A Pay Raise for the State Superintendent but Nothing for You

Teachers and school employees have not received a permanent pay raise for the past two years and continue to remain below the Southern Regional Average. In fact, they have received only stipends, and we are being told that even the stipends will NOT be paid next year. Meanwhile, the State Superintendent is getting a $26,000 raise due to the progress made in Louisiana schools.

According to NOLA.com, “During a meeting Friday, the Joint Legislative Budget committee voted unanimously to renew State Superintendent of Education Cade Brumley’s contract and increase his yearly salary to $311,000 — a $26,000 pay raise.”

Citing state’s academic gains, lawmakers approve raise for Louisiana’s education chief

Who do we need to remind that Superintendent Brumley’s progress was actually made by YOU in the schoolhouses?

Why does he deserve more money, especially permanent monies, and you do not?

Why are you expected to continue to do more work for less money?

We truly do believe in paying people for their hard work, but why should he be the only one benefiting from YOUR HARD WORK?

AFT Professional Learning Opportunity for Members- Differentiating Instruction

Registration is now open for AFT members to enroll in the online module, Differentiating Instruction, running Oct. 17 to Nov. 18. You must register by Oct. 3 to save your spot.

Despite the fact that students learn at different rates and have different interests and levels of motivation, many instructors overlook these differences and treat students as if they are all alike. This online module will examine three differentiation models: Tomlinson’s tiered lessons, Conklin’s choice boards and Sternberg’s triarchic model.

The differentiation course, as with all of AFT’s training modules, is designed to foster:

  • Reflection on research;
  • Consideration of the research for application to classroom practice; and
  • Dialogue with other professionals as a way to expand professional knowledge.

This three-part Differentiating Instruction module takes about four hours to complete and is eligible for four hours of credit. If you are an AFT member and aren’t familiar with AFT eLearning, your first step is to create a free account.

In addition to the eLearning course, there will also be four virtual meetings held via Zoom. In order to participate in the course, you MUST attend the first meeting (separate registration link below). The additional meetings are eligible for extra

Guidance on 2024 Legislative Acts

Dear RRU Members,

Every year, the legislature passes new laws that impact educators. But this year we experienced an unprecedented number of laws – good and bad – that impact your daily activities at your schools. Because of the sheer volume of new laws, and the uncertainty surrounding how school boards are going to implement these laws, we, along with LFT, have come up with guidance for you.

Important: School districts have already begun the process of drafting and adopting policies to implement these laws. Since each school district has its own policies, the adaptation of these laws will vary. CONACT RED RIVER UNITED with any questions you may have.

Click the links below for more information as well as guidance.

ACT 115-Donation of Sick Leave to Other Employees

ACT 216- Child Abuse Reporting Law

ACT 311- Compensation for Work Beyond Prescribed Duties

ACT 311- Guidance for Members

ACT 313- Cell Phone Ban

ACT 315-School Employee Physical Contact Pay

ACT 400-Student Discipline: Behavior Prevents Orderly Instruction

ACT 400- “Cooling Off” Referral Form

ACT 676-Ten Commandments Law

ACT 680-Pronouns Law “The Given Names Act”

ACT 681-Prohibits Discussion of Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity

A Letter from the Red River United Executive Board

Dear Red River United Member,

For over ten years, professional dues deductions through the district’s payroll have been the target of some Louisiana Legislators. This year has certainly been no exception with over ten bills currently winding their way through the legislative process.  Consequently, the probability of harmful legislation passing is much stronger.  Legislation such as requiring you re-submit your membership form to Red River United, which could negatively impact your ability to be represented and ensure your liability insurance remains intact.

That is why the RRU Ex. Board met and decided that we will move away from payroll deduct and use our other processes.  It was a hard decision but a necessary one to protect all of us.

Our rationale:

  1. We spend time and money every year beating back these attacks. 
  2. We already have a system in place used by many members of the RRU.
  3.  This process will not only remove us from the harmful attacks, it allows us to continue bringing the same services and protections we have had since 1997.
  4. And most importantly, this is OUR decision, not a decision made by those who want to harm us.  We send a clear message that we are a movement of great people wanting to

Urgent Alert: Protect Your Payroll Deduction Rights – It’s About Us

Call Your Legislator NOW and tell them to KILL THESE BILLS
HB572, HB523, HB571, HB268, SB129, SB331, SB 292, HB712, SB264, SB263
Louisiana House: 225-342-6945
Louisiana Senate: 225-342-2040

Click Here for Names, Emails, and Direct Phone Numbers at the bottom of this page

Several legislative proposals currently threaten to eliminate professional dues deductions directly from your school district’s payroll. While similar deductions will continue for many other sectors, these changes could uniquely prevent you from conveniently managing your dues through payroll services.

Why is this happening in a Right-to-Work State, where joining or staying in an organization should strictly be a personal choice, free from coercion? It seems the legislative body aims to curtail this choice by proposing to strip away your ability to have dues automatically deducted from your paycheck. Their message is clear: they believe they should make decisions for you, not the other way around.

This is particularly concerning in districts without contracts, where your organization stands as your sole advocate and representative. Statistics confirm that employees who join organizations are more likely to remain


ON THE SIDE OF ANGELS – To be on the side of the angels means to make a conscious choice to do what is right, what is fair, what is compassionate, what is good.

When it comes to public education and ensuring we are able to provide that opportunity to every boy and girl, would you agree how you vote might just say whose side you are on?

Some politicians never make us wonder whose side they are on. They just always understand the importance of public education to our society. Their importance cannot be overstated. They are the glue, the bedrock, they do not waiver as they hold and preserve this institution. They are truly on the side of the angels.

Take the Bossier School Board and the majority of our Caddo School Board, they both passed resolutions opposing Education Savings Accounts. These accounts will take public funding to create scholarships for private schools.

Bossier’s was unanimous and Caddo’s was a split vote.  We all must especially thank one Caddo board member, Barry Rachal, who was clearly on the side of the angels. While it was clear he felt he could face repercussions for his vote by his affiliated party, he sided with

A Tale of a Tail

Once upon a time in the state of Louisiana, a dark cloud hovered over the Capitol in Baton Rouge causing teachers and school employees to face a terrible series of events beginning with the loss of tenure, pay, and professional rights. This caused many good people to leave and soon there were classrooms filled with students without certified teachers. On the other hand,  many of the people who stayed were forced to  work hours on end in second and third jobs just to support their families. With their pay lowered and rights stripped, all hope was lost.  

Several years later, there was hope on the horizon- pay raises for all!  While the amounts given were not enough to compete with other states in the region, teachers and school employees felt seen and respected.  It seemed that the ominous cloud was lifting and soon there would be sunshine.  

Just as teachers and school employees began to feel optimistic and more money was being promised with the surplus of funds in the state, the dark cloud returned and along with it, its elected legislators. Soon after, those Louisiana representatives used their swords to slice a proposed pay raise right out the budget.  Instead, they

Your Pay Raise in Jeopardy!

On Thursday, May 4, 2023, Louisiana representatives passed HB1 WITHOUT YOUR STATE PAY RAISE INCLUDED IN THE BUDGET.

It is very disappointing that 8 of the 72 YEAS were local representatives who know how badly our teachers and school employees in Bossier, Caddo, DeSoto, & Red River Parishes need the state pay increase!

5 of the 33 NAYS were local representatives of Bossier, Caddo, DeSoto, & Red River Parishes who did not wish to pass HB1 without budgeting for a state pay raise for teachers and school employees.

In summary:

YEAS = No pay raise in budget

NAYS= No budget without pay raise included

Thank you to the NAYS for voting on behalf of public education! See the attached Special Orders HB1 by Zerengue to see how our local representatives voted.  

Here are the FACTS:

• There is a surplus.

• The governor recommended a pay raise for both teachers and support personnel.

• Almost ALL the Legislators voted against your pay raise.

• Legislators instead voted to pay down the retirement and send that money to the local district for them to use that money for pay increases.

• Many of them have consistently attacked our professional rights, our pension/retirement plans, our tenure, and our pay- and they want us to TRUST THEM

AFL-CIO Scholarship Essay Winner- Gunnar Miller

Congratulations to Gunnar, son of our member Rachel, for being selected as this year’s scholarship winner for his essay on unions. We are so proud of him!

The Role of Unions in the American Economy Today

            There is no doubt about it, unions tend to get a bad rap. Mostly depending on which side of politics one tends to land, the conversations about unions can create a heated debate, with some saying that they are necessary and others claiming that they just desire to keep on their hands on the pursestrings of the government. It is no different in my family. Coming from a home in which my mom is a part of a union and other members of our extended family are not, it has sparked many discussions at Thanksgiving dinner. No matter what side of the debate you fall on, there is no denying the economical benefits of unions in today’s society, nor can one argue the impact that unions have had on the American worker, including my mom.

            Before one can understand the tremendous impact that unions have on the economy, we need to understand why unions even exist in the first place. Before the creation

DeSoto Parish March Meet-and-Greets

Red River United will be hosting a series of Meet-and-Greets in DeSoto Parish this month. We are beyond thrilled DeSoto is now under our umbrella, and we cannot wait to get to know and work with new members!

Join us at one of three meet-and-greets this March:

Wednesday, March 8th 4:30 – 5:30 P.M.Mansfield Library109 Crosby St. in Mansfield

Thursday, March 23rd4:30 – 5:30 P.M. Stonewall Library808 Hwy. 171 in Stonewall

Tuesday, March 28th4:30 – 5:30 P.M.Logansport Library203 Hwy. 5 in Logansport

CLICK HERE TO RSVP! https://forms.gle/RCaMupPcT1VECbY78

What is Red River United?

Red River United (RRU) is the largest organization in the state representing teachers and school personnel. We have over 3,000 members in Bossier, Caddo, and Red River andnow membership is open to DeSoto educators too.Unlike other organizations, RRU is made up of ONLY teachers and school support staff – principals and other administrators are not invited to join. That means you can be sure that RRU never has a conflict of interest when we’re representing you.Our organization is run by teachers and school personnel elected by the membership. Our officers and Executive Board are made up of active and retired educators from within the school district,

General Membership Meeting

Red River United will host a membership meeting on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 beginning at 5:00 PM via ZOOM.  Since we are meeting via ZOOM, we request for you to RSVP using this link in order to receive the ZOOM login credentials.

We will have updates relating to pay raises, your rights, and other public education topics. If you want to request a topic be added for discussion, please click here.

Or click here to RSVP.
Or click here to request a topic be added to the agenda.

Caddo Members: Please Take Action

The Caddo Parish School Board has started off the year on the wrong foot. At the first School Board meeting of the new year, First Vice President Don Little made a motion that intends to limit your voice and your ability to select the professional organization of your choice. Red River United, like any other teachers’ union or professional organization collects dues through payroll deduction. Many employees also elect to make charitable contributions through payroll deduction or to pay for their insurance or retirement plans through payroll deduction as well. It’s a convenient, long-standing practice that’s available to employees at no cost, in all school districts across the state. 
Mr. Little would like the Caddo Parish School Board to ask the Attorney General for permission to charge professional organizations, like Red River United, a fee for payroll deduction. He suggested that it costs the district $60,000-$70,000 to administer payroll deduction – a process as simple as making a note on a spreadsheet. Every district in the state manages to do this easily, at little-to-no cost. In fact, the cost, if any exists at all, has never been determined by any district. The only thing that has been determined is that the district

Caddo Parish School Board Endorsements

For a public education union, electing the right school board candidates for our members is extremely important. In Caddo, the stakes are even higher to elect the right people because we have voted as a body to petition the board for a union contract. We focus on policies and practices rather than political parties. Our question is and will always remain: What have you done or what are you willing to do for the teachers, school employees, and students of Caddo Parish?

Here was our process for endorsing candidates:
•First, the Committee on Political Education (COPE), made up of Red River United members and led by Bernard Friday, were charged to put together a questionnaire centered around the candidates position on a Collective Bargaining Contract as well as several other key issues impacting public school employees (pay, benefits, working conditions, job protections, etc.)
• Next, we sent the questionnaire to every single candidate for the Caddo Parish School Board in challenged races. This included districts 1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 11, & 12

.In order to be considered eligible for endorsement by Red River United, the candidate MUST RETURN the questionnaire. The following candidates returned the questionnaire:
1. John Albritton

2. Dottie Bell

3. Darrin Dixon

4. Jon Glover

5. Barbara

Pay Raises for Teachers and Staff

On Wednesday, April 23rd the House Education Committee considered and approved HCR 23(Harris), which is the legislative instrument for the Minimum Foundation Program. HCR 23 reflects the MFP exactly as it was proposed by BESE. It includes a $1,500 pay raise for certified personnel and $750 for classified staff. LFT Legislative Director Cynthia Posey testified before the committee, advocating for an increase to the proposed raise. When BESE submitted the MFP to the legislature, they also included a letter urging that a portion of  additional funds recognized by the Revenue Estimating Conference in early May be allocated for additional salary increases. Until the REC meets,  we do not know how much additional revenue will be recognized, but it is widely acknowledged that there will be funding available for additional pay increases. To increase the pay raise, the Legislature would have to vote to return the MFP to BESE so that BESE can amend it. BESE has already agreed to the increase, so the decision rests with the Legislature, and some are already pushing back against further increases, claiming there isn’t enough money to go around.

Click below to hear what RRU Ex. VP Jordan Thomas had to say about the proposed raises.


