A Tale of a Tail

Once upon a time in the state of Louisiana, a dark cloud hovered over the Capitol in Baton Rouge causing teachers and school employees to face a terrible series of events beginning with the loss of tenure, pay, and professional rights. This caused many good people to leave and soon there were classrooms filled with students without certified teachers. On the other hand,  many of the people who stayed were forced to  work hours on end in second and third jobs just to support their families. With their pay lowered and rights stripped, all hope was lost.  

Several years later, there was hope on the horizon- pay raises for all!  While the amounts given were not enough to compete with other states in the region, teachers and school employees felt seen and respected.  It seemed that the ominous cloud was lifting and soon there would be sunshine.  

Just as teachers and school employees began to feel optimistic and more money was being promised with the surplus of funds in the state, the dark cloud returned and along with it, its elected legislators. Soon after, those Louisiana representatives used their swords to slice a proposed pay raise right out the budget.  Instead, they would give funds to local districts with empty promises that teachers and school employees could be granted a local raise with the funds. The representatives were pleased with themselves, so much so that they voted to raise their own salaries.

 When the teachers and school employees asked the representatives why they would remove a guaranteed pay increase from the budget, the representatives said they should trust they wouldn’t be forgotten. One teacher asked, “How can you continually ask me to do more while you refuse to pay me a fair wage? How can I support my family without a higher salary? Why should I trust you when you have harmed me in the past?” 

 A representative stood and said. “Alas, I have a bill for that, HB570,  to help you secure funds for your family.  All you must do is enter the deep,dark woods and bring me the tail of a hog.  For each tail you collect, you will be given a financial reward, but of course you must do this in a manner that does not affect your job in education.”  The teachers and school employees could not believe their ears. “He wants us to collect tails?” they asked.  A teacher replied, “I have heard of fairy tales, folk tales, and tall tales, but did he really just say there would be pay based on hog tails?”  The teachers and school employees stared at one another with mouths agape. A paraprofessional declared,“This will not work! We will not stand for this disrespect, and I refuse to collect hog tails for pay!”

Although the teachers and school employees were disheartened by the representatives’ vote and response, they would not give up. They knew they must be the ones to stand up and fight- for they are the promise of public education, and without teachers and school employees the students of Louisiana would suffer. They would contact the Senate and ask them for a GUARANTEED pay raise for ALL. 

Click here to send a letter to the Senate!

HB1– The proposed pay raise for teachers was removed from the budget.  The representatives chose on 5/4/23  to instead allocate funds to pay towards retirement which would free up funds for local districts.  The local districts then CAN give raises to employees, but there is NO GUARANTEE employees will see a dime. The YEAS below voted to remove the raise from the budget, while the NAYS voted against removing the raise. 
HB570– authorizes the secretary of the Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries to establish a bounty on feral hog tails. Provides a monetary reward for collecting and bringing in the tails of feral hogs.THIS IS REALLY A BILL PROPOSED! We couldn’t believe it’s not a tall “tail” either!

Your Pay Raise in Jeopardy!

On Thursday, May 4, 2023, Louisiana representatives passed HB1 WITHOUT YOUR STATE PAY RAISE INCLUDED IN THE BUDGET.

It is very disappointing that 8 of the 72 YEAS were local representatives who know how badly our teachers and school employees in Bossier, Caddo, DeSoto, & Red River Parishes need the state pay increase!

5 of the 33 NAYS were local representatives of Bossier, Caddo, DeSoto, & Red River Parishes who did not wish to pass HB1 without budgeting for a state pay raise for teachers and school employees.

In summary:

YEAS = No pay raise in budget

NAYS= No budget without pay raise included

Thank you to the NAYS for voting on behalf of public education! See the attached Special Orders HB1 by Zerengue to see how our local representatives voted.  

Here are the FACTS:

• There is a surplus.

• The governor recommended a pay raise for both teachers and support personnel.

• Almost ALL the Legislators voted against your pay raise.

• Legislators instead voted to pay down the retirement and send that money to the local district for them to use that money for pay increases.

