CPSB Amends Sick Leave Policy

Caddo Parish School Board Amends Sick-Leave Policy

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Well, the CPSB heard your concerns loud and clear, but the fight is not yet over! The board voted to delay passage of the policy until September. They discussed, but did not vote on an amendment that removed the requirement that an employee produce a doctor’s note after three days absence or a single absence preceding or after a holiday. Red River United was concerned that this measure would unfairly impact the employees that are not abusing the current sick leave policy and the board’s actions would be in violation of state law.

Send your School Board members a message today: http://action.aft.org/c/464/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=8951


KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: What Constitutes a Pre-Observation Conference?

What Constitutes a Pre-Observation Conference?



All observations must be announced and include a pre-observation conference according to Louisiana ACT 54. The key to this step is that both parties “confer” about the upcoming evaluation. To confer means, to consult together; compare opinions; carry on a discussion or deliberation. Sufficient time must be set aside to go over lesson plans and ANY information the teacher considers pertinent (extenuating circumstances, class size, discipline, IEPs, student-para ratio, etc.).

According to Red River United a quick conversation in the hall ahead of an evaluation does not meet the requirements of a pre-observation conference as prescribed by law. Contact us at 318-424-4579 or redriverunited@redriverunited.org if you have questions.

PS – A post-observation conference must be held within 10 days of the observation.

When Should You Be A Whistleblower?

When Should You Be A Whistleblower?


Red River United’s in-house attorney recommends prior to getting caught in an investigation, it is to your professional advantage to come forward and speak (privately) with legal counsel at Red Rive United. Too often we have seen professional reputations tarnished and jobs threatened when a person lacks representation, or seeks counsel late in an investigation. We will not tolerate illegal and unethical actions in the schools BUT you must speak up. Whistleblower protections cover an employee from retaliation.

• Grade changes

• Testing irregularities