RRU president outlines Bossier school pay raise benefits

IMG_2233Follow this link for KTBS 3’s story on the Bossier Parish school tax election:


Red River United President Jackie Lansdale is sharing details about how proposed Bossier Parish school employee pay raises could benefit the community and economy.

Lansdale warns that experienced teachers could leave the Bossier school system if voters turn down the taxes that would support the raises. Those millages are on the May 4 ballot.

RRU president stands behind Bossier school pay raises

IMG_2231Red River United President Jackie Lansdale is making the case for new Bossier Parish millages to pay for teacher and school support employee raises.

On Wednesday, Lansdale talked to KEEL radio’s Robert J. Wright and Erin McCarty about the raises — $7,200 for teachers and $3,000 for support employees — explaining how higher pay helps improve students’ success in school and life and how the raises could support one of the fastest-growing communities in Louisiana.


Calling Bossier teachers: help get out the early vote!

early voting school spirit

Bossier voters have a chance to help Bossier Parish public schools get an “A” grade! Locally funded school empoyee raises — $7,200 for teachers and $3,000 for support workers — are up for a vote May 4. Early voting is April 20 and April 22-27. The Bossier Education Coalition is planning three early voting drives so teachers can show the community why these raises matter. Join them and make your voice heard!

Just the facts: Caddo Parish 2019 millage vote

Millage-2 FULL PAGECaddo Parish voters have a chance to ensure the safety and comfort of students and employees for years to come! Get the facts about the 2019 millage election in this video.


Early voting is April 20 and April 22-27 from 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. at the Caddo Parish Registrar of Voters Office, 525 Marshall St., Suite 103, in downtown Shreveport. Don’t be left out! Make your voice heard!

Upcoming RRU Election Information

voting clip art

It’s time to choose your Red River United leaders!

In accordance with the Red River United Constitution, the RRU Election/Nomination Committee met and established the following rules:


  1. Nominations are now open for the following positions –

Each of the three Federations, Caddo, Bossier and Red River Parish, will elect the following seven offices per Federation.


Ex. Vice President

Vice President of Certified

Vice President of Classified





All members of the three federations and members at large will collectively elect:

RRU President (may not serve on the executive board of any of the three Federations)

RRU Executive Vice President

RRU Secretary/Treasurer


  1. A member in good standing and in accordance with the RRU Constitution, may be elected by slate or by filing a petition of nomination signed by at least 10 members in good standing from the candidate’s Federation.


  1. Nominations will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. May 1. No nominations will be taken from the floor.



  1. Post Office Box is secured by the Nomination/Election Committee
  2. Ballots are printed and mailed to each member in good standing.
  3. Ballots must be returned in the enclosed postage paid envelope addressed to the P.O. Box.
  4. Ballots will be removed and counted by the Election/Nomination Committee by end of the day, May 6th.
  5. Each candidate may submit a witness to be present at the counting of the ballots.
  6. The winner of each election will be notified and posted on the Red River United Website.

Newly elected officers of each Federation and the RRU will begin serving on July 1, 2019 for three years.

Bossier City firefighters support school employee raises

Bossier firefighters local

Bossier City firefighters are standing with Bossier Parish teachers and school support employees on new taxes to support school employee raises.

The Bossier City Fire Fighters Association has voted to support the property tax increases that would provide the raises and help the school system put more high-tech equipment in the hands of students, according to association President Matt Lauterbach.

On May 4, Bossier Parish residents will vote on a 22.94-mill property tax to fund the raises — $3,000 for support employees and $7,200 for teachers. A 3.22-million tax for technology improvements is also on the ballot.

It’s not too late to register in this critical election! Go online to the Secretary of State’s Geaux Vote website and sign up to vote.

Early voting is April 20-27 (except Sunday, Apr. 21) from 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. at the Registrar of Voters offices in Bossier Parish.