Reclaiming the Promise Day: Dec. 9, 2013


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Today, Monday, December 9, Red River United will join thousands of educators, parents, students, and community members across the nation in a National Day of Action to Reclaim the Promise of Public Education.  Red River United asks the entire Caddo and Bossier Parishes communities, especially our teachers, parents and community partners, to join us in a conversation about what it will take to reclaim the promise of public education. The promise of public education represents our nation’s commitment to helping all children dream their dreams and achieve them.  In joining a national conversation on public education, we can began to fulfill our collective responsibility to enable individual opportunity for all children.

We can reclaim the promise of public education by fighting for neighborhood public schools that are safe, welcoming places; where teachers are well-prepared, supported, and can teach an engaging, well-rounded curriculum; and where children have access to wraparound services to meet their emotional, social and health needs.

How can you join the national conversation?

Red River United is looking for personal video testimonies, photos, tweets, and Facebook posts from educators, parents, students, and the community on what reclaiming the promise means to them.

What does public education mean to you? We will be engaging the public through Facebook and Twitter.  What teacher has inspired you? Why did you become an educator? What is your vision for public education? Why is it important to support our public schools? Let’s start a conversation.

Like and upload pictures, videos, and comments to our Day of Action Page on Facebook.

Follow us on twitter: @RedRiverUnited, and tweet about public education with hashtags #reclaimit #RRUreclaimit, and#ReclaimPublicEd.