Yesterday, the Red River United took a stand to protect members who were excluded from the Caddo school district’s “Heroes Stipend.” While we support the district’s effort to reward employees who risked their lives during a global pandemic in order to serve their students’ needs, the district’s criteria regarding who could qualify for this stipend was overly restrictive. Too many deserving people were excluded from receiving the stipend. Even more upsetting, those that were excluded appear to be disproportionately women, older employees, and those with a physical condition or handicap.

After weeks of trying to negotiate with the district, warning them about the potential impact of this decision, and imploring them to expand the stipend to more people, it was clear that our concerns had fallen on deaf ears. The Caddo School Board and Superintendent were steadfast in their decision to exclude hard working, deserving heroes from their “Heroes stipend.”

Left with no other choice, yesterday Red River United filed a lawsuit asking the court to force the school district to expand the stipend to more employees. We believe that the court will see that the manner in which the district planned to allocate the stipend is discriminatory towards women and

Why Should ALL Caddo Employees Receive the Hero Supplement?

From a Twenty-Seven-Year Long Servant of Caddo School Children:

Dear Caddo Parish School Board Member,

I do not need a lot of money or to be hailed as a hero- those types of things are not why I started teaching over forty years ago.  However, being appreciated by my Caddo family is important to me.  I never thought I would live during a pandemic and have to make hardchoices to not only protect myself, but to also do the right thing to help my students.  This Fall, knowing how vulnerable someone like I was if they contracted COVID and face with my documented underlying medical condition, I became very anxious about going back to school.  How was I going to stay reasonably safe and still honor the commitment I had made to my students?

After conferring with my family and two of my doctors, I decided to use sick leave days while a substitute was hired to in my room in my absence.  During the time I was not on campus, I attendedprofessional development, prepared daily lessons, studied how to use the new Canvas system, zoomed daily to teach my lessons, and worked on campus on Fridays when students were not present.  I was not an “absent” teacher! 

This has been a very difficult year

Why Should ALL Caddo Employees Receive the Hero Supplement?

From a Concerned Teacher Facing Loss and Recovery:

Dear Caddo Parish School Board Member,

I am one of your employees who has continually demonstrated my commitment to the boys and girls of Caddo. I am writing to express my concern regarding the one-time supplement of $1,000 you have on your agenda for March 23rd. While this amount is far less than other districts, we are further jointly insulted that you are voting to leave employees out who missed too many days for various reasons.

In October, I watched my mother, who was a faithful substitute teacher in Caddo Parish Public Schools for over 20 years, battle and succumb to cancer during a pandemic. After saying goodbye to my mother, I was diagnosed with COVID.  After overcoming COVID, my doctor informed me I needed to have a major surgery.

I have worked for Caddo for 13 years, and to know I am being excluded because I chose to mourn the death of my mother and have lifesaving surgery makes me feel like I am not valued as an employee or a person. Why should I be penalized for circumstances that were not under my control?  How can you tell me I am important and

Why Should ALL Caddo Employees Receive the Hero Pay Supplement?

From a Caddo Teacher and Expecting Father:

Dear Caddo Parish School Board Member,

I am writing to you in regards to the $1000.00 Hero Supplement for the 2020-2021 school year. I would first like to say that I very much appreciate the recognition for our hard work through these unprecedented times. However, I feel that the supplement amount is far too small, especially when compared to nearby districts. Furthermore, I feel that it is unjust to exclude teachers and staff who have worked tirelessly for the boys and girls of this district because they missed days of work due to extenuating circumstances.

My wife is expected to give birth via a cesarean to our second child in mid-April of this year. I will find myself in a Sophie’s Choice next month between choosing to stay home to care for my wife and children or return to work to ensure I receive the supplement that will aid in covering hospital bills. It is a crying shame that I have to decide between these two things at all. 

I feel as though Caddo teachers are being punished for missing days for justifiable reasons. It is undoubtedly disparaging and discouraging to all of us, and I believe many amazing

Why Should ALL Caddo Employees Receive the Hero Supplement?

From a Concerned Caddo Parish Teacher and Grieving Mom:

Dear Caddo Parish School Board Member,

I am one of your employees who has continually demonstrated my commitment to the boys and girls of Caddo. I am writing to express my concern regarding the one-time supplement of $1,000 you have on your agenda for March 23rd. While this amount is far less than other districts, we are further jointly insulted that you are voting to leave employees out who missed too many days for various reasons.

In early September, I watched my only son take his last breath while fighting a horrible genetic terminal illness during a pandemic. I have worked for Caddo for 14 years and to know I am being excluded because I chose to mourn the death of my child makes me feel worthless, and honestly I am considering leaving Caddo for the lack of humanity they have for their employees.

How can you say you care for students when you don’t have enough humanity to care for employees? Have you really thought this through? What is the point in this vote anyway? To save money now?

What happens down the road when your loyal teachers leave because you failed

Why should ALL Caddo employees receive the Hero Pay Supplement?


I appreciate that Caddo employees are receiving much deserved recognition and being thanked for their hard work during this school year. It has without a doubt been a challenging year, and educators have worked so hard to conquer the challenges for their students.

If I had not chosen to return to school during the pandemic or if I had taken a leave of some sort just to get out of teaching during this difficult time, I would not mind being excluded from the Hazard Pay/Heroes Supplement. However, I chose to return to work in August while I was five months pregnant. I had many concerns about returning because I had taken quarantine very seriously and not been around others at all up until the school year began. But I made the decision to return to work, be very careful, and remain dedicated to the education of my students.

I prepared all of the lessons and materials for my students and my sub before my maternity leave. I made sure everything was ready and accessible on canvas so that my sub, who had no Canvas training, would not have a difficult time utilizing that

The Second Special Session

Week Two


This week we conclude the second week in the ongoing Special Legislative Session, bringing us to nearly the half way point. Due to the oncoming Hurricane Delta, some meetings were moved up until earlier in the week, most notably both the House Education and Senate Education Committees conducted their weekly meetings at the same time on Wednesday morning. They both considered important legislation, but here are some of the highlights:

>> House Bill 16 by Rep. Frieman came before the House Education Committee. In its original form, this legislation could have undone our work over the summer (in Act 9 by Rep. Mincey) to institute minimum COVID-19 safety standards in schools, as laid out by BESE.

Fortunately, LFT was able to work to get the bill amended on Wednesday, and it will no longer take away the safety standards in place to protect our students and school staff. Thank you to Rep. Jefferson for his pointed questions, Rep. Hilferty for her amendment, and everyone who worked together to ensure our kids’ safety is the #1 priority!

You can watch the 33-minute discussion on our Facebook page.