• Many of them have consistently attacked our professional rights, our pension/retirement plans, our tenure, and our pay- and they want us to TRUST THEM ON THIS?

• There is nothing that would GUARANTEE local districts would pass even a DIME of the money to employees.

The Louisiana Legislators have messed with our money. Now we need to tell our Senators we need their support in securing the pay raise we have been promised with the funds we KNOW ARE AVAILABLE.  We can’t hope our local school districts will give us a raise according to the legislators’ plan, we need to KNOW we will get the pay raise we were promised!


Also, we need to remember this as we are coming upon an election year. Many of our elected officials claim to LOVE teachers and school employees, but their votes sure do not show it! Make sure you support who supports you!

AFL-CIO Scholarship Essay Winner- Gunnar Miller

Congratulations to Gunnar, son of our member Rachel, for being selected as this year’s scholarship winner for his essay on unions. We are so proud of him!

The Role of Unions in the American Economy Today

            There is no doubt about it, unions tend to get a bad rap. Mostly depending on which side of politics one tends to land, the conversations about unions can create a heated debate, with some saying that they are necessary and others claiming that they just desire to keep on their hands on the pursestrings of the government. It is no different in my family. Coming from a home in which my mom is a part of a union and other members of our extended family are not, it has sparked many discussions at Thanksgiving dinner. No matter what side of the debate you fall on, there is no denying the economical benefits of unions in today’s society, nor can one argue the impact that unions have had on the American worker, including my mom.

            Before one can understand the tremendous impact that unions have on the economy, we need to understand why unions even exist in the first place. Before the creation of unions, the average American worker struggled under strenuous working conditions for meager pay and were constantly subjected to unfair business practices. The most common pre-union story involved garment workers in New York City. They worked an ungodly number of hours, sometimes not even seeing the sun for weeks at a time. They were severely underpaid and sometimes even paid less than they should have been for the work they put in. As if that was not inhumane in itself, sometimes the bosses would lock employees in so that they could not leave until all work was completed. In probably the most well-known incident regarding apparel workers in New York City, one of those locked doors is largely to blame for the incident at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory. When a fire erupted on the 8th floor, workers could not escape due to the fact that the door was locked, and almost 150 people died. This event spurred people into action, and unionization began in order to create a safer working environment for the employees in apparel factories. Furthermore, many employees no longer had to work such grueling hours (Century Foundation).

            Many years later, the Great Depression hit, and thanks to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who considered employee’s wages to be too low, the National Labor Relations Act was enacted by Congress. The purpose of the NLRA was “to protect the rights of employees, to encourage collective bargaining, and to curtail certain private sector labor and management practices, which can harm the general welfare of workers, businesses and the U.S. economy” (National Labor Relations Board). Essentially, this act put the power into the employees’ hands. It gave employees the ability to unionize. The American worker’s voice became bigger and bolder by the opportunity to unite with fellow employees to fight for better wages and better working conditions. Throughout the next several decades, the largest American corporations such as General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, and U.S. Steel went on strike to fight for higher wages and fair working conditions (Century Foundation).

            Having some background about why unions exist in the first place helps us to understand the impact unions have on our economy. First and foremost, unions put more money into the pockets of American workers. On average, union workers make 10.2% more than average nonunion workers. (Economic Policy Institute). However, even non-union workers benefit from the work of unions. Unions help to create a living wage for people who might otherwise be scraping by just to make ends meet and also provide employees more benefits such as insurance and retirement. Unions help to bring more people into the middle class sector. (AFL-CIO). When we are little, everyone hears about the “American Dream.” They long to be independent, work a solid job, own a home and a car. and have a little wiggle room to have some fun every now and then. Unions help more Americans to realize that dream. 

