4059
Member Roger Wilder HD71 Livingston R hse071@legis.la.gov (225) 380-7160
Ex Officio Phillip DeVillier HD41 Acadia, Evangeline & St. Landry R devillierp@legis.la.gov (337) 457-0194
Ex Officio Mike Johnson HD27 Rapides R hse027@legis.la.gov (318) 487-5377


ON THE SIDE OF ANGELS – To be on the side of the angels means to make a conscious choice to do what is right, what is fair, what is compassionate, what is good.

When it comes to public education and ensuring we are able to provide that opportunity to every boy and girl, would you agree how you vote might just say whose side you are on?

Some politicians never make us wonder whose side they are on. They just always understand the importance of public education to our society. Their importance cannot be overstated. They are the glue, the bedrock, they do not waiver as they hold and preserve this institution. They are truly on the side of the angels.

Take the Bossier School Board and the majority of our Caddo School Board, they both passed resolutions opposing Education Savings Accounts. These accounts will take public funding to create scholarships for private schools.

Bossier’s was unanimous and Caddo’s was a split vote.  We all must especially thank one Caddo board member, Barry Rachal, who was clearly on the side of the angels. While it was clear he felt he could face repercussions for his vote by his affiliated party, he sided with our public schools. He based his vote on the inequity of holding public schools to accountability standards while not demanding the same from private schools.

Caddo Parish School Board’s Adopted Resolution Against Education Savings Accounts.

When this came to the Legislature HB 745, we saw who sided with our public schools, our communities, our educators.  Larry Bagley refused to waiver, yield or bend.  Our only local legislators who stood up were Representative Bagley and our ever faithful servant, Representative Tammy Phelps.

Below is how our local legislators voted.

How our local legislators voted.

What happened to the rest?  We can guess on some, but on others the evidence is plain.  Take our newly elected legislator who took thousands upon thousands of dollars from a group who supported giving away public dollars to private schools. Her allegiance to them was more important as she literally voted to take dollars from her public schools in her district, her community and place them in scholarships for private schools. 

This is one page of her campaign report.

 Finally,  are we on the side of the angels? Did we vote for politicians who support us, who support our public schools? Or did we vote for the ones who are literally attempting to undermine the world of public education- Our World? Or did we not vote at all and just stayed home? Please find all of Red River United members on the side of the angels.