
Photo Contest

Asking the question, “Who’s taking credit for Labor Day this year?” Union Plus has launched a new photo contest, running from April 15 to September 15. As they say on their site, “We need more Americans to grasp the impact of your skilled labor. Not only because you build everything from our roads, our cars, and the places we go, but U@Work are the living infrastructure that makes America happen.” The grand prize winner will receive a new smartphone and a free year of service on AT&T, the only nationwide, unionized wireless carrier. There will also be two first prizes and 12 second prizes. For every photo submitted, Union Plus will donate $1 to the Willow Run Plant Bomber Campaign. You can submit your photo to UnionPlus.org/Contest.

The hard work of union members created Labor Day, and we think it’s about time union members @Work took full credit for all you’ve done to make this a great nation. That’s why we want to honor union members this Labor Day with great unionized prizes just for doing what you do @Work.

So union members — STAND UP and BE COUNTED and you could be one of 15 lucky union members to WIN a prize. It’s easy to enter for your chance to win, simply submit your photo to UnionPlus.org/Contest.   You will be registered to receive program emails notifying you of valuable new benefits, future contests, and more.

Register to win by September 15, 2013

Attention Bossier Parish Teachers and School Employees

D.C. Machen, Superintendent                                                                        August 1, 2013

Bossier Parish School Board

P.O. Box 2000

Benton, LA 71006


RE:  Request for Agenda Item- Option of Twice Monthly Pay


Dear Superintendent Machen,


In accordance with Bossier Parish School Board Policy BCBD, the Bossier members of the Red River United respectfully request an item be placed on the September 2013, agenda.    The purpose of the agenda item is to propose a change to the current payroll period.  Teachers and school employees have expressed a desire to expand the once monthly pay cycle to include a twice monthly option.


Caddo has long had this option and employees there, especially new employees to the system, view this as a positive and progressive move by the district. The fluidity of employee movement between the districts gives an added reason for consideration.


We believe technology upgrades should allow the Bossier School System to adopt this industry standard without undue difficulty.  We look forward to meeting with you concerning this matter.







Jackie Lansdale, President



Cc: Bossier Federation Executive Council


Attention Caddo Parish Public School Teachers and Employees


Where is the Money?


Welcome back Caddo.  Let’s get straight to the point.  The five year drought on teacher pay has finally ended!  Politicians called it austerity—our translation: they cut the funds; we suffer; they benefit.  But, at last, we have seen a small reprieve.  With much pressure from the legislators who truly value public education, classroom teachers will receive a one-time supplement.   Once taxes and retirement are taken out, the check you receive should be somewhere above $500.  When, you ask?


The Caddo Parish School Board first said the issue needed to go to a committee for recommendation.  When we expressed our concern, they moved it to the next school board agenda on August 20th.    This is one of those issues where teachers need to weigh in.  By golly, you earned this. We fought for it, and there should be no pussyfooting on allocating your money to you.  Pick up the phone, point that mouse, and send a message to the school board saying to them, “Now is the time!”


And while you are at it, there are two other issues you need to address.  We don’t do this job alone.   When we consider the promise of public education and all those who are essential in providing it, there are those who shouldn’t be forgotten. They too need recognition for their hard work.  The money allocated from the state is for certified teachers only, but that doesn’t mean support employees should be left out.  The Caddo Parish Finance Director said they were scrubbing the budget to identify local funds for a support employee pay supplement.   Let us stand together in calling on the board members  to place an item on the agenda for a support employee pay supplement.


Finally, where’s the CEEF?  CEEF, or the Caddo Educational Excellence Fund, is money we receive from the riverboats.  The district is only allowed to spend the interest off this account each year. A committee meets to make recommendations to the CPSB who then approve the allocation.    When we looked at the proposed budget last May, there was $400,000 in that line item.  It certainly appeared that since these monies are to be used for classroom enhancements, this would be an excellent way to offset the money cut from the $200 per teacher supply allotment.  We immediately inquired, and we were told the committee had not met, but we were assured that the meeting would soon occur.  As of Tuesday night, despite all the assurances, the committee still had not met.  So once again, the funds are there, and they couldn’t be going to a nobler place than classroom materials and supplies. SHOW UP to the CPSB meeting August 20th.  Encourage the board to step up and see that the funds are allocated now.  Tell them to vote:


YES to allocation of MFP salary supplement for classroom teachers…


YES to a support employee supplement…


YES to supply money…..