In addition, with the union bargaining on behalf of the employees, it also helps to lower inequality. “When unions are strong, they set wage standards for entire industries and occupations; they make wages more equal within occupations; and they close pay gaps between white workers and workers of color” (Economic Policy Institute). It is unfortunate that this paragraph even needs to be written, but the discrepancies in pay between white employees and people of color is real and it is disheartening. Unions work to help to make working conditions safer, pay higher, and employment fairer for all employees – including people of color. Not only to workers of color benefit, but it also helps to close wage disparities between women and men. “Hourly wages for women represented by unions are 4.7% higher on average than for nonunionized women with comparable characteristics” (Economic Policy Institute). Unions are paving the way for people of color and female employees to close the wage gap between their white and/or male counterparts.

It is clear that unions have a tremendous impact on the economy, so why does the debate about unions still exist? I firmly believe that it is because we fail to put faces to the people that unions impact the most. For me, that is my mom. My mother is an employee of Caddo Parish Schools in Shreveport, Louisiana. When she began her teaching career thirteen years ago, a union representative from Red River United, an affiliate of Louisiana Federation of Teachers and the American Federation of Teachers spoke with the new employees at her orientation. At the time, my mom really did not know anything about unions and was unsure if joining the union was right for her. However, after listening to the local union president Jackie Lansdale speak, my mom was convinced that joining the union was the right move to protect herself and our family. For pennies a day, the peace of mind that she got from signing that contract was priceless. In a particularly tough district, employees need a voice at the local level in school board meetings and at the state level as well. Over the years, her local union has gone to bat for teachers in the district and throughout Louisiana time and time again. Because of the work of the union in Louisiana, teachers have received multiple pay raises, voice in how that pay is distributed, bonuses, changes in the way teachers are evaluated, and protection of their planning time. Closer still, my mom and a few of her colleagues worked with Red River United to fight for fairness in the bonus structure as it applies to teacher effectiveness in evaluations. My mom saw how some teachers’ evaluations, including her own, were more strenuous and unattainable than others depending on the content area and grade level taught. Some teachers had the ability to set their own goals and parameters for meeting those goals, while others had no input or control over the goals that were set for them. This resulted in many of these teachers failing to earn bonuses. My mom and her two colleagues called Mrs. Lansdale immediately, and that was all it took. Jackie just handled it. The union fought for my mom when she did not know how to even begin the conversation. Within a few months, changes were made that would allow for all teachers to follow the same process for goal setting and evaluation, which helped more teachers to earn these bonuses that were previously reserved for only a few.

Without the creation and hard work of unions, our economy and our country would not be where it is today. Unions have provided the everyday, hard-working American with higher and fairer wages, safer and better working conditions, and, of course, weekends. However, it is in putting a face to our local unions that helps us to realize the great impact that unions have on the American worker. I know for my family, being a part of a union has had a positive and lasting impact because of my mom’s decision thirteen years ago to join the teacher’s union. We are proud to be part of the union family.

Works Cited

AFL-CIO. “Union Facts: The Value of Collective Voice.” AFL-CIO, 2023, https://aflcio.org/formaunion/collective-voice. Accessed 12 January 2023.

Economic Policy Institute. “Unions help reduce disparities and strengthen our democracy.” Economic Policy Institute, 23 April 2021, https://www.epi.org/publication/unions-help-reduce-disparities-and-strengthen-our-democracy/. Accessed 12 January 2023.

Greenhouse, Steven. “How Unions Work for the Economy.” The Century Foundation, 16 November 2022, https://tcf.org/content/report/how-unions-work-for-the-economy/. Accessed 12 January 2023.

National Labor Relations. “Introduction to the NLRB.” National Labor Relations Board, 2023, https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/what-we-do/introduction-to-the-nlrb. Accessed 12 January 2023.

DeSoto Parish March Meet-and-Greets

Red River United will be hosting a series of Meet-and-Greets in DeSoto Parish this month. We are beyond thrilled DeSoto is now under our umbrella, and we cannot wait to get to know and work with new members!

Join us at one of three meet-and-greets this March:

Wednesday, March 8th 4:30 – 5:30 P.M.Mansfield Library109 Crosby St. in Mansfield

Thursday, March 23rd4:30 – 5:30 P.M. Stonewall Library808 Hwy. 171 in Stonewall

Tuesday, March 28th4:30 – 5:30 P.M.Logansport Library203 Hwy. 5 in Logansport

CLICK HERE TO RSVP! https://forms.gle/RCaMupPcT1VECbY78

What is Red River United?

