It’s School Board Election Time: Your Voice is Needed in the Endorsement Process


 It’s almost election time, and this year we have school board elections. Red River United is inviting you join our COPE (Committee on Political Education).

The COPE committee will be convening to discuss and advise Red River United on school board elections. The COPE committee also visits with, calls, and sends e-mails to local state legislators letting them know how the recent legislation has impacted teachers and school employees AND to let them know about much needed, new legislation.

Interested in joining the COPE committee? Just fill out this form, and we will be in contact with you.

CPSB Amends Sick Leave Policy

Caddo Parish School Board Amends Sick-Leave Policy

medleave piggy

Well, the CPSB heard your concerns loud and clear, but the fight is not yet over! The board voted to delay passage of the policy until September. They discussed, but did not vote on an amendment that removed the requirement that an employee produce a doctor’s note after three days absence or a single absence preceding or after a holiday. Red River United was concerned that this measure would unfairly impact the employees that are not abusing the current sick leave policy and the board’s actions would be in violation of state law.

Send your School Board members a message today:


KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: What Constitutes a Pre-Observation Conference?

What Constitutes a Pre-Observation Conference?



All observations must be announced and include a pre-observation conference according to Louisiana ACT 54. The key to this step is that both parties “confer” about the upcoming evaluation. To confer means, to consult together; compare opinions; carry on a discussion or deliberation. Sufficient time must be set aside to go over lesson plans and ANY information the teacher considers pertinent (extenuating circumstances, class size, discipline, IEPs, student-para ratio, etc.).

According to Red River United a quick conversation in the hall ahead of an evaluation does not meet the requirements of a pre-observation conference as prescribed by law. Contact us at 318-424-4579 or if you have questions.

PS – A post-observation conference must be held within 10 days of the observation.

When Should You Be A Whistleblower?

When Should You Be A Whistleblower?


Red River United’s in-house attorney recommends prior to getting caught in an investigation, it is to your professional advantage to come forward and speak (privately) with legal counsel at Red Rive United. Too often we have seen professional reputations tarnished and jobs threatened when a person lacks representation, or seeks counsel late in an investigation. We will not tolerate illegal and unethical actions in the schools BUT you must speak up. Whistleblower protections cover an employee from retaliation.

• Grade changes

• Testing irregularities

Teacher Tip: 8/20/2014

Save the World and Money at the Same Time

Facilitate a student-led discussion early in the year about ways to help the environment by changing a few daily things at school. Encourage students to honor their list all year long. Delegate each student to be responsible for one of the ideas.Use both sides of paper. If you have to print something, use the double-sided option on your printer and photocopier.  You will save half of the amount of paper you would have normally used. Encourage your students to also write on both sides of their papers, and bring it to the recycle bin when they are finished.

Turn off computers at night; don’t just put your computers to sleep.  One computer will save an average of 4 cents a day which adds up to $14.60 a year. That’s almost $1500.00 if there are 100 computers in your school!

Take an inventory of items that go unused in your classroom, and give them away.Others in your school may have the perfect use for these items. If there is still not a need, drop them off to a school with limited resources in your area, or a second-hand store.

Educate your students about mathematics and the environment at the same time.Incorporate lessons and projects that challenge students to consider the Earth while connecting skills. Check out math lesson plans funded by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and the Waste Management and Research Center.

Set up your classroom reusing materials that may have otherwise been discarded. For example, cereal boxes can be decorated to take the place of plastic bins where homework is turned in. Also, household items can replace manipulative sets.  For example, use cans and other empty containers for explorations in volume and surface area instead of purchasing a set of geometric solids.

Encourage students to minimize waste during lunchtime and other breaks.  Have a competition and measure and graph the food wasted for each classroom. It is also fun to challenge students to pack waste-free snacks and lunches, meaning that they packeverything in reusable containers.

What is the temperature?  Keep the blinds closed in the summer months, and open them up in the winter.  These simple steps can save lots of money and energy on heating and cooling.

Consider reducing the heat by just one degree in the cold months and increasing the air conditioning setting by one degree to find the balance of comfort and value. Remind students to dress appropriately so that you can keep the temperature at a conservative level.  In a single family home, decreasing the heat by one degree will save $367.36 per year.  Decreasing it by 3 degrees will save more than $1100.00 in just a few months! Imagine how much your school could save!

