ACTION ALERT: Bossier Parish to Gut Dismissal Policy – BPSB Meeting this Thursday!
Bossier Parish to Gut Dismissal Policy – BPSB Meeting this Thursday!
Actions speak louder than words. On two separate occasions, you have expressed a willingness to take action and change policy/procedure to the benefit of your employees, but no action has been taken. We want to take you at your word. We want you to take action.
Red River United is asking all Bossier Parish employees to continue push the Bossier Parish School Board to take their suggestions seriously (Caddo can lend support to its sister Parish, too). Please come to the BPSB meeting this Thursday, March 6 at 6:00 PM at the BPSB office in Benton and put the pressure on the BPSB to follow through with their rhetoric of listening to their school employees with actual action on the issues.
Last year, members in Bossier Parish called Red River United and asked if there was anything we could do about asking the Bossier Parish School Board to give employees the OPTION of receiving a paycheck twice monthly. The OPTION of receiving your pay two times per month is something that new and transferred employees are looking for. Additionally, unexpected expenses (blown tires, emergency surgery, etc.) can quickly deplete a person’s savings. Knowing that a paycheck is coming soon can help navigate through a financial quagmire. Red River United is not pushing for anyone to change their pay schedule who does not want to. By request from our members, Red River United brought this request to the Bossier Parish School Board at the September 5, 2013 school board meeting. After hearing testimony from RRU members about twice monthly pay, the BPSB responded saying that they will send surveys to employees and look into the possibility of implementing the twice monthly pay option for the next school year. Well, it’s almost next school year and BPSB employees have seen no such survey nor have heard any more news on the topic from the BPSB since.
Are you really listening to us, Bossier Parish School Board?
In a BPSB Admin meeting on Tuesday, February 25, the BPSB indicated to Red River United that they would consider adding one more step to the dismissal policy. The suggestion was made by Jackie Lansdale, President of Red River United, based on lengthy experience navigating school board policies that already limit your ability to appeal wrongful terminations. Although they indicated that they would consider these suggestion but they made no moves to formally draft the new policy for a vote at the next board meeting.
We are asking for consistency. We are asking for transparency. We are asking for action. Join us at the next Bossier Parish School Board meeting, Thursday, March 6 at 6:00PM (BPSB Office in Benton).
Red River United Hosts Louisiana Coalition to Preserve Retirement Society Press Conference
RRU Hosts Press Conference – Louisiana Coalition to Preserve Retirement Security
On Thursday, February 26, 2014 Red River United, labor and community leaders called on their elected officials to protect retirement security. Click here to view the video of the press conference.
The group is part of the National Public Pension Coalition and called on Gov. Bobby Jindal and the Louisiana Legislature to stop future attacks on the modest retirement benefits of Louisiana teachers, firefighters, police officers and other public workers, who don’t receive social security. Last year Gov. Jindal’s effort to gut their defined benefit pensions was found unconstitutional by the Louisiana Supreme Court, who said it would drive up costs for taxpayers.
According to a new report from Louisiana Budget Project,<> retirement benefits of public employees are also a key economic driver in the state, representing 1.7 percent of all personal income.
If you care about maintaining your retirement benefits sign out “I am Committed” form and Red River United will keep you apprised of upcoming legislation and how you can get involved!
Check out the debate between Steve Monaghan and John White on Common Core standards!
Superintendent John White and Louisiana Federation of Teachers state president Steve Monaghan engaged in a lively debate over Common Core State Standards.
Superintendent of Education John White and Steve Monaghan, head of one of the state’s largest teachers unions, went head-to-head at a panel discussion on Common Core in Baton Rouge on Friday (Feb. 21).
While both were careful not to place blame on the other for hiccups in the implementation of the tougher education standards, or to speculate on causes of the lively debate around that process. But, both continued to urge others to see the issue from their perspective and frame their side of the argument as one that focuses on students and teachers, and not politics.
“We have an achievement gap in this state. We have an achievement gap in this state and we have an achievement gap with other states,” White told those assembled in the auditorium of at the Baton Rouge Community College’s Magnolia Performing Arts Center.
Pacing back and forth on the stage, White was visibly keyed up when discussing the need for Louisiana’s often poorly performing students to be encouraged harder to excel: “We have standards and we have standardized measurement because we want to ensure equality. We want to expose where there are inequities, and we want to solve it.”
Monaghan shot back in a long tirade against the program. While he said he wasn’t there to “bury Common Core,” he pointed to some teachers’ concerns with their unfamiliarity with the program and worries that students would under-perform in the face of the standards.
“I am president of the Louisiana Federation of Teachers and we support higher standards,” Monaghan said, “We do not support the reshuffling of the deck. We do not support creating it here and not there.”