Red River United (RRU) is the largest organization in the state representing teachers and school personnel. We have over 3,000 members in Bossier, Caddo, and Red River andnow membership is open to DeSoto educators too.Unlike other organizations, RRU is made up of ONLY teachers and school support staff – principals and other administrators are not invited to join. That means you can be sure that RRU never has a conflict of interest when we’re representing you.Our organization is run by teachers and school personnel elected by the membership. Our officers and Executive Board are made up of active and retired educators from within the school district, elected by the membership. We know what you’re going through in the classroom because we are you. We are working right alongside you in classrooms across Northeast Louisiana.

Why Should You Join?

Turnover among RRU members is lower compared to teachers without union representation. In Caddo Parish for example, last year the district hired 340 new teachers. Of those new hires, 17% of non-union teachers have left the district. Of those who joined RRU, only 8% have left. RRU members are more likely to stick around because they have more support. Teaching isn’t an easy job, but it is easier when we come together to support each other and there’s power in numbers! When you’re a member of RRU you have an advocate in your corner. All members have $2 million dollars of professional liability insurance, access to representation and a lawyer for workplace issues as well as a team of professional staff who can answer your questions – all included in your membership. Members and staff work together to advocate for the changes we know are needed to help our colleagues and students thrive, whether it’s in your school, at the DeSoto School Board, or in the State Capitol.RRU members also have access to a wide array of member benefits. By coming together with our state and national partners, we are able to negotiate huge discounts for you and your family. Everything from scholarships for your kids or for your own continuing education to reliable roadside assistance to discounts on your AT&T bill and your next vacation. You can learn more about all your member discounts on our website: www.redriverunited.org.

Beyond the Classroom

RRU membership has a positive impact on our whole community. In the past few years alone, we have conducted community forums for public education such as “Let the Schoolhouse Speak.” We hosted multiple book-giveaway events, donated backpacks and school supplies to underserved students, and won funding to build a Sensory Room at Donnie Bickham Middle School for special needs students. When you become a member of RRU, you are not only helping yourself. You’re joining a community of dedicated educators who believe in the power of public education. Together we can do more for our students and their families

.Join the RRU Family!

If you are already a member of the DeSoto Federation of Teachers & School Employees, your membership automatically transferred to RRU. If you still need to join, you can sign up online today and pay nothing until September 1

.Click here to join or visit redriverunited.org/join-red-river-united/

Need More Information?

Join us at one of three meet-and-greets this March:

Wednesday, March 8th 4:30 – 5:30 P.M.Mansfield Library109 Crosby St. in Mansfield

Thursday, March 23rd4:30 – 5:30 P.M.Stonewall Library808 Hwy. 171 in Stonewall

Tuesday, March 28th4:30 – 5:30 P.M.Logansport Library203 Hwy. 5 in Logansport

CLICK HERE TO RSVP! https://forms.gle/RCaMupPcT1VECbY78

General Membership Meeting

Red River United will host a membership meeting on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 beginning at 5:00 PM via ZOOM.  Since we are meeting via ZOOM, we request for you to RSVP using this link in order to receive the ZOOM login credentials.

We will have updates relating to pay raises, your rights, and other public education topics. If you want to request a topic be added for discussion, please click here.

Or click here to RSVP.
Or click here to request a topic be added to the agenda.

