Celebrate with FREE School Supplies and a Party with Share My Lesson!

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Share My Lesson knows that educators spend a lot of their own money on supplies for the classroom each year. That’s why we want to help.

We will award three lucky winners $1,000 for school supplies plus $500 for a back-to-school party to celebrate! Create a new account on Share My Lesson by August 15 to be entered into our sweepstakes.

At Share My Lesson, we are big on sharing. Sign up today to be entered for a chance to win: www.sharemylesson.com/celebrate.

Happy Back-to-School Season!

Share My Lesson

PS: Share the celebration: Forward this email to your colleagues, and spread the word on social media.

LFT 2014 Legislative Successes!

LFT Leadership = Legislative Success!

Fiercely determined. Strongly protective of public education.

         After years of attacks on our teachers and our schools, the Louisiana
Federation of Teachers brought the fight to reclaim the promise of public
education to the Louisiana Legislature.

This year, LFT began to turn the tide against those who would damage public education. Here is the record of LFT success in the 2014 Regular
Legislative Session:

  • After courts ruled three times in favor of LFT that Gov. Jindal’s so-called 2010 Act 1 “reforms” were unconstitutional, the administration finally met with educators to negotiate about teacher rights. With the adoption of Act 570, a first step was taken to restore due process in the discipline and dismissal of teachers.
  • Because a teacher was handcuffed and taken to jail for tugging on the shirt tail of a student who refused to follow school policy, LFT worked to enact Act 670. Thanks to LFT, teachers who are accused of minor offenses cannot be arrested on school grounds, but must be issued summonses instead.
  • LFT worked to make sure that last year’s one-time $70 million increase in K-12 funding—including the teacher salary supplement—becomes permanent.
  • To make sure that test scores are not unfairly used to label teachers, LFT worked for passage of Act 515, which prohibits using the test scores of students with excessive absences to evaluate teachers.
  • In fairness to school support staff who are called upon to act as substitute teachers, LFT worked for passage of Act 231, which requires school boards to pay employees at the substitute teacher rate if it is higher than their usual salary.
  • LFT convinced lawmakers to adopt Act 659, a common-sense change that makes the extended sick leave law more user-friendly for teachers and school employees facing catastrophic illness.
  • LFT pushed for the first cost of living raise for public retirees in more than five years.
  • Questioning the ability of COMPASS to fairly and accurately evaluate teachers, LFT pushed for adoption of Act 240, requiring a subcommittee of the Accountability Commission to recommend improvements to the evaluation system.
  • Because the public has a right to know when agencies like BESE consider changes to rules, LFT worked for passage of Act 401, which requires agencies to publish rule promulgation schedules on the Internet.
  • Breakaway school districts would split communities and reduce state funding for local school systems across Louisiana. LFT was instrumental in defeating bills that would tear our school systems apart.
  • A bill that would have weakened teacher unions and silenced employee voices by eliminating payroll deduction of member dues was defeated.
  • Seeking more accountability for voucher schools, LFT supported Act 460, which requires schools that accept voucher funds to facilitate proper auditing by maintaining separate accounts for the money.


Making Good Choices is Easy with AFT+ Benefits

Make good choices.

That was the message I delivered to some 2,800 AFT delegates at AFT’s recent convention in Los Angeles.

“Nobody would pick an adversary over an advocate—and none of us would miss an opportunity to have someone actually fighting for our best interests … So I am asking you to make a good choice and switch to a credit card that fights for you—the AFT + Credit Card.”

In a nutshell, my message for attendees was: AFT + offers you both buying power and hardship assistance when times are tough. I am proud to say that, if you have the AFT + card, we have your back. By switching to the AFT + Credit Card, you’ll also have more muscle as a consumer.

The AFT + Cash Rewards card features competitive rates and 1.5% cash back on every purchase. Two other card options are also available.

Exclusive hardship grants help eligible cardholders facing financial hardship due to job loss, disability, strike and hospitalization.*

AFT members can apply for a credit card that puts union solidarity in your pocket at AFTcard.com.

In solidarity,

Leslie Tolf
President, Union Plus