Contact the Board Members:


District 1 Steve Riall

 8033 Old Moorningsport Road

Shreveport, LA 71107

Tel: (318) 929-2672

Email: SRiall@caddo.k12.la.us


District 2 Jasmine Green

 1433 Audrey Lane

Shreveport, LA 71107

Tel: (318) 703-6251

Email: Jagreen@caddo.k12.la.us


District 3 Carl A. Pierson, Sr.

First Vice President

2106 Wyoming Circle

Shreveport, LA 71101

Tel: (318) 222-0132



District 4 Charlotte Crawley

 4741 Thornhill

Shreveport, LA 71106

Tel: (318) 470-7851



District 5 Curtis Hooks

 3309 Sun Valley Court

Shreveport, LA 71109

Tel: (318) 423-1582

Email: CHooks@caddo.k12.la.us


District 6 Mary Trammel

229 E 75th Street

Shreveport, LA 71106

Tel: (318) 840-7813

Email: MTrammel@caddo.k12.la.us


District 7 Lillian Priest

2613 Parham Drive

Shreveport, LA 71109

Tel: (318) 635 – 8335

Fax: (318) 636 – 2177

Email: LPriest@caddo.k12.la.us


District 8 Bonita Crawford

Second Vice President

295 Patton Ave

Shreveport, LA 71105

Tel: (318) 868 – 3684

Fax: (318) 868 – 5119

Email: BCrawford@caddo.k12.la.us


District 9 Barry F. Rachal

P.O. Box 5545

Shreveport, LA 71135

Tel: (318) 918-1240 or (318) 469-2277

Email: BarryRachal@gmail.com

Email: Brachal@caddo.k12.la.us


District 10 Larry Ramsey


9006 Marlow Dr

Shreveport, LA 71118

Tel: (318) 686-7611

Email: LRamsey@caddo.k12.la.us


District 11 Ginger Armstrong

9800 Chase Way

Shreveport, LA 71118

Tel: (318) 688-0676



District 12 Dottie Bell

7881 Jefferson-Paige Road

Shreveport, LA 71119

Tel: (318) 635-4667

Email: DBell@caddo.k12.la.us

Reclaiming the Promise of Public Education

reclaiming the promise


This video features AFT President Randi Weingarten: “Reclaiming the Promise” of Public Education – HIGHLIGHTS


We believe in public education because it is the means by which we help all children dream their dreams and achieve them. And I mean all children—those who have abundant advantages, and those for whom every day is a struggle; those who worry about getting into a good college, and those who worry about their parents getting deported.

Educators like you help students build lives of great purpose and potential by instilling essential knowledge and skills, including critical reasoning, problem-solving and working with others, and by promoting civic participation. We believe in high-quality public education because it is an economic necessity, an anchor of democracy, a moral imperative and a fundamental civil right, without which none of our other rights can be fully realized. And I believe that promise, that hope, that accomplishment, is a direct result of the work you do every day, the most important work in America.

I truly believe we are in a crucial moment when we must reclaim the promise of public education—not as it is today or as it was in the past, but as what public education can be to fulfill our collective obligation to help all children succeed.

People are waking up to the fact that decades of top-down edicts, mass school closures, privatization and test fixation with sanctions instead of support haven’t moved the needle—not in the right direction at least.

And recently, in front of nearly 3,000 educators at our union’s TEACH conference in Washington, D.C., I laid out a vision to reclaim the promise of public education and unite parents and community with us as one unstoppable force. 

Stand with us to Reclaim the Promise. 

