ON THE SIDE OF ANGELS – To be on the side of the angels means to make a conscious choice to do what is right, what is fair, what is compassionate, what is good.
When it comes to public education and ensuring we are able to provide that opportunity to every boy and girl, would you agree how you vote might just say whose side you are on?
Some politicians never make us wonder whose side they are on. They just always understand the importance of public education to our society. Their importance cannot be overstated. They are the glue, the bedrock, they do not waiver as they hold and preserve this institution. They are truly on the side of the angels.
Take the Bossier School Board and the majority of our Caddo School Board, they both passed resolutions opposing Education Savings Accounts. These accounts will take public funding to create scholarships for private schools.
Bossier’s was unanimous and Caddo’s was a split vote. We all must especially thank one Caddo board member, Barry Rachal, who was clearly on the side of the angels. While it was clear he felt he could face repercussions for his vote by his affiliated party, he sided with our public schools. He based his vote on the inequity of holding public schools to accountability standards while not demanding the same from private schools.

When this came to the Legislature HB 745, we saw who sided with our public schools, our communities, our educators. Larry Bagley refused to waiver, yield or bend. Our only local legislators who stood up were Representative Bagley and our ever faithful servant, Representative Tammy Phelps.
Below is how our local legislators voted.

What happened to the rest? We can guess on some, but on others the evidence is plain. Take our newly elected legislator who took thousands upon thousands of dollars from a group who supported giving away public dollars to private schools. Her allegiance to them was more important as she literally voted to take dollars from her public schools in her district, her community and place them in scholarships for private schools.

Finally, are we on the side of the angels? Did we vote for politicians who support us, who support our public schools? Or did we vote for the ones who are literally attempting to undermine the world of public education- Our World? Or did we not vote at all and just stayed home? Please find all of Red River United members on the side of the angels.