CPSB Puts Permanent 2% Raise For All School Employees on Consent Agenda![](https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/dX9yL7joWGQqm4-80vZRSuX4ZM0IGknt5Va4ICNZCbxf9C6Z9ozd1Oz62HnxQIyhK4F9hbypNaMcgurV9W6VCszfwZ8=s0-d-e1-ft#http://action.aft.org/c/464/images/moneyup.jpg)
To calculate your salary:
- Find the step you are on in the salary schedule for this 2014-2015 school year
- Add 2% of your salary to your current step
- Add $500 to include Christmas bonus
*Remember the $200 materials and supplies monies for classroom teachers. KEEP YOUR RECIEPTS.