>> Senate Bill 31 by Sen. Fields successfully passed out of

Caddo Update

Caddo announced students in grades 6-8 will have the option of returning to schools Monday-Thursday with a virtual Friday or attend school 100% virtually beginning Monday, October 5th. Virtual Fridays are going to be crucial for teachers and staff to not only ensure all learners have access to their assignments, but to also provide teachers with a time to conduct one on ones with students, parent conferences, and whatever else may be needed to support the instructional needs of all learners. A survey will be sent out to parents beginning tomorrow to determine what schools will need to be prepared to provide as far as instruction, food, and nutrition. High school students will begin receiving the same survey after middle school students have already been phased in.
Caddo Parish stated that masks will still be mandated in classrooms for all students grades 3 and up, and will be required for all students on buses. Social distancing will still be in effect, and more hand sanitizers, soap, and cleaning supplies will be available. Principals should be able to assist teachers with requesting these items. If you are having

Still Working

During this time of school closure, Red River United is here for you. We are working to ensure you are treated fairly and that your voice is still heard even though you’re not currently in the schoolhouse. If you need us or have a concern, we will answer your call anytime of the day. You can also message us directly on Facebook. We’ve always had your back and we still do. Let’s all work for the common good. We are stronger together. We are Red River United 318-424-4579 redriverunited@redriverunited.org

RRU president outlines Bossier school pay raise benefits

IMG_2233Follow this link for KTBS 3’s story on the Bossier Parish school tax election:


Red River United President Jackie Lansdale is sharing details about how proposed Bossier Parish school employee pay raises could benefit the community and economy.

Lansdale warns that experienced teachers could leave the Bossier school system if voters turn down the taxes that would support the raises. Those millages are on the May 4 ballot.

RRU president stands behind Bossier school pay raises

IMG_2231Red River United President Jackie Lansdale is making the case for new Bossier Parish millages to pay for teacher and school support employee raises.

On Wednesday, Lansdale talked to KEEL radio’s Robert J. Wright and Erin McCarty about the raises — $7,200 for teachers and $3,000 for support employees — explaining how higher pay helps improve students’ success in school and life and how the raises could support one of the fastest-growing communities in Louisiana.


Calling Bossier teachers: help get out the early vote!

early voting school spirit

Bossier voters have a chance to help Bossier Parish public schools get an “A” grade! Locally funded school empoyee raises — $7,200 for teachers and $3,000 for support workers — are up for a vote May 4. Early voting is April 20 and April 22-27. The Bossier Education Coalition is planning three early voting drives so teachers can show the community why these raises matter. Join them and make your voice heard!

Just the facts: Caddo Parish 2019 millage vote

Millage-2 FULL PAGECaddo Parish voters have a chance to ensure the safety and comfort of students and employees for years to come! Get the facts about the 2019 millage election in this video.


Early voting is April 20 and April 22-27 from 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. at the Caddo Parish Registrar of Voters Office, 525 Marshall St., Suite 103, in downtown Shreveport. Don’t be left out! Make your voice heard!

Upcoming RRU Election Information

voting clip art

It’s time to choose your Red River United leaders!

In accordance with the Red River United Constitution, the RRU Election/Nomination Committee met and established the following rules:


  1. Nominations are now open for the following positions –

Each of the three Federations, Caddo, Bossier and Red River Parish, will elect the following seven offices per Federation.


Ex. Vice President

Vice President of Certified

Vice President of Classified





All members of the three federations and members at large will collectively elect:

RRU President (may not serve on the executive board of any of the three Federations)

RRU Executive Vice President

RRU Secretary/Treasurer


  1. A member in good standing and in accordance with the RRU Constitution, may be elected by slate or by filing a petition of nomination signed by at least 10 members in good standing from the candidate’s Federation.


  1. Nominations will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. May 1. No nominations will be taken from the floor.



  1. Post Office Box is secured by the Nomination/Election Committee
  2. Ballots are printed and mailed to each member in good standing.
  3. Ballots must be returned in the enclosed postage paid envelope addressed to the P.O. Box.
  4. Ballots will be removed and counted by the Election/Nomination Committee by end of the day,

Bossier City firefighters support school employee raises

Bossier firefighters local

Bossier City firefighters are standing with Bossier Parish teachers and school support employees on new taxes to support school employee raises.

The Bossier City Fire Fighters Association has voted to support the property tax increases that would provide the raises and help the school system put more high-tech equipment in the hands of students, according to association President Matt Lauterbach.

On May 4, Bossier Parish residents will vote on a 22.94-mill property tax to fund the raises — $3,000 for support employees and $7,200 for teachers. A 3.22-million tax for technology improvements is also on the ballot.

It’s not too late to register in this critical election! Go online to the Secretary of State’s Geaux Vote website and sign up to vote.

Early voting is April 20-27 (except Sunday, Apr. 21) from 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. at the Registrar of Voters offices in Bossier Parish.


Don’t be left out — register to vote!

voter registration

On May 4, you have a chance to help public education — so register to vote NOW if you aren’t already registered. Voters in Bossier and Caddo parishes have a chance to reinvest in our children through bond and tax proposals that will support school and community improvement. Don’t miss a chance to make YOUR voice heard!

YOU can help Bossier Parish recruit and retain highly qualified teachers and support employees. Bossier is asking residents to approve a 22.94-mill tax increase to fund raises — $3,000 for support employees and 7,200 for teachers — and a 3.22-mill tax to improve technology so students can be prepared for high-tech careers.

YOU can help Caddo Parish provide a safer, more comfortable learning environment WITHOUT RAISING TAXES. Caddo is asking voters to approve $88.3 million in bonds to increase campus security; replace failing heating and air conditioning systems around the district; and buy new buses to replace an aging fleet that puts students and employees at risk when buses break down. Existing millages will cover the bond repayment.


April 3 is the voter registration deadline for the May 4 elections.

Early voting is April 20-27 (except

BESE approves school employee pay raise plan

Proposed teacher and support staff pay raises are headed to the Legislature.

This morning, BESE members unanimously approved the proposal — $1,000 for teachers and $500 for support employees – in roll-call vote designed to show unwavering support for the raises.

Gov. John Bel Edwards calls the proposal “a good faith down payment” on a plan to bring Louisiana’s teacher pay in line with the Southern regional average for teacher salaries. Regional and national average teacher salaries are more than $1,000 higher than Louisiana’s average pay.

Edwards has said the raises are his number one priority going into the 2019 legislative session.Tuesday, he urged members of BESE’s Administration and Finance Committee to approve the raises and the per-pupil funding increased needed to cover the cost.

Today, BESE also approved a request to increase MFP by 1.375 percent this year to fund those raises and provide more money for classroom materials and supplies. Louisiana hasn’t put any additional money into the per-pupil funding formula since 2009, says Louisiana Federation of Teachers President Larry Carter.

We already know there’s opposition to these raises! Tell us how you can help us get them passed: https://goo.gl/forms/zCArTYiZle5oGHVh2

Red River United Membership Meeting- 3/13/2019

Who: Red River United members

What: membership meeting

Where: Red River United- 1726 Line Ave.

