Don’t be left out — register to vote!

voter registration

On May 4, you have a chance to help public education — so register to vote NOW if you aren’t already registered. Voters in Bossier and Caddo parishes have a chance to reinvest in our children through bond and tax proposals that will support school and community improvement. Don’t miss a chance to make YOUR voice heard!

YOU can help Bossier Parish recruit and retain highly qualified teachers and support employees. Bossier is asking residents to approve a 22.94-mill tax increase to fund raises — $3,000 for support employees and 7,200 for teachers — and a 3.22-mill tax to improve technology so students can be prepared for high-tech careers.

YOU can help Caddo Parish provide a safer, more comfortable learning environment WITHOUT RAISING TAXES. Caddo is asking voters to approve $88.3 million in bonds to increase campus security; replace failing heating and air conditioning systems around the district; and buy new buses to replace an aging fleet that puts students and employees at risk when buses break down. Existing millages will cover the bond repayment.


April 3 is the voter registration deadline for the May 4 elections.

Early voting is April 20-27 (except Sunday, Apr. 21) from 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. at the Registrar of Voters offices in Bossier and Caddo.

No time? No excuses! Go to the Louisiana Secretary of State’s Voter Registration website to check your status, change your voter information or REGISTER TO VOTE with just a few clicks.
OR pick up the phone and check with your parish registrar:
BENTON, LA 71006
(318) 965-2301
SHREVEPORT, LA 71163-1253
(318) 226-6891

BESE approves school employee pay raise plan

Proposed teacher and support staff pay raises are headed to the Legislature.

This morning, BESE members unanimously approved the proposal — $1,000 for teachers and $500 for support employees – in roll-call vote designed to show unwavering support for the raises.

Gov. John Bel Edwards calls the proposal “a good faith down payment” on a plan to bring Louisiana’s teacher pay in line with the Southern regional average for teacher salaries. Regional and national average teacher salaries are more than $1,000 higher than Louisiana’s average pay.

Edwards has said the raises are his number one priority going into the 2019 legislative session.Tuesday, he urged members of BESE’s Administration and Finance Committee to approve the raises and the per-pupil funding increased needed to cover the cost.

Today, BESE also approved a request to increase MFP by 1.375 percent this year to fund those raises and provide more money for classroom materials and supplies. Louisiana hasn’t put any additional money into the per-pupil funding formula since 2009, says Louisiana Federation of Teachers President Larry Carter.

We already know there’s opposition to these raises! Tell us how you can help us get them passed: