Our obsession with testing and labeling students is sucking the joy out of teaching and learning.
Take the nola.com survey on excessive testing!
Representing Teachers and School Employees in Northwest Louisiana
Our obsession with testing and labeling students is sucking the joy out of teaching and learning.
Take the nola.com survey on excessive testing!
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Les Landon, Director of Public Relations
(Baton Rouge – October 15, 2014) Statement from the Louisiana Federation of Teachers following the State Supreme Court decision reversing a 19th Judicial District Court ruling on the constitutionality of Act 1 of 2012:
Obviously the Louisiana Federation of Teachers is disappointed by the high court’s decision. After the district court ruled three times that Act 1 is wholly or in part unconstitutional, we had hoped for a different outcome.
Since we have not yet had a chance to study the Supreme Court ruling, we cannot comment on its particulars. We have always maintained, however, that the ultimate solution to the problems caused by Act 1 of 2012 will be legislative and not judicial.
The bundling of objects, the basis of our original lawsuit, was just one of the reasons that we considered Act 1 so ill-conceived. Another of our concerns, the way in which Act 1 dealt with the discipline and dismissal of teachers, was corrected with the adoption of Act 570 in the 2014 Regular Legislative Session.
Act 570 should serve as a model for future cooperation between educators and lawmakers. The LFT intends to revisit other offensive sections of Act 1 in coming legislative sessions.
As a leader of teachers and school employees, you probably think this letter is about the testing ad nauseam we are forced to endure in our classrooms.
And while there is considerable angst, our greatest anxiety is what this does to our students. The actual joy of school is being robbed from our boys and girls. For example, when the inclusion of enrichments is not important, when recess is suspended because we need to be back in the classroom, when we expect children to choke down a lunch in the name of maximizing class time, when we don’t let our students talk during lunch because that is a distraction, and now even taking away naps from our youngest.
We have turned our schools into a forced march.
Student achievement is increased when what we present is meaningful and relevant. Those extra minutes taken away each day do not help because students are exhausted thus disengaged; therefore, no REAL learning is actually taking place. We believe that teachers teach and students learn best in an environment which recognizes that school is more than an assembly line.
It is time for all of us to demand better for our children. A world awaits our children, it is our job to prepare them for all aspects of that world and that is more than testing. Let’s return the joy of school.
— Jackie Lansdale, President, Red River United, Shreveport
Call us immediately at Red River United, 318-424-4579 (we may want to consider a grievance but must weigh the particulars of each individual’s case). SLTs are too important to take lightly.
Here are some basic facts on Student Learning Targets (SLTs) are a crucial part of a teacher’s COMPASS evaluation. To make sure that your evaluation is an appropriate, accurate and fair representation of your professional abilities, please review the following hints for writing your SLTs in collaboration with your principal.
Red River United has received calls and emails about SLTs. Below are the most common topics and RRU’s position.
What to do if an accusation is made against you?
Click here for further information on Impermissible Corporal Punishment.
Have you been battered or assaulted? Know Your Rights.
Do teachers have a bill of rights? Yes! Know Your Rights.