When: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 at 5:00 PM

Why: elections, bonds, and pay raises


1. Call to Order
2. Prayer/Pledge
3. Secretary/Treasurer Report
4. 2019 – 2022 RRU Election- Nomination/Election Committee Approval
5. State Pay Raise Update
6. Caddo and Bossier Bond Initiatives Update
7. Staff Reports
8. President’s Report
9. Q and A.
10. Adjournment

Red River United’s 2019 New Year’s Resolutions


The Red River United resolves to continue to advocate through the district and the court system to ensure NO EDUCATOR is penalized by the VALUE-ADDED MODEL.

The Red River United resolves to continue to advocate through the district and the courts to ensure all educators receive their STIPENDS/INCENTIVE PAY as outlined in the agreement between Caddo and the Louisiana Department of Education.


The Red River United resolves to work for the SOMETHING BIG coming to Bossier employees this spring. We will be at the

TAP Payouts and Incentive Issues

We have been informed that TAP payouts for transformation schools will be paid on

December 19, 2018.  There is no set date for any of the other incentives monies except

 that they hope to issue them BEFORE December 19, 2018.

If you do not receive TAP or incentive monies you believe are owed, please click on the link below in order for Red River United to best serve you.

Click here to report your issue!

Membership Meeting

Full Membership Meeting

Monday, October 29, 2018

5:00-6:00 PM

Red River United Office

1726 Line Ave., Shreveport, LA 71101


Early Voting

Early Voting: Tuesday, October 23, 2018 – Tuesday, October 30, 2018

8:30 a.m. -6:00 p.m.

Election Day – Tuesday, November 6, 2018

6:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.



(Closed Sunday, October 28, 2018)





(*limited hours)




DeSoto Registrar of Voters- 105 FRANKLIN ST -MANSFIELD, LA 71052 – 318-872-1149




(*limited hours)


Caddo Parish
Mayor City of Shreveport                                                       Ollie Tyler – Endorsed
City Council
City Council – District A                         


RRU’s General Membership Meeting has been rescheduled for Wednesday, March 7, 2018 at 5:00 PM due to the threat of inclement weather on Wednesday, February 28, 2018.

Red River United Winter Newsletter



RRU and the CAE, in conjunction with the CPSB, sponsored a reception for the newly tenured teachers.   38 teachers (majority RRU members) in Caddo met the target for tenure by being deemed Highly Effective for the past five years. As far as we know, Caddo is the only district to recognize this accomplishment.    It was our pleasure to present each teacher with a Tenured Caddo pin.  We look forward to making this an annual event.


The biggest mistake of my professional career was dropping my membership in a Louisiana Federation of Teachers affiliate and joining A+PEL. I was led to believe by A+ PEL representatives that they were more familiar with local schools than the union. That was false.

I made that decision thinking I would never be accused of wrongdoing. I believe I am a great employee who follows all the rules and meets all expectations. Nevertheless, an incident occurred that threatened me with the loss of my career. Shockingly, A+PEL discouraged me from pursuing the issue.

I am so grateful that the executive board of the local Federation  voted to grant my appeal to rejoin and

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Full Membership Meeting and Convention Delegates

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

The RRU Executive Board calls the Fall Membership Meeting for Thursday, September 28th5-6pm at the RRU office, 1726 Line Ave.
As a part of the agenda, we will elect delegates to the annual Louisiana Federation of Teachers/School Employees which will take place November 18-20th at the Shreveport Convention Center.  The Red River United is the host local of the 53rd LFT Convention – “IT’S UP TO US!’
Based on the RRU membership, we are eligible to elect and seat 79 delegates. If you are interested in serving as a delegate, please submit your name to the RRU office by the close of the day September 25th The RRU Nominations Committee will certify all eligible delegates.  The election of the delegates will take place at the Membership Meeting on September 28th.  The delegates will be elected by secret ballot and you must be present to accept the nomination.
As a delegate, you represent your local.  You attend all meetings and workshops and vote in behalf of the interest of your organization. The Red River United will pay your delegate fee which includes lunch and the

Technology Training- Google Classroom Basics and Google Drive and Apps

We are offering two mini-sessions of technology training.  You can attend one or both- it’s entirely up to you!  Simply email jthomas@redriverunited.org to reserve your seat. Both sessions will be offered at our office.

Red River United

1726 Line Ave.

Shreveport, LA 71101


Tuesday, September 19, 4:00-5:00 PM

Google Classroom Basics – Have you ever wanted a place online where your students could collaborate and submit? Also, a place where you had control to comment and grade their work all in one place? Well, Google Classroom is what you have been looking for! Come learn how to get started with Google Classroom and all of the wonderful things you can do with it!

Tuesday, September 26, 4:00-5:00 PM

Google Drive & Apps – Google Drive is an extensive resource that has many uses. Come to this session to learn how to use Drive for storage, for collaboration, for sharing, and so much more! You didn’t know Drive could do this much!

TAP Training for Caddo Teachers

On Thursday, August 3rd from 2:00-5:00 PM, Red River United will host a TAP Training for all Caddo teachers at our office on Line Avenue.

Dr. Bridgette Brown, Caddo Parish’s District Executive Master Teacher, will cover the ins and outs of the TAP rubric and what teachers should expect for observations for the 2017-2018 school year.

Please RSVP by calling our office at 318-424-4579 or by emailing Jordan Thomas at jthomas@redriverunited.org.


Who: All Caddo teachers

What: TAP Training

Where: 1726 Line Ave., Shreveport, LA 71101

When: Thursday, August 3rd from 2:00-5:00 PM

Why: All teachers will be evaluated using the TAP Instructional Rubric beginning THIS school year, and we hope to ensure everyone is informed and ready!

RRU Professional Learning Opportunities

July 25- Culturally Responsive Teaching 

9:00 AM- 1:45 PM

July 28- Worksite Team Leader Training

10:00 AM-12:00 PM OR 1:00 PM-3:00 PM

August 1- Worksite Team Leader Training

10:00 AM-12:00 PM OR 1:00 PM-3:00 PM

August 3- TAP Training

9:00 AM- 12:00 PM

August 26- Know Your Rights: Student Learning Targets

9:00 AM- 11:00 AM

September 9- Know Your Rights: Observations

9:00 AM- 11:00 AM

All professional learning opportunities will take place at our local office.

1726 Line Avenue

Shreveport, LA 71101


A Letter to Teachers from Our LFT President

Dear Teachers,

I want to send a heartfelt thank you for the hard work you do every day. Rain or shine, you all show up in more ways than one. You’re tasked with the most rewarding and challenging jobs: educating the next generation of teachers, doctors, professional athletes, scientists, CEOs, movie stars, and perhaps even a future senator or president! For many students you are more than just their teacher; you’re their confidant, the person they turn to and trust when they need help or when they are scared.

