ALERT: Verizon Phone Lines Down, Contact RRU Staff Representatives via Text Message

Due to an issue with Verizon phone lines, there have been some technical difficulties with RRU staff cell phones—which are currently unable to receive calls from AT&T and Sprint (and perhaps other) network phones.

If you need to get in touch with an RRU staff representative, please contact them via text message, and they will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also call the office at 318-424-4579 between the hours of 9AM and 5PM.


Red River United apologizes for this inconvenience.

AFT+ Member Benefits

With access to a wealth of opportunities and resources, the AFT has something for you.

  • Insurance for your home, auto and life—even your pets (learn details at
  • No fee credit card with special union-member features
  • A mortgage program with special features for AFT members
  • 15 percent off wireless phone plans

With the purchasing power of 1.5 million members, together we are able to access a wide array of high-quality programs and services. Our partners that offer these services and programs are committed to providing you and your family with great selections at competitive prices.

Many of the AFT’s benefit offerings are through our affiliation with Union Plus, the AFL-CIO benefits program. New Union Plus programs have been added to the AFT + roster of benefits to bring you savings on an even wider array of products and services.

* NYSUT members have similar programs through NYSUT Member Benefits Trust. To obtain more information about these plans, members can call 800/626-8101.

For information about AFT + programs, please contact AFT + at 800/238-1133, ext. 8643, or e-mail

The AFT Benefit Trust has an expense reimbursement/endorsement arrangement with the providers of many of the products promoted. For information about contractual expense reimbursement and/or endorsement arrangements with providers of endorsed programs, please call AFT financial services at 800/238-1133, ext. 4493, or send an e-mail to, or read our disclosure.

Tell the Caddo Parish School Board to Approve Permanent Salary Increases for ALL Employees!

Tell the Caddo Parish School Board to Approve Permanent Salary

Increases for ALL Employees

Email your school board member and ask them to vote “YES” on Agenda Item 8.08  – “Permanent Salary Adjustment to Certified and Classified Employees” at the July 15th school board meeting. This Agenda Item was proposed by District 12 Caddo Parish School Board Member Dottie Bell. This agenda item will make permanent the one-time supplement allocated in the 2013-2014 based on the MFP.  Read more here!

Take Action Now: Tell The Caddo Parish School Board to Vote “YES” on Agenda Item 8.08 at the July 15th school board meeting!

Don’t forget to show up to the school board meeting! It will be held on Tuesday July 15, 2014 at 4:00 pm

LFT responds to Gov. Jindal’s PARCC Announcement

LFT responds to Gov. Jindal’s PARCC announcement

(Baton Rouge – June 18, 2014) Sticking to a vow he’s made for weeks. Gov. Bobby Jindal today announced that he has signed an executive order withdrawing Louisiana from the test consortium associated with Common Core State Standards. The governor said that his action also removes Louisiana from participation in the Common Core standards.

Superintendent of Education John White and Board of Elementary and Secondary Education President Chas Roemer immediately responded with a press release saying that they intend to remain in Common Core and to implement PARCC tests as planned.

The showdown between Jindal on one side and White and Roemer on the other could lead to a dramatic political confrontation, according to Louisiana Federation of Teachers President Steve Monaghan.

“There is no doubt that Common Core and PARCC are toxic because of the political controversy surrounding them,” Monaghan said. “We know that our questions about the Common Core standards, PARCC tests and their implementation were never satisfactorily answered. The governor did what he has been promising to do for weeks. That is the political reality of the situation.

“Meanwhile,” Monaghan said, “teachers and children want to know what the future holds.”

The governor’s order prohibits BESE from spending money on PARCC tests. He said the state’s school board needs to develop new state standards and to take competitive bids for tests that measure those standards.

Louisiana’s participation in Common Core dates back to 2010, Monaghan said, when BESE signed onto the standards as part of an application to receive federal Race to the Top funds. Although the state did was not approved for the funds, the state began to implement Common Core. BESE chose the PARCC test as the instrument to measure student achievement under the standards.

Controversy followed almost immediately. For various reasons, parents, teacher organizations and school systems all questioned the implementation of the standards as well as the origins of the standards themselves.

Problems with the rollout of the standards and test led to a two-year suspension of high-stakes consequences for students, but PARCC testing is scheduled to begin next year for third through eighth grade students.

The LFT has consistently maintained support for high standards, but questioned the implementation of the program in Louisiana. At last November’s LFT convention, delegates adopted a resolution dealing with several aspects of Common Core State Standards and testing. The resolution asked for legislation that would:

  • Adopt a three-year hold-harmless transitional period for the implementation of Common Core (On June 10, 2014, the Gates Foundation called for a two year moratorium on linking new tests to high stakes decisions).
  • Guarantee appropriate curriculum framework for the implementation of Common Core and its tests.
  • Repeal the letter grading system of schools prior to establishing consequences of Common Core implementation.
  • Ensure the provision of appropriate technology to administer PARCC, or to provide for alternate means of assessment.

None of the elements of the LFT resolution were adopted by the Legislature.

Today’s announcement by the governor, and the response from BESE, pose big questions for teachers, parents and students in the months ahead. Whatever the eventual outcome, Monaghan said, there must be a sense of clarity in order for public education to function.

“What do teachers want?” Monaghan asked “Clear educational standards, an instrument that accurately and fairly measures student progress, and the resources necessary to meet those goals. Those are the tools that teachers need to do the job they are prepared to do. We hope that teachers and developmental experts will be consulted as new instruments are created under the governor’s orders.”