Red River United’s 2019 New Year’s Resolutions


The Red River United resolves to continue to advocate through the district and the court system to ensure NO EDUCATOR is penalized by the VALUE-ADDED MODEL.

The Red River United resolves to continue to advocate through the district and the courts to ensure all educators receive their STIPENDS/INCENTIVE PAY as outlined in the agreement between Caddo and the Louisiana Department of Education.


The Red River United resolves to work for the SOMETHING BIG coming to Bossier employees this spring. We will be at the January 10th and January 17th BPSB MEETINGS. BOSSIER MEMBERS shall resolve to be there, too!!!


The Red River United resolves to ensure the commitments made by Red River Parish School Board Members on DUTY-FREE LUNCH and the OPTION ON TWICE-MONTHLY PAY become policy.

TAP Payouts and Incentive Issues

We have been informed that TAP payouts for transformation schools will be paid on

December 19, 2018.  There is no set date for any of the other incentives monies except

 that they hope to issue them BEFORE December 19, 2018.

If you do not receive TAP or incentive monies you believe are owed, please click on the link below in order for Red River United to best serve you.

Click here to report your issue!