Reclaiming the promise of public education is about fighting for neighborhood public schools that are safe, welcoming places for teaching and learning. Reclaiming the promise is about ensuring that teachers are well-prepared, are supported and have time to collaborate. Reclaiming the promise is about enabling them to teach an engaging curriculum that includes art and music and the sciences. And reclaiming the promise is about ensuring that kids have access to wraparound services to meet their emotional, social and health needs.

Taken together, all these things reflect our prescription for ensuring that all kids have the opportunities they need and deserve. This vision may look different community by community, but it has a few common elements. Reclaiming the promise will bring back the joy of teaching and learning. It’s the way to make every public school a place where parents want to send their kids, teachers want to teach and children are engaged. It makes our public schools the center of the community and fulfills their purpose as an anchor of our democracy and a propeller of our economy.

We know it is not only educators who are for this; parents and community members have our backs. A recent poll  found that parents want strong neighborhood public schools as opposed to more charter schools or voucher programs, and overwhelmingly believe public schools should provide a well-rounded education, offer social services for students and reduce the emphasis on testing, among other findings.

This is not a campaign. This is our core. And it must be the focus of our work going forward. Ours is a vision that works. It’s a vision of what parents want for their kids. And it’s a movement that can stop the privatizers, profiteers and austerity hawks in their tracks.

But they’re not going to roll over and go away. We need your help. None of us can be bystanders. We need to reach out to parents, the community and civic leaders. We need to open their eyes to the good things happening in our schools—as well as the challenges we face. We need to open their minds to our vision for great neighborhood public schools. We need to open their hearts to joining with us in the effort to ensure all our children get the great education they need and deserve.

Join us in Reclaiming the Promise. 

In unity,
Randi Weingarten
AFT President

P.S. Read the full speech I gave at the AFT TEACH Conference this morning, launching the AFT’s core program, Reclaiming the Promise.

By uniting our voices with parents and the community, we can reclaim the promise.

Red River United Fellowship Program

new teachers

A mentoring program for new and transferred teachers and school employees.

Red River United realizes that the first few months of school can be stressful and that you will likely have LOTS of questions.  We are here to help. Sign up for the Red River United Fellowship Program, and we will pair you with a veteran RRU member according to your needs.

Click here to sign up for the program:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/N35SDNH

Assault or Battery on a Teacher or School Employee

Louisiana Revised Statues 14:34.3, 14:38.2, 17:416A

According to state law —


“Assault on a school employee means an attempt to commit a battery, or intentionally placing the school employee in reasonable apprehension of receiving a battery, or making statements threatening physical harm to a school employee.”


The criminal definition of a battery is the intentional use of force or violence upon the person of another; or the intentional administration of a poison or other noxious liquid or substance to another.  The civil definition of a battery is physical contact without the victim’s consent.


Louisiana Revised Statue 17:416 says that the student formally accused of committing a battery or an assault on any school employees:


  • Must be suspended immediately and removed from the school premises without benefit of the usual initial suspension procedures.


  • Cannot be considered for readmission to that school until all hearings and appeals associated with the alleged violations have been exhausted.


  • After the student is found guilty, the student cannot return to the same school where the employee is located unless it is the only place where her/she can receive services.


What must support personnel do in these circumstances?


1. You must write a referral, which is the formal complaint.  You may also press criminal charges, but this is not required.


2. You must turn in an accident report if you were the victim of a battery, or if you suffered emotional trauma if you were the victim of an assault.  Be sure to clearly state the nature of the student’s act (such as — “The student punched me (battery),” or “The student committed an assault by making statements threatening me with physical harm (assault).”

3. You should absolutely contact Red River United — 318-424-4579.


What if you suffer physical or emotional injuries because of the assault or battery?


1. You must receive sick leave without reduction in pay or sick leave days.  You must present a certificate from a physician certifying that you are disabled because of the assault or battery.

2. You have the right to press criminal charges against the person who committed the battery or the assault, but you are not required to do so (source: www.colleran.com/personal-injury).