When I became President of the Louisiana Federation of Teachers (LFT), I made it my mission to challenge myself to engage with teachers across the state. Already I have visited 8 locals/parishes, and sat down with local leaders and teachers at their monthly meetings, their back to school events, and committee meetings. I’ve heard first hand some of the issues you are facing in your schools and parishes and I am committed to making things better. Already I have been able to bring back some of what I heard to the LFT executive council and to legislators at the Capitol. I want to help come up with solutions that work for you.

The school

To All Affiliated and Unaffiliated Local Unions Officers and Delegates:


There are only (3) days left to vote early for the April 29, 2017 Millage Renewals and Rededication Special Election

Please note these are renewals of existing millages, not increases in

millage rates.  We can accomplish our goals if we continue to maintain a united front when voting.

Please vote Yes on Saturday, April 29, 2017 if you are not able to vote early.


Please encourage your membership to participate in the early voting process.


Early Voting for the April 29th Election

Thursday, April 20th, Friday, April 21st, and  Saturday April 22nd – 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.



Early Voting is at the Registrar of Voters Office, 525 Marshall Street, Suite 103, in downtown Shreveport across from the courthouse.


Tell your family and friends that we need their support and urge them to vote early. 


Reminder:  Take your photo identification with you to the polls. 

Red River United In the News with a Pay Raise Update

5% pay raise across the board for all Caddo employees.  No insurance price increases. no reduction in force, and both active and retired employee organizations are in agreement.

However, while it appears the board will vote in our favor,  this is not a done deal.  The CPSB will vote on Tuesday, May 16th.  Be on the lookout for an invite to our prayer vigil on Wednesday, May 10th.

Red River United Pay Raise Update- President Jackie Lansdale on Channel 6


Media Advisory for Caddo Parish Pay raise

April 7, 2017

For more information contact Jackie Lansdale at jlansdale@redriverunited.org (318) 518-4581

Representatives of Caddo Retired Teacher’s Association, Caddo -Bossier Retired Teacher’s Association, Red River United, Caddo Association of Educators and APEL have met with the CPSB staff to discuss options for both funding employee pay raises and maintaining competitive benefits for both active and retired members. We came up with joint recommendations that will be presented to Dr. Goree to consider presenting to the Board Insurance/ Finance Committee in the upcoming budget work session. We are pleased with the mutual agreement of all groups represented. Details to follow.

Let’s REMEMBER How THEY Voted When THEY Ask for OUR Vote!

With the 2017 special session coming to an end by midnight this Wednesday, February 22, the Louisiana legislature is racing to determine how much of the Budget Stabilization Fund (Rainy Day) will be used and to determine what cuts we will face in order to balance the budget.

Governor Edwards hoped to allocate 1/3 or 119,000,000 of the Budget Stabilization Fund (Rainy Day).  At this point, the senate has agreed to allow at least $99,000,000 to be used to balance our budget. On the house side, as it stands now, HB3 will cut education with reductions in state activities by $7,000,000 and subgrantee assistance by $1,750,000.

We have  our champions and our foes in Baton Rouge. Representative Pat Smith offered an amendment that would have eliminated K-12 education from the budget cuts, however, it was voted down with nay votes coming from local legislators LARRY BAGLEY, DODIE HORTON, THOMAS CARMODY, and ALAN SEABAUGH. With these votes, it’s easy for one to question WHOSE SIDE THEY ARE ON.

The same amendment was offered and passed on the Senate floor with only one nay vote coming from local Senator JOHN MILKOVICH . Senator MILKOVICH  offered an amendment of his

An Ode to Public Education

Thank you to the teachers and school employees of Bossier, Caddo, and Red River Parishes for contributing to our ode to public education!

“An Ode to Public Education” 

By Red River United

Oh, public education!

You are the greatest hope for our future.

You are an equalizer and a promise.

Thank you for giving our boys and girls an opportunity for greatness.

Oh, public education, we love you!

Click here to see our ode to public education!

Upcoming TRSL and Social Security Workshops

TRSL & Social Security

This workshop is open to all members and covers the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO) associated with Social Security benefits. A TRSL representative will also address retirement eligibility and how a TRSL benefit is calculated.

Approximate time length: 2 hours (Also available as a 30-minute Member Webinar) located here –https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/8612028556296065539

Register for these dates/locations here – https://www.trsl.org/main/events?cid=7870


TRSL & Social Security – Lafayette Parish

April 25 at 4:30 p.m.

Clifton Chenier Center Auditorium (Bldg. C)

220 West Willow Street, Lafayette


TRSL & Social Security – Lafourche Parish

May 17 at 4:30 p.m.

Central Lafourche HS Library

4820 Highway 1, Raceland

We are ALL IN!

Yes, we do!  Red River United stands up for our schools, students, teachers and staff, and community.

Below are two resolutions created and presented by Red River United, and ultimately adopted by the American Federation of Teachers for the purpose of new legislation.

Resolution 1:

The Healthy Student- Student Recess Time

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, recess is a crucial and necessary component of child development; benefiting children emotionally, socially, physically, and academically.

Resolved: Recess is to be a designated component of the curriculum and be no less than 30 minutes per day.

Resolution 2:

The Healthy Student- Mandatory Minimum of 25 Minutes Seated Lunch Time

Over 50% of students nationwide are either on free or reduced lunch, but there is no mandate designating the amount of time a student is to receive to eat.  Studies show students consume more fruits and vegetables if they are given at least 25 minutes of seated lunch time.

Resolved:  There should be legislative action ensuring all students receive a minimum of 25 minutes of seated lunch time per day.

Let’s REMEMBER How THEY Voted When They Ask for OUR Vote!


Voted “yes”

Vice President Mike Pence
Steve Daines Mont.
John Thune S.D.
Ron Johnson Wis.
Richard M. Burr N.C.

Our Budget is Broken- Tell Lawmakers to Use the State’s Rainy Day Fund!

A smart budget choice:

Tell lawmakers to use the state’s Rainy Day Fund!

Our state is facing a mid-year budget crisis. Revenues are $304 million short of what is needed for a balanced budget. By law, this must be corrected before the 2016-17 fiscal year ends on June 30.

Gov. John Bel Edwards is calling a special session for February 13-22, giving legislators and the public an opportunity to weigh in on the important choices that must be made.

The governor’s plan, released on February 6, does not call for new taxes, but would allow increases to some fees to be determined by the legislature.

He proposes spending $119 million from the state’s $359 million “rainy day fund” to help balance the budget. That is a savings account funded with mineral revenues. It exists to help stabilize the budget during tough financial times – like this one.

The remaining cuts would still be painful, the governor said, but not as bad. His plan would preserve public education, family services and the department of corrections.

Click here to

Valentine’s Day Crafts and Games

Red River United is hosting a Valentine’s Day Crafts and Games Saturday at our office on Line Ave.  

