Local Member Benefits Coming to You Soon- Roadside Assistance!

Local Benefits Coming to You Soon!

RRU is the largest professional organization in Northern Louisiana. As such, we are in a position to use our economy of scale to negotiate additional benefits for our members (in addition to the numerous benefits already provided by AFT). We have asked our members to take this survey so that we can get you the local member benefits you need and want!

Beginning the 2014 – 2015 school year, all Red River United members will be covered under Nation Safe Drivers’ Road Side Assistance program which will enable all Red River United members to recieve two (2) free tows a year for a distance of twenty – five (25) miles each tow.

Red River United members will also be recieving identify theft protection through InfoArmor.

MFP Funding- The State Education Budget

MFP Funding – The State Education Budget

After a short derailment by the Senate Education Committee, a rewritten Minimum Foundation Program (MFP) formula zipped through the legislative process, winning approval by the House Education Committee and House of Representatives in just a couple of days. Senate Education Committee Chairman Sen. Conrad Appel (R-Metairie) had objected to including a recurring 2.75% inflation factor in the formula. BESE’s rewritten formula deleted the inflation factor, prompting LFT President Steve Monaghan to warn that the move could lead to lower funding in the future. This is the first year since 2011 that lawmakers have successfully adopted a public education spending formula. The 2012 formula was set aside after the LFT and others challenged the way it was adopted, and last year’s legislature rejected the formula proposed by BESE.

The MFP is included in the state’s $24.6 billion operating budget. The baseline spending for each student will be $3,961. The plan includes enough money to make last year’s one-time raise for classroom teachers a permanent addition to their salaries. Read more here.

Thank You for Committing to Get Active This Legislative Session! Your