3. You have the right to file a civil suit for money damages against the person who committed the assault or battery, (or against the parent / guardian, if the person is a minor). But you are not required to do so.


What if the student is a special education student?


If the student is a special education student, there are state and federal laws and regulations that must be followed.  Don’t be discouraged by this, just recognize that it becomes an IEP issue as well as a discipline matter.  You still have the right to press criminal charges (unless the child has a disability that prevents him / her from understanding his/ her actions (such as some forms of autism).  Call Red River United for help 318-424-4579.


What if the student is under ten years old?

You may still proceed with suspension and removal from class, but according to billeasterly.com, criminal authorities may decide only to prepare a report and not arrest the child.


Need Assistance

Call Red River United


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Who’s the Cutest Pet of Them All?


Ruffy the Riveter thinks she’s the CUTEST dog in the union world. She’s modeled for a series of “glamorous” photos and insisted that we release them over the next few weeks. What do you think? Is your pet CUTER?It’s up to YOU to see if your pet has what it takes to upstage Ruffy in her quest to be the most adorable pet in labor history! Submit your pet’s photo for a chance to win ONE ofFIVE GRAND PRIZES. Voters will decide which five pets can upstage Ruffy: 

Ruffy Bandaged


Two winners will get a FREE Year-long membership to Union Plus Pet Health Insurance. If your pet is ill or has an accident, the last thing you want to think about is money. Union Plus Pet Insurance is the answer—head-to-tail accident and illness pet insurance for your dog or cat.





Ruffy Shopping



Three winners will get a $100, $200 or $300 gift card to the Union Plus Online Pet Store. Buy pet food, supplies & medication at highly competitive rates. Plus union members get 10% off all pet supplies and $1 off all prescription medication and flea & tick products.
Photo submissions will be taken through August 8th, and then voting takes place August 9th-25th. Come back each day to cast a vote for the cutest pet, and share this contest page to help your pet win votes! Winners will be notified by mid-September.





EMAIL: Providing your email address allows us to send you valuable information about the Union Plus discounts and services, future contests, and more. Remember to add enews@unionprivilege.org and info@unionprivilege.org to your e-mail safelist. Sample instructions are available here. We always respect your privacy. Instructions for removal come with every e-mail.

MOBILE: Message and data rates may apply depending on your cell plan. You can opt out of our text service at any time by replyingSTOP to any message that you receive. Reply HELP or contact help@unionplus.org for help. We’ll text you approximately 1 times a month.

RULES: Participation in this Sweepstakes constitutes entrant’s full and unconditional agreement to the Official Rules.

No purchase necessary to enter. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. A purchase will not increase your chances of winning. This contest is sponsored by Union Privilege and is open to (i) current or retired union members, or family members of current or retired union members, of good-standing in a union that participates in the Union Plus programs, (ii) legal residents of the 50 United States, the District of Columbia and Canada (excluding Quebec), who have attained the age of majority in their state of residence, or are emancipated minors, or possess legal parental guardian consent, and are fully able and competent to enter into the terms, conditions, obligations affirmations, representations, and warranties set forth in the Official Rules. Employees of Union Privilege, Pet Health Inc., & Woobox LLC, their affiliates, subsidiaries, Sponsors, advertising, promotion agencies, and their immediate families and those living in the same household of each are not eligible to participate in this Contest. Approximate retail value of the prizes range from $100 to $400.

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Does your VAM Score lack rigor?

Recently,  the Louisiana Department of Education released individual  teacher VAM scores. Since then our offices have been bombarded with  calls from teachers questioning the accuracy of their scores and their  rights. Red River United has been on record decrying flaws in the  evaluation system, manipulation of SLTs, violations of the professional  personnel file act, and questioning the validity of some test scores. We  stand in solid support of every educator’s choice to seek answers and  recourse through the grievance procedure. Remember, until ACT 1 is  officially declared unconstitutional wages, tenure, and careers are  still weighed against a VAM score. Know your rights! Ask questions! Call  today!


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