The event will take place on Saturday, February 11th from 10:00-11:30 AM.  It is intended for children grades 1st-5th, and it is open to members and non-members.  Use the link below to reserve your child’s spot today.  

You won’t want to miss out on this LOVELY event!

Click here to reserve your child’s spot

Stress Management in the Classroom Through Essential Oils, Yoga, and Mindfulness

Are you stressed out with all of the demands of the classroom?  If you answered yes, then you won’t want to miss this!  Join us Thursday, November 18th from 4:30-6:00 at Red River United for a stress management session.

We will learn about the benefits of using Young Living Essential Oils for managing stress and overall health as well as participate in a yoga and mindfulness session created just for educators.

Click here to reserve your spot today!


The Louisiana Federation of Teachers urges its members to consider these candidates and issues to be decided on November 8.

Candidates and issues supported by the Louisiana Federation of Teachers


LFT recommends former teacher, legislator and Public Service Commissioner Foster Campbell Campbell, who taught in Plain Dealing Louisiana, authored legislation to create the Louisiana Educational Excellence Fund using proceeds from a law suit settlement, an endowment that today contains more than $1 billion to finance public K-12 education across Louisiana. Campbell modeled that fund off of one he started in Bossier Parish which now has more than $45 million. He will be public education’s best friend in the U.S. Senate.

U.S. House of Representatives:

In District 2, which covers the City of New Orleans and stretches up the Mississippi River to include part of North Baton Rouge, LFT recommends the incumbent, Representative Cedric Richmond, a Democrat. Congressman Richmond has been a steady and reliable friend of public education through 11 years in the Louisiana Legislature and since his first election to Congress in 2010. As a member of the Homeland Security committee, he is an important voice for coastal Louisiana through oversight of the Federal Emergency Management Authority.

In District 3, which

Walk-In for Public Education

Red River United, Keithville Elementary/Middle, South Highlands Elementary Magnet, and Fair Park College Prep participated in The Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools’ Walk-In for Public Education. We had a blast showing our support for public education in Caddo Parish where the promise of public education is given to every student! Check out our video  to see what a walk-in is all about!

General Membership Meeting

General Membership Meeting

Tuesday, October 25th


Red River United Office

1726 Line Ave.

Shreveport, LA 71101

Phone: 318-424-4579

Email: redriverunited@redriverunited.org

Upcoming Professional Learning- Saturday, October 8th


Saturday, October 8th

Teachers9:00-11:00 am

Join us as we discuss how to implement and manage progress monitoring and response to intervention (RTI) in your classroom.  Esther Otu, Walnut Hill Teacher and Reading Specialist, will present strategies and techniques you can implement in your classroom immediately.  This session is open to members and nonmembers at our office 1726 Line Ave., Shreveport, 71101. Contact Jordan Thomas at 318-423-9423 orjthomas@redriverunited.org  for any questions or usehttp://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090c4caaaf2ba0ff2-progress to reserve your spot today!

Bus Drivers and Aides12:00-1:00pm

Managing a safe and orderly bus is essential for drivers and aides.  Leola Scott, a longtime Caddo driver, will present strategies to effectively manage a bus.  This session is open to members and nonmembers at our office 1726 Line Ave., Shreveport, 71101.  Contact Phyllis Mason at 318-424-4579 or pmason@redriverunited.org to reserve your spot today!

Let’s Talk Money Part 2

In the last newsletter, we wrote about the need for salary increases in both Bossier and Caddo, two districts at the bottom of the salary rank.

In case if you in need with financial help you have to find a good financial and debt advisor, like this milwaukee lawyer, who will be able to answer all your questions on a high professional way.

– We actually thought Red River Parish was not a district in need of immediate assistance in the salary ranking as they hold the status as the highest new teacher pay in the region. But just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water (a little Jaws humor), we find out the teachers and staff are looking at a pay reduction! The taxing structure allowing Red River Parish to have the highest new teacher salaries in the region, is being manipulated to lower employee stipends. OUCH!!!

BOSSIER PARISH – You may remember in the last newsletter, Bossier Parish was saved from being the bottom in new teacher pay only because Caddo pays less. This is being

Press Release: Walk-In for Public Education

Press Release
For Immediate Release
Contact:  Jackie Lansdale, President of Red River United
We are not walking out, but walking in! The Red River United, in conjunction with three Caddo Schools, will participate in a national “Walk-In” for Public Education on Thursday, October 6, 2016
Before the first bell rings, we will join with teachers, staff, students, parents and community to celebrate public education in Caddo Parish.
We will begin at 7:20 am at Keithville Elementary/Middle School, a K-8 neighborhood school with a bio-med magnet component.
Our next celebration will be at South Highlands Elementary School, a nationally ranked magnet elementary school, at 8:15 am.
Our final celebration will be at 8:45 am at Fair Park High School, a neighborhood school recognized by the state as a top performer in school performance score growth and improved graduation rates.
Please join us as we celebrate The Promise of Public Education for ALL children in Caddo Parish Public Schools.  

If stagnant salaries and more and more job requirements are not enough, the Caddo Board is poised to add insult to injury  by increasing employee insurance cost by 5%! This item will be voted on by the board on September 20th at 4:30 pm.

Let’s join together to tell the school board we cannot do more and more with less and less. Caddo salaries, which were once one of the highest in the state, are now the lowest in the region. Increasing insurance cost will only exacerbate this further by decreasing our take home pay.
Let’s tell the board, when they do not do their part to ensure our salaries remain competitive, the price is paid by our students and our schools. It’s time to tell the them we do our part every day and it’s time they do theirs. All school employees deserve a raise.

PS – Be on the lookout for a RRU box with postcards for all employees to sign in support of a pay raise for school personnel. It’s time stand up and get involved.

Click here to tell our school board members that increasing insurance costs is adding insult to injury!

SLT and Effective Communication Professional Learning

Do you have questions regarding your SLTs?  Please join us Saturday, September 24th from 9:00-11:00 AM when  we will have presenters who are up to date on everything you need to know to write effective and attainable SLTs.  

Also, President Jackie Lansdale and In-House Attorney Elizabeth Gibson will be available to answer any questions you might have regarding school policies and your rights.  

Be a part of the proud crowd and attend this informative and meaningful learning opportunity!

Click here to reserve your spot today!

Calendar for Monthly In-Services for PSRP

Calendar of Monthly In-Services

12:00 P.M.- 1:00 P.M. 