Monaghan said the question he found “most disturbing” is “are we marching in the same direction we always have: high aspirational goals, but at the end of it there will be children there will be adults who will be damaged by the process that wasn’t really thought out?”
The panel was part of a three-day event called the Louisiana Leadership Summit, sponsored by BRCC, the Louisiana Legislative Black Caucus and advocacy group One Voice. State Rep. Patricia Haynes Smith, D-Baton Rouge, a strong advocate for Common Core, chaired the panel.
Monaghan said he and his colleagues in other teachers and school administrator groups are keen to work with White and the office of Gov. Bobby Jindal on the issue.
The LFT is currently still embroiled in a legal dispute with the Jindal administration on changes made in 2012 to the teacher tenure and local control laws and has been meeting with representatives from the governor’s office on how to fix the problem legislatively.
White said he disagreed with Monaghan’s characterization that there wasn’t enough public discussion on Common Core before the standards were implemented this past fall. He added he’s seen “incredibly inspiring things happening in the classroom” with regard to Common Core.
“I have faith that all of our teaches will get there, provided time.” He added he believed “a good school is a good school no matter what standards, and a struggling school is a struggling school.”
Monaghan, to applause, responded: “I agree a good school is a good school. But, there are communities that are dying in Louisiana and around this country.”
The Common Core State Standards and their affiliated tests will be a major focus during the 2014 legislative session, which begins March 10. A bill to opt Louisiana out of the affiliated tests have already been filed, while multiple lawmakers have indicated they will try to block or tweak the standards through legislation.
First Book February and Bookmark March
Be a part of the AFT’s First Book February and Bookmark March to promote literacy as a building block to educational equity! We are reclaiming the promise by giving away more than 250,000 free books across the country, encouraging others to register with First Book so they can have access to free and low-cost books every day, and raising funds for future literacy projects. Here’s how you can help:
If you work or volunteer in a school or program where 70 percent or more of the kids live in poverty, register with First Book today. Once registered, you will have immediate access to the First Book Marketplace, which offers more than 5,500 book titles—from bilingual books to SAT prep guides—at an average cost of $2.50. First Book also holds several book banks throughout the year where it distributes between 300,000 and 500,000 free books to registered members.
Don’t work with kids in need? You can still help by donating any amount toward getting books to kids. Just $10 gives four kids a brand-new book to take home. Make a tax-deductible donation here!
Join the thousands of AFT members and community partners who are reclaiming the promise by registering with and donating to First Book. Together, we have given more than 1 million books to our students and communities in need—but we are just getting started!
The Myth Behind Public School Failure- From YES! Magazine
The Myth Behind Public School Failure, by Dean Paton
Published on Saturday, February 22, 2014 by YES! Magazine
In the rush to privatize the country’s schools, corporations and politicians have decimated school budgets, replaced teaching with standardized testing, and placed the blame on teachers and students.
Until about 1980, America’s public schoolteachers were iconic everyday heroes painted with a kind of Norman Rockwell patina—generally respected because they helped most kids learn to read, write and successfully join society. Such teachers made possible at least the idea of a vibrant democracy.
Since then, what a turnaround: We’re now told, relentlessly, that bad-apple schoolteachers have wrecked K-12 education; that their unions keep legions of incompetent educators in classrooms; that part of the solution is more private charter schools; and that teachers as well as entire schools lack accountability, which can best be remedied by more and more standardized “bubble” tests.
What led to such an ignoble fall for teachers and schools? Did public education really become so irreversibly terrible in three decades? Is there so little that’s redeemable in today’s schoolhouses?
The beginning of “reform”
To truly understand how we came to believe our educational system is broken, we need a history lesson. Rewind to 1980—when Milton Friedman, the high priest of laissez-faire economics, partnered with PBS to produce a ten-part television series called Free to Choose. He devoted one episode to the idea of school vouchers, a plan to allow families what amounted to publicly funded scholarships so their children could leave the public schools and attend private ones.
You could make a strong argument that the current campaign against public schools started with that single TV episode. To make the case for vouchers, free-market conservatives, corporate strategists, and opportunistic politicians looked for any way to build a myth that public schools were failing, that teachers (and of course their unions) were at fault, and that the cure was vouchers and privatization.
Jonathan Kozol, the author and tireless advocate for public schools, called vouchers the “single worst, most dangerous idea to have entered education discourse in my adult life.”
Armed with Friedman’s ideas, President Reagan began calling for vouchers. In 1983, his National Commission on Excellence in Education issued “A Nation At Risk,” a report that declared, “the educational foundations of our society are presently being eroded by a rising tide of mediocrity that threatens our very future as a Nation and a people.”
