Red River Parish School Board Salary Schedule

Red River Parish School Board

2013-14 Salary Scale (9-Month Teachers)
Base Building Step* Base Building Step ** Performance Stipend ***
Experience Demand Highly Effective Effective
Step Base Salary Masters M + 30 Spec. / PhD Effective Proficient Emerging
0         36,550         36,750         36,950         37,150               –               –               –
1         36,950         37,150         37,350         37,550             300             200             100
2         37,350         37,550         37,750         37,950             300             200             100
3         37,750         37,950         38,150         38,350             300             200             100
4         38,150         38,350         38,550         38,750             300             200             100
5         38,550         38,750         38,950         39,150             300             200             100
6         38,950         39,150         39,350         39,550             300             200             100
7         39,350         39,550         39,750         39,950             300             200             100
8         39,750         39,950         40,150         40,350             300             200             100
9         40,150         40,350         40,550         40,750             300             200             100
10         40,550         40,750         40,950         41,150             300             200             100
11         40,950         41,150         41,350         41,550             300             200             100
12         41,350         41,550         41,750         41,950             300             200             100
13         41,750         41,950         42,150         42,350             300             200             100
14         42,150         42,350         42,550         42,750             300             200             100
15         42,550         42,750         42,950         43,150             300             200             100
16         42,950         43,150         43,350         43,550             300             200             100
17         43,350         43,550         43,750         43,950             300             200             100
18         43,750         43,950         44,150         44,350             300             200             100
19         44,150         44,350         44,550         44,750             300             200             100
20         44,550         44,750         44,950         45,150             300             200             100
21         44,950         45,150         45,350         45,550             300             200             100
22         45,350         45,550         45,750         45,950             300             200             100
23         45,750         45,950         46,150         46,350             300             200             100
24         46,150         46,350         46,550         46,750             300             200             100
25         46,550         46,750         46,950         47,150             300             200             100
26         46,950         47,150         47,350         47,550             300             200             100
27         47,350         47,550         47,750         47,950             300             200             100
28         47,750         47,950         48,150         48,350             300             200             100
29         48,150         48,350         48,550         48,750             300             200             100
30         48,550         48,750         48,950         49,150             300             200             100
31         48,950         49,150         49,350         49,550             300             200             100
32         49,350         49,550         49,750         49,950             300             200             100
33         49,750         49,950         50,150         50,350             300             200             100
34         50,150         50,350         50,550         50,750             300             200             100
35         50,550         50,750         50,950         51,150             300             200             100
*          Includes $400 Experience Step if Rating is not Ineffective (added to base salary each September)
**        Demand Pay for Advanced Degree (added to base salary each September)
***      Performance Stipend Paid in October Based on Previous Year Performance (must still be an active employee)
****    Step Levels do not Equal Years of Experience


Celebrate Back To School with FREE School Supplies AND a Party!!!

Celebrate back to school with free school supplies and a party!


How often have you spent your own money for general classroom supplies, math & science labs, reading & language projects and more? What would you do with $1,000 to spend on school supplies for the 2014-2015 school year? And what if you kicked that off with a $500 celebration for your school? Sign up by August 15, and you could win big.

At Share My Lesson, we are big on sharing. We know that many educators spend from their own pocket during the back-to-school season. We’d like to ease the load. Activate a new account on Share My Lesson for a chance to win 1 of 3 prize packs: $1,000 to spend on school supplies and another $500 for a school party.

What do I need to do?

It’s simple; register an email address and activate your account with Share My Lesson by August 15, 2014. Get your colleagues, paraprofessionals, parents, and community members to sign up, too. The more members of your community who register, the more chances your school could win!

What do I win?

When you complete activation of your new account on Share My Lesson, you will be entered into a drawing to win 1 of 3 prize packages: each winner will receive $1,500 in VISA ® gift cards. Three lucky winners will be able to buy back-to-school supplies for their class and have funds for a celebratory party for the school.

So sign up for Share My Lesson! Follow us on Twitter #teamSML for the latest information.

Click here for more detailed terms and conditions. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Let’s Talk About Money!

Let’s Talk Money

First, the back story:

Last year, the LA Legislature passed an MFP formula which included a one-time supplement for all classroom teachers.  Most local districts made the decision to include all other employees in a one-time supplement allocation.  For Caddo and Bossier, both boards decided to give this at the same time they gave their yearly Christmas money.  All of this came in time for Black Friday.

Now for this year, the LA Legislature passed an MFP Formula which permanently put in place the money received in the one-time supplement, making it a permanent salary increase.  That would be $800 for Caddo teachers, $703.50 for Bossier and $200 for Red River. The BPSB has already voted to implement the permanent increase for the 2014-15 school Year.   District 12 CPSB member, Dottie Bell, has a agenda item for the July 15, 2014, meeting to allocate the permanent salary increase in Caddo for the 2014-15 year.  She has also committed to insuring all employees will receive a salary increase.   We are working on an update for Red River Parish.

What else can we anticipate?  Bossier will implement a 1.5% salary increase compliments of the Bossier voters.  The $725 B-Back check and the $600 and $350 Christmas money for certified and classified employees, respectively, is also a part of the salary schedule.

In Caddo, the CPSB budget includes a $200 supply fund for all classroom teachers, up from $100 last year.  And of course, all employees will continue to receive the $500 Christmas cash as it is a permanent part of the salary schedule.