Caddo Members: Please Take Action

The Caddo Parish School Board has started off the year on the wrong foot. At the first School Board meeting of the new year, First Vice President Don Little made a motion that intends to limit your voice and your ability to select the professional organization of your choice. Red River United, like any other teachers’ union or professional organization collects dues through payroll deduction. Many employees also elect to make charitable contributions through payroll deduction or to pay for their insurance or retirement plans through payroll deduction as well. It’s a convenient, long-standing practice that’s available to employees at no cost, in all school districts across the state. 
Mr. Little would like the Caddo Parish School Board to ask the Attorney General for permission to charge professional organizations, like Red River United, a fee for payroll deduction. He suggested that it costs the district $60,000-$70,000 to administer payroll deduction – a process as simple as making a note on a spreadsheet. Every district in the state manages to do this easily, at little-to-no cost. In fact, the cost, if any exists at all, has never been determined by any district. The only thing that has been determined is that the district stands to make money off of your dues. If Mr. Little is suggesting that it costs Caddo this much, then clearly, they are not being responsible with tax payer money. Moreover, Mr. Little stated that the process to deduct dues for insurance premiums or charitable contributions is significantly less expensive – even though it’s the exact same process!  
Anti-public education politicians in Baton Rouge proposed legislation that would allow school boards to charge professional organizations for payroll deduction in 2018, but that legislation failed. It seems that Mr. Little is trying to circumvent the legislative process in order to undermine teacher voice in Caddo Parish specifically. 
We know why Mr. Little wants to undermine our collective voice, right? He’s scared of all that we’ve been able to accomplish together. He knows that by coming together we are able to advocate for ourselves and our profession in a way that we could never do alone. In just the last year we have been able to push the school board and the administration in a number of ways that benefit teachers, school employees and students: 
We ensured that the state wide pay raise would be used towards a $1000 lump sum payment in September. When the district used misinformation to forced K-6 staff to report 5 days early, we fought back to secure staff input for the 2023-2024 calendar. We pushed for some of the COVID funding to go towards stipends for all teachers and school employees. Red River United won a grant to build a Sensory Room for special needs students at Donnie Biskham Middle School. We pushed back against the Louisiana Department of Education when they forced special education teachers to use a broken eSER system and demanded that extended sick leave and maternity leave be available to all employees. Day in and day out we represent members who are hurt on the job or subjected to unfair treatment from their supervisors. 
All of this work is only possible because teachers and school employees across Caddo Parish have chosen Red River United. In fact, the majority of Caddo teachers and staff are RRU members, but regardless of which professional organization you belong to, you should be worried about Mr. Little’s proposal. 
When our district is facing so many issues, why is this the first priority for Mr. Little? Instead of attacking employee organizations who advocate for the employees, how about working with us to lift up the employees and rebuild Caddo into a district where teachers and school support staff are proud to work. There is a lot that needs to be done and we can accomplish so much by working together. Instead, Mr. Little seeks to pit us against one another. 
The school board will vote on this measure at their meeting on Tuesday, January 17th. Some Red River United members already testified against this resolution, but the Board needs to hear from all of us.

Use the link below to email board members and ask them to vote NO on this ridiculous proposal.


Caddo Parish School Board Endorsements

For a public education union, electing the right school board candidates for our members is extremely important. In Caddo, the stakes are even higher to elect the right people because we have voted as a body to petition the board for a union contract. We focus on policies and practices rather than political parties. Our question is and will always remain: What have you done or what are you willing to do for the teachers, school employees, and students of Caddo Parish?

Here was our process for endorsing candidates:
•First, the Committee on Political Education (COPE), made up of Red River United members and led by Bernard Friday, were charged to put together a questionnaire centered around the candidates position on a Collective Bargaining Contract as well as several other key issues impacting public school employees (pay, benefits, working conditions, job protections, etc.)
• Next, we sent the questionnaire to every single candidate for the Caddo Parish School Board in challenged races. This included districts 1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 11, & 12

.In order to be considered eligible for endorsement by Red River United, the candidate MUST RETURN the questionnaire. The following candidates returned the questionnaire:
1. John Albritton

2. Dottie Bell

3. Darrin Dixon

4. Jon Glover

5. Barbara Iverson

6. Rodney Jiles

7. Orlisa Nash Johnson

8. Mike Morales

9. Kisha Newsom

10. Linda Rasberry Smith

11. Sheila Wimberly

12. Jessica Yeates

• Upon receipt of the questionnaires, the COPE committee scheduled interviews to clarify remarks on the questionnaire as well as to speak to the candidate in a live setting. The following candidates followed through with an interview:
1. John Albritton