It also said, “If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war.”
For a document that’s had such lasting impact, “A Nation At Risk” is remarkably free of facts and solid data. Not so the Sandia Report, a little-known follow-up study commissioned by Admiral James Watkins, Reagan’s secretary of energy; it discovered that the falling test scores which caused such an uproar were really a matter of an expansion in the number of students taking the tests. In truth, standardized-test scores were going up for every economic and ethnic segment of students—it’s just that, as more and more students began taking these tests over the 20-year period of the study, this more representative sample of America’s youth better reflected the true national average. It wasn’t a teacher problem. It was a statistical misread.
The government never officially released the Sandia Report. It languished in peer-review purgatory until the Journal of Educational Research published it in 1993. Despite its hyperbole (or perhaps because of it), “A Nation At Risk” became a timely cudgel for the larger privatization movement. With Reagan and Friedman, the Nobel-Prize-winning economist, preaching that salvation would come once most government services were turned over to private entrepreneurs, the privatizers began proselytizing to get government out of everything from the post office to the public schools.
Corporations recognized privatization as a euphemism for profits. “Our schools are failing” became the slogan for those who wanted public-treasury vouchers to move money into private schools. These cries continue today.
The era of accountability
In 2001, less than a year into the presidency of George W. Bush, the federal government enacted sweeping legislation called “No Child Left Behind.” Supporters described it as a new era of accountability—based on standardized testing. The act tied federal funding for public schools to student scores on standardized tests. It also guaranteed millions in profits to corporations such as Pearson PLC, the curriculum and testing juggernaut, which made more than $1 billion in 2012 selling textbooks and bubble tests.
In 2008, the economy collapsed. State budgets were eviscerated. Schools were desperate for funding. In 2009, President Obama and his Education Secretary, Arne Duncan, created a program they called “Race to the Top.”
It didn’t replace No Child Left Behind; it did step in with grants to individual states for their public schools. Obama and Duncan put desperate states in competition with each other. Who got the money was determined by several factors, including which states did the best job of improving the performance of failing schools—which, in practice, frequently means replacing public schools with for-profit charter schools—and by a measure of school success based on students’ standardized-test scores that allegedly measured “progress.”
Since 2001 and No Child Left Behind, the focus of education policy makers and corporate-funded reformers has been to insist on more testing—more ways to quantify and measure the kind of education our children are getting, as well as more ways to purportedly quantify and measure the effectiveness of teachers and schools.
For a dozen or so years, this “accountability movement” was pretty much the only game in town. It used questionable, even draconian, interpretations of standardized-test results to brand schools as failures, close them, and replace them with for-profit charter schools.
Finally, in early 2012, then-Texas Education Commissioner Robert Scott kindled a revolt of sorts, saying publicly that high-stakes exams are a “perversion.” His sentiments quickly spread to Texas school boards, whose resolution stating that tests were “strangling education” gained support from more than 875 school districts representing more than 4.4 million Texas public-school students. Similar, if smaller, resistance to testing percolated in other communities nationally.
Then, in January 2013, teachers at Seattle’s Garfield High School announced they would refuse to give their students the Measures of Academic Progress Test—the MAP test. Despite threats of retaliation by their district, they held steadfast. By May, the district caved, telling its high schools the test was no longer mandatory.
Garfield’s boycott triggered a nationwide backlash to the “reform” that began with Friedman and the privatizers in 1980. At last, Americans from coast to coast have begun redefining the problem for what it really is: not an education crisis but a manufactured catastrophe, a facet of what Naomi Klein calls “disaster capitalism.”
Look closely—you’ll recognize the formula: Underfund schools. Overcrowd classrooms. Mandate standardized tests sold by private-sector firms that “prove” these schools are failures. Blame teachers and their unions for awful test scores. In the bargain, weaken those unions, the largest labor organizations remaining in the United States. Push nonunion, profit-oriented charter schools as a solution.
If a Hurricane Katrina or a Great Recession comes along, all the better. Opportunities for plunder increase as schools go deeper into crisis, whether genuine or ginned up.
The reason for privatization
Chris Hedges, the former New York Times correspondent, appeared on Democracy Now! in 2012 and told host Amy Goodman the federal government spends some $600 billion a year on education—“and the corporations want it. That’s what’s happening.
And that comes through charter schools. It comes through standardized testing. And it comes through breaking teachers’ unions and essentially hiring temp workers, people who have very little skills.”
If you doubt Hedges, at least trust Rupert Murdoch, the media mogul and capitalist extraordinaire whose Amplify corporation already is growing at a 20 percent rate, thanks to its education contracts. “When it comes to K through 12 education,” Murdoch said in a November 2010 press release, “we see a $500 billion sector in the U.S. alone that is waiting desperately to be transformed by big breakthroughs that extend the reach of great teaching.”