So, if you compare the Bossier salary schedule for the 2014-15 year with the Caddo teacher salary schedule, you should see that once the Caddo board votes in the salary increase for employees, Caddo new teachers will be a hiccup above the Bossier teachers in starting salary.  The Red River Parish’s new teacher salary schedule (with supplements puts them ahead of both Caddo and Bossier Parishes.


Press Release: AFT President Randi Weingarten on the Harris v. Quinn Decision

Press Release

FOR RELEASE: June 30, 2014


Marcus Mrowka
202-531-0689 (cell)

AFT President Randi Weingarten on the Harris v. Quinn Decision

WASHINGTON—Statement from American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten on the Harris v. Quinn decision. Today’s Harris v. Quinn decision upholds the right of public sector unions to represent public employees, including their right to collectively bargain, but the Supreme Court refused to extend the right for a union to collect fair share fees for that purpose from Illinois home healthcare workers who are not members.

“While the court upheld the importance of collective bargaining and unions to families and communities, let’s be clear that working people, who have aspired to the middle class and tried to make a better life for their families, have taken it on the chin for years. Stagnating wages, loss of pensions and lack of upward mobility have defined the economic distress they have experienced. Today’s decision makes it worse.

“The Roberts court has consistently ruled in favor of corporate interests, while diminishing the rights of labor. This court has built a record of weakening the rights of both voters and working families; no one should be surprised by this decision.

“America’s workers have gone through the crucible of tough times and adversity—that’s why they formed America’s labor movement. Workers did not start off with their rights being protected by government. We had to—and still must—organize ourselves, our families and others to secure good jobs, great public schools, prosperous communities and opportunity for all. While disappointed in the court’s decision, the American Federation of Teachers will do what we have always done: redouble our efforts to empower and engage our members around the issues they care about and the work they do, and to serve as a strong voice for our communities, our democracy and opportunity for all.”

Follow AFT President Randi Weingarten:


You are the Union! Volunteer Your Time with Red River United!

You are the Union! Volunteer Your Time!

Summer is a great time to spread the word about Red River United, build momentum, and share our vision of Reclaiming the Promise of Public Education. We are looking for RRU members and leaders to volunteer in our outreach and organizing efforts. We will be talking to people at their homes, during orientations, in-services, and other trainings from July 28 to August 9. Giving a single day (or more) will help us reach our organizing goals and grow this amazing organization! Times may vary based on the activity planned that day. Staff representatives will contact you with details and times.

Click here to sign up for the day(s) you will volunteer with Red River United.

Rhonda Boston wins 2013-14 RRU Recruiting Contest!




Rhonda Boston, Secretary at Walnut Hill Elementary/Middle School and RRU worksite leader, won the 2013-2014 new member recruiting contest by recruiting thirteen of her coworkers, both teachers and support personnel,  to join Red River United.

When asked why Ms. Boston was such a strong, passionate, and dynamic recruiter and leader, Ms. Boston cited how Red River United was there for her during a time of confusion and frustration. During a Caddo Parish reduction-in-force (RIF), Ms. Boston had been laid off. She had felt confused, frustrated, and without options, since she was out of  a job. Red River United President Jackie Lansdale actively sought her out, and helped her win her job at Walnut Hill back.

As a prize for winning top recruiter, Ms. Boston was presented with a new iPad. Rhonda Boston also won top recruiter in the fall recruiting drive.

Red River United congratulates Rhonda Boston for her hard work and dedication to both RRU and Walnut Hill Elementary/Middle.

Want help and training to recruit YOUR coworkers and to win some prizes? E-mail or call 318-424-4579. Sign up to volunteer for a day HERE. 

Local Member Benefits Coming to You Soon- Roadside Assistance!

Local Benefits Coming to You Soon!

RRU is the largest professional organization in Northern Louisiana. As such, we are in a position to use our economy of scale to negotiate additional benefits for our members (in addition to the numerous benefits already provided by AFT). We have asked our members to take this survey so that we can get you the local member benefits you need and want!

Beginning the 2014 – 2015 school year, all Red River United members will be covered under Nation Safe Drivers’ Road Side Assistance program which will enable all Red River United members to recieve two (2) free tows a year for a distance of twenty – five (25) miles each tow.

Red River United members will also be recieving identify theft protection through InfoArmor.

MFP Funding- The State Education Budget

MFP Funding – The State Education Budget

After a short derailment by the Senate Education Committee, a rewritten Minimum Foundation Program (MFP) formula zipped through the legislative process, winning approval by the House Education Committee and House of Representatives in just a couple of days. Senate Education Committee Chairman Sen. Conrad Appel (R-Metairie) had objected to including a recurring 2.75% inflation factor in the formula. BESE’s rewritten formula deleted the inflation factor, prompting LFT President Steve Monaghan to warn that the move could lead to lower funding in the future. This is the first year since 2011 that lawmakers have successfully adopted a public education spending formula. The 2012 formula was set aside after the LFT and others challenged the way it was adopted, and last year’s legislature rejected the formula proposed by BESE.

The MFP is included in the state’s $24.6 billion operating budget. The baseline spending for each student will be $3,961. The plan includes enough money to make last year’s one-time raise for classroom teachers a permanent addition to their salaries. Read more here.