Have you seen the “RRU Chat Back Time” on FaceBook?


“What do you think about creating a policy that limited faculty meetings to once per

month? Or, a policy specifying the maximum length for faculty meetings.”


“What do you think about principals telling their teachers they can never score a 4? Would

it be ethical if we told students they can never earn an A?”


“What do you consider a good use of planning time? Are you required to use your planning

time in ways you find unproductive or wasteful? Here is some food for thought, in Texas a

classroom teacher may NOT be required to participate in any other activity (during

planning time). In Arkansas, a teacher who does not receive the planning time shall be

compensated at her hourly rate of pay for each missed planning period.”


Chat Back with RRU, what do you think? 

Visit us on Facebook! 

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Compass Ideas Keep Coming In—Submit Your Ideas!


COMPASS ideas keep coming in…

Teachers around Louisiana are responding to the LFT’s call for ideas to improveCOMPASS’ the teacher evaluation system.

Here’s a recent comment:

Practically all teachers in all grade levels of all content intensive subjects are graded
according to the same rubric, which requires very specific practices to be displayed during
classroom observation. This is completely artificial. The most appropriate techniques for
teaching 9th grade English are quite different from those that would be most effective in
12th grade physics.

As an example of the previous, group work might be appropriate for lower grade levels,
but it is NOT appropriate for seniors who are about to go into college science classes
where they will have to work independently.

As another example, students are supposed to ask probing and insightful questions.
However, in a content intensive area like science, they probably do not know what
questions to ask! It is much more effective for the teacher to use the Socratic method to
question them rather than wait for them to figure out what questions to ask.

To summarize:
If we are going to use rubrics to evaluate teachers, each subject and grade level should
have its own rubric.

Now, here’s YOUR chance to tell the Accountability Commission what you think about COMPASS!

Click here and send your ideas on making COMPASS fairer and more accurate to the Accountability Commision.