Corporate-speak for, “Privatize the public schools. Now, please.”
In a land where the free market has near-religious status, that’s been the answer for a long time. And it’s always been the wrong answer. The problem with education is not bad teachers making little Johnny into a dolt. It’s about Johnny making big corporations a bundle—at the expense of the well-educated citizenry essential to democracy.
And, of course, it’s about the people and ideas now reclaiming and rejuvenating our public schools and how we all can join the uprising against the faux reformers.
National Voucher Bills Recently Introduced
A number of outrageous voucher bills were introduced over the past few weeks that could privatize the majority of our K-12 funds. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN.) and Rep. Luke Messer (R-IN.) introduced a bill, the Scholarships for Kids Act, that could turn 63 percent of federal education funding into private school vouchers. That’s all education funding except funds to subsidize school lunches, funds dedicated to serve students with disabilities, and funds for students attending schools on federally impacted land or military bases.
Then there is Sen. Tim Scott’s (R-SC) bill, the CHOICE Act. He wants to allow IDEA funds to be used for private school vouchers, give vouchers to students from military families, and expand the Washington, D.C., voucher program. These two bills together could turn essentially all federal education funding into vouchers.
Tell your Members of Congress to protect education funding and reject these two bills.
Allowing the majority of our education funding to flow to private schools would have a devastating effect on children living in poverty, who are the primary beneficiaries of these federal dollars. Studies prove vouchers do not help students and families: They do not improve student achievement, they deprive students of the rights public school students have, they threaten religious liberty by funding religious education, and they lack accountability to taxpayers.
Cashing In On Kids- Exposing For-Profit Education
Last week, in partnership with In the Public Interest, the AFT launched the website Cashing in on Kids—a one-stop shop for the facts about for-profit education in America.
While we are working to reclaim the promise of public education, these for-profit charters are cashing in on kids. Help us call them out. The site profiles five for-profit charter school operators: K12 Inc., Imagine Schools, White Hat Management, Academica and Charter Schools USA. It identifies several issues that need to be addressed in charter school policy, including public control, equity, transparency and accountability, and it analyzes the impact of profit-taking and privatization in charter schools, where student results are mixed and mismanagement is widespread.
Curious to see how Jeb Bush’s friends are cashing in on kids? Check it out.
We built this site because we want parents, educators and policymakers to be better informed about the impact of profit, money and private interests in education, particularly charter schools.
Modified Constitutions for Red River United, CFT, and BFT
Bossier Parish School Board: Listen To Your Employees
Dear Bossier Parish School Board,
Actions speak louder than words. On two separate occasions, you have expressed a willingness to take action and change policy/procedure to the benefit of your employees, but no action has been taken. We want to take you at your word. We want you to take action.
Red River United is asking all Bossier Parish employees to continue push the Bossier Parish School Board to take their suggestions seriously (Caddo can lend support to its sister Parish, too). Please come to the BPSB meeting this Thursday, March 6 at 6:00 PM at the BPSB office in Benton and put the pressure on the BPSB to follow through with their rhetoric of listening to their school employees with actual action on the issues.
Last year, members in Bossier Parish called Red River United and asked if there was anything we could do about asking the Bossier Parish School Board to give employees the OPTION of receiving a paycheck twice monthly. The OPTION of receiving your pay two times per month is something that new and transferred employees are looking for. Additionally, unexpected expenses (blown tires, emergency surgery, etc.) can quickly deplete a person’s savings. Knowing that a paycheck is coming soon can help navigate through a financial quagmire. Red River United is not pushing for anyone to change their pay schedule who does not want to. By request from our members, Red River United brought this request to the Bossier Parish School Board at the September 5, 2013 school board meeting. After hearing testimony from RRU members about twice monthly pay, the BPSB responded saying that they will send surveys to employees and look into the possibility of implementing the twice monthly pay option for the next school year. Well, it’s almost next school year and BPSB employees have seen no such survey nor have heard any more news on the topic from the BPSB since.
Are you really listening to us, Bossier Parish School Board? In a BPSB Admin meeting on Tuesday, February 25, the BPSB indicated to Red River United that they would consider adding one more step to the dismissal policy. The suggestion was made by Jackie Lansdale, President of Red River United, based on lengthy experience navigating school board policies that already limit your ability to appeal wrongful terminations. Although they indicated that they would consider these suggestion but they made no moves to formally draft the new policy for a vote at the next board meeting.
We are asking for consistency. We are asking for transparency. We are asking for action. Join us at the next Bossier Parish School Board meeting, Thursday, March 6 at 6:00PM (BPSB Office in Benton).