October 8- Bus Drivers: Managing a Safe and Orderly School Bus for Our Kids

November 12- Secretaries/Bookkeepers: Customer Service

December 17- Security: Bullying Prevention and Ending Workplace Harassment

January 21- Paraprofessionals: Para/Teacher Relationship

February 18- Food Service: Fresh and Healthy Meals

March 18- Nurses: Why the Need for School Nurses and the Health of Our Communities

April 8- Maintenance: OSHA

Mandatory After-School Meetings

Caddo Policy: GCJ Professional Staff Time Schedule Faculty Meetings 
Recognizing the importance of faculty/staff collaboration, it shall be the policy of the Caddo Parish School Board that school site administrators may call mandatory faculty meetings. Generally there shall be no more than one meeting per week. Faculty shall receive 24 hours notice prior to the meeting. In the event that a second meeting is necessary in the same week, the principal shall notify and receive written approval from their school director prior to calling the meeting. Nothing in this policy is intended to prohibit the school site administrator from passing on significant information when time is of the essence. Adopted: November 15, 2011

Please read this policy carefully.  It does not prohibit the call of the second meeting, but it must have prior approval by the director.  Additionally, all meetings require 24 hours notice.  This is a policy that Red River United knows very well, after all, we wrote the policy. Keep in mind that policies are only as strong as the employees who will fight to keep them alive. We will always have your back, because maintaining a work-life balance is of paramount importance to this organization.

If you have

Know Your Rights: IEPs

IEPs can be a powerful tool, but with great power comes great responsibility. If for any reason you can’t fulfill the specifications outlined in an IEP and/or are prevented from doing so by outside circumstances (ex: too many IEPs in one class, paraprofessional ratio is off, class size, etc.) there are certain steps you must take. You are obligated to ask the principal (LAE) to reconvene IEPs for the purpose of a more appropriate placement. IEPs are legal documents and they are federally mandated. Make sure that you are not placing your professional future in jeopardy.

The Power of Collective Voice

By Randi Weingarten

       Teaching is our heart. Our students are our soul. And the union is our spine.

I heard that sentiment over and over again this past week during the American Federation of Teachers’ biennial TEACH conference, one of the largest professional development conferences for educators in the nation. That’s right, a conference on teaching and learning, sponsored by the union.

The conference included sessions on a wide range of topics, as well as a daylong summit with an organization called EdSurge, where educators had the opportunity to give feedback on classroom technology products, and a town hall meeting with the AFT’s three officers, where members could ask or share anything.

Two-thousand educators descended on Washington, D.C., to learn from experts and one another, and once there, the theme was resounding: The voices of educators matter. Especially in an era of toxic debates and top-down dictates, the voices of educators matter.

Where educators are raising and combining their voices, the seeds of positive change have emerged. Collective voice, exercised through the union, is power — the power to drive real change

Lawsuit in Caddo Parish resolves Constitutional Violation

Lawsuit in Caddo Parish resolves Constitutional Violation

By Brian Landry, RRU attorney

Members need to be aware, that the RED RIVER UNITED is committed to the protection of their Constitutional rights, including their rights to privacy and to be free from unreasonable searches.

On September 22, 2014, a teacher and RED RIVER UNITED member, was injured while at school (Costa Ivone, LLC stated the act of personal injury). Three students entered into her class and began hitting another girl in the class. While the teacher was going for the intercom system to signal the need for assistance, she was hit and knocked to the floor by one of the students. The teacher was directed by her supervisors to go to Willis-Knighton Work Kare, an occupational medicine provider used by the CADDO PARISH SCHOOL BOARD, and was eventually diagnosed with a concussion and other injuries. While at Willis-Knighton Work Kare, the teacher was told that she was required to submit to a drug and alcohol screen mandated by the CADDO PARISH SCHOOL BOARD for all accidents and injuries, without exception.

When the RED RIVER UNITED heard what happened, they contacted me and we filed a federal court lawsuit (find out more information about the

Change is Coming



Dear Red River United member,

We hope you are enjoying your well-deserved summer break. By now you have likely received a letter, phone call, and perhaps a friendly visit to your house about our conversion process from payroll deduct to bank draft. All members will need to fill out this online form. This transition to self-management will allow us to do LOTS of things previously impossible under payroll deduct.

We believe the ACH program will provide us opportunities we could not realize with the school districts’ payroll deduction program. For example, we are looking at a group disability policy. The exciting news is that we qualify for a group policy. Therefore, the cost is much more affordable and there are no pre-existing conditions. This is just one of the items we exploring.

We know you have ideas too. Below is a link for survey where you can provide input on the services you would like to see us explore. http://tinyurl.com/RRUbenefitsurveyBe creative on what services and discounts you would like negotiate as additional member benefits. We are only able to accomplish this because we are the largest professional organization in Louisiana




Red River United Files in Two Lawsuits in Bossier District Court.

Red River United prefers to resolve problems at the local level. Therefore, these lawsuits were filed after numerous school meetings, conversations amongst members, and only after the grievance procedure became unproductive. According to President Lansdale, “Some of these issues have been debated for nearly a year. We made a deliberate choice not to head straight to court, but now a new school year is upon us and Bossier employees deserve resolution.” Red River United will be at the July 14th school board meeting to discuss these and other pertinent issues. Join us.


Red River United filed legal action requesting the court to:

  • 1.Direct Superintendent Machen to make his recommendation to the School Board on how best to implement a thirty (30) minute duty-free lunch period in all schools, or show cause at a day and time by this court why he should not comply. or
  • 2.Direct Superintendent Machen and the School Board to comply with LA Revised Statute 17:434(A) (1) and give its members, and all teachers, each a minimum of 30 minutes duty-free lunch daily.

This issue can be resolved with

Have you seen the “RRU Chat Back Time” on FaceBook?


“What do you think about creating a policy that limited faculty meetings to once per

month? Or, a policy specifying the maximum length for faculty meetings.”


“What do you think about principals telling their teachers they can never score a 4? Would

it be ethical if we told students they can never earn an A?”


“What do you consider a good use of planning time? Are you required to use your planning

time in ways you find unproductive or wasteful? Here is some food for thought, in Texas a

classroom teacher may NOT be required to participate in any other activity (during

planning time). In Arkansas, a teacher who does not receive the planning time shall be

compensated at her hourly rate of pay for each missed planning period.”


Chat Back with RRU, what do you think? 

Visit us on Facebook! 

The Constitutions

Because Red River United is a merged local union there are four documents that govern our operation. These documents preserve the unique nature of representing three different jurisdictions and memberships while also ensuring full representation under the umbrella organization- Red River United. 

Please click on the links below to view the current constitutions.

Red River United- 2019

Caddo Federation- 2019

Bossier Federation- 2019

Red River Federation- 2019


Click the button to join now.

join now button

Members Only- New and Improved Dental and Vision Programs

Members only – New & Improved Dental and Vision programs


Union Plus now offers NEW Dental and Vision discount programs with even better savings

and larger provider networks.  Save 5% to 60% on dental care at one of the largest dental

networks in the nation. Plans start at just $5.95 a month or $59.95 a year.  Add vision

discounts and save 15% to 35% on eye exams and eyeglasses, plans start at just $6.95

month or $69.95 a year.  Your plan is available for use immediately, and comes with a 30-

day money back guarantee.