Use technology to “be green and keep it on the screen.” Organize your inbox and set reminders instead of printing emails.  Subscribe to the daily news online instead of receiving a printed copy; it might even be free!

Send parents newsletters by email, instead of mailing them home.  This will actually promote more interaction with parents who are comfortable with the computer because it is faster and easier for them than calling or stopping in to see you.  Also, consider starting a website to post grades or a blog to keep both parents and students informed of assignments, handouts, and more.

Grow plants and vegetables in your classroom.  Use rainwater to water the plants.  Have a conversation about the amount of energy saved by growing your own vegetables or at least buying locally instead of buying commercially. Encourage students to split up the plants and take them home for the summer.

Organize a recycling competition.  Make it fun for your students to see who can collect the most recyclables.  Offer an eco-friendly prize, such as a fun-colored reusable water bottle.

Recycle old technology. Electronics often contain materials that do not break down and some toxic chemicals that can hurt landfills.  Do your part to pass on old electronics to someone that can use them, or recycle them free through the Reconnect Programsponsored by Dell and Goodwill.

Make good decisions about school supplies. Keep water-based paints, recycled tissues, scientific pencils with extra lead, and rechargeable batteries in your classroom.  Talk to your school about using these, if they don’t supply you with these environmentally friendly options.

Make sure the lights are off at the end of the day. Lighting accounts and expenses on electrician assistance comprise up to 7 percent of a home’s electric bill each year (the work itself as well as professional equipment inside that best tool backpack for an electrician cost quite a lot). If you turn off just a few unneeded bulbs for a few hours each day, the savings add up. Also, consider energy-saving bulbs. They last longer too!

~Staff Submission

Tell Our Leaders: Put Teaching and Learning First!

Tell our leaders:

Put teaching and learning first!

“Gotcha” assessments have got to go!

Teachers and their students return to school this year under a cloud, with lawsuits and counter-lawsuits over testing and standards.

There is plenty of blame to go around about the confusion facing our schools this year. But one thing is certain: it’s not the fault of children and their teachers that politicians can’t agree on what should be taught and tested and tested and tested.

The problem isn’t in the classroom, but in Baton Rouge!

Please click here to learn more and send a message to Gov. Bobby Jindal, Superintendent John White, the Legislature and the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Listen to LFT President Steve Monaghan discuss the controversy swirling in the state capitol: click here.

Teacher Tip- 8/15/2014

This Week’s Teacher Tip – 8/15/2014 



This week’s teacher tip comes from Deborah Tonguis:


Always keep a framed picture of yourself at the same age as the students you teach in your classroom. Every morning when I walk into my classroom, I look at myself as a high school freshman and remember what it felt like. That single act prepares me to teach with compassion. Plus my students get to see me at the same age they are!


CPSB Passes Permanent 2% Raise for All School Employees on Consent Agenda

CPSB Puts Permanent 2% Raise For All School Employees on Consent Agenda

To calculate your salary:

  • Find the step you are on in the salary schedule for this 2014-2015 school year
  • Add 2% of your salary to your current step
  • Add $500 to include Christmas bonus

*Remember the $200 materials and supplies monies for classroom teachers. KEEP YOUR RECIEPTS.

A Reminder to ALL Parishes About Evaluations and SLTs

Reminder to All Parishes About Evaluations and SLTs

On Evaluations:

  • Every observation is formal
  • Every observation must have a pre and post observation meeting

Learn More about Evaluations here.

On SLTs:

  • Set realistic SLTs
  • There is no such thing as district wide SLTs
  • SLTs should be a collaborative effort between the teacher and the adminstration, not a one way street.

Learn more about SLTs here.

Contact Red River United at 318-424-4579 or email us at for questions or concerns on observations, evaluations, and SLTs.

TAKE ACTION NOW: Caddo Parish School Board Sick Leave Policy Revisions Against State Law!



There will be a revised sick leave policy for approval before the Board at its next regularly scheduled meeting. This new policy would require ALL employees to provide a doctor’s excuse any time they are absent for three or more consecutive days, or when they are absent only one day immediately prior to or following a school holiday, or in the case of “repeated absences of less than three days”. It also seeks to prescribe the exact form in which such a doctor’s excuse should be submitted. For the following reasons, the Red River United strongly urges you write the Caddo Parish School Board, asking them to vote NO on agenda Item 8.07 – Revisions to CPSB Polices, re: Absences and Leaves.