2. Dottie Bell

3. Darrin Dixon

4. Jon Glover

5. Rodney Jiles

6. Orlisa Nash Johnson

7. Mike Morales

8. Kisha Newsom

9. Linda Rasberry Smith

10. Sheila Wimberly

11. Jessica Yeates

• Once the interviews were completed, the committee met and ranked their choices based on the following guidelines:

1. Incumbency – If an incumbent voted with the organization in a significant way, the committee endorsed that candidate.  2. If the incumbent does not meet that threshold or there was no incumbent, the committee then evaluated the responses on the questionnaire and the interview.
3. The committee evaluated the ability of the candidate to be successful and our ability to help them in their district to be successful.  

• The COPE committee then selected their candidates for full endorsement or favorable candidates, if more than one person was selected in a district. They then made their recommendations to the Red River United Executive Board to secure endorsement.
• Finally, the Red River United Executive Board voted to endorse the candidates based on the recommendations of the COPE committee.

The following candidates were endorsed or found favorable:
District 1: Kisha Gayle Newsom-Endorsed

District 2: Orlisa Nash Johnson*– Endorsed

District 3: Terence Vinson (unopposed)- Favorable

District 4: Don Little (unopposed)- Favorable

District 5: Bonita Douzart (unopposed)- Favorable

District 6: Mary Trammel (unopposed)- Favorable

District 7: Darrin Dixon- Favorable               Linda Rasberry Smith*– Favorable

District 8: Mike Morales*– Endorsed

District 9: Barry Rachal (unopposed)- Favorable

District 10: Jon Shaffer Glover*– Favorable                Rodney Jiles- Favorable

District 11: Jessica Yeates-Endorsed

District 12: Dottie Bell-Endorsed
*RRU member

As an organization of No Party, Independents, Green Party, Republicans and Democrats, we pride ourselves on staying strictly to the issues impacting our members in public education. Our endorsements for the 2022 November Election reflect just this. Well done, Bernard Friday and the RRU COPE Committee!

• The deadline to register to vote in person, by mail, or at the OMV Office is Oct. 11.  
• The deadline to register to vote through the GeauxVote Online Registration System is Oct. 18.
• Early voting is Oct. 25 through Nov. 1 (excluding Sunday, Oct. 30) from 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m.
• The deadline to request an absentee ballot is Nov. 4 by 4:30 p.m. (other than military and overseas voters). You can request an absentee ballot online through our Voter Portal or in writing through your Registrar of Voters Office.
• The deadline for a registrar of voters to receive a voter absentee ballot is Nov. 7 by 4:30 p.m. (other than military and overseas voters).
• On election day, the polls are open from 6 a.m.-8 p.m.
• Visit Voter Portal (la.gov) to view voter specific information such as early voting location, election day voting location, and to view sample your sample ballot.

Pay Raises for Teachers and Staff

On Wednesday, April 23rd the House Education Committee considered and approved HCR 23(Harris), which is the legislative instrument for the Minimum Foundation Program. HCR 23 reflects the MFP exactly as it was proposed by BESE. It includes a $1,500 pay raise for certified personnel and $750 for classified staff. LFT Legislative Director Cynthia Posey testified before the committee, advocating for an increase to the proposed raise. When BESE submitted the MFP to the legislature, they also included a letter urging that a portion of  additional funds recognized by the Revenue Estimating Conference in early May be allocated for additional salary increases. Until the REC meets,  we do not know how much additional revenue will be recognized, but it is widely acknowledged that there will be funding available for additional pay increases. To increase the pay raise, the Legislature would have to vote to return the MFP to BESE so that BESE can amend it. BESE has already agreed to the increase, so the decision rests with the Legislature, and some are already pushing back against further increases, claiming there isn’t enough money to go around.

Click below to hear what RRU Ex. VP Jordan Thomas had to say about the proposed raises. https://www.ksla.com/2022/05/02/pay-raises-louisiana-teachers-support-staffers-closer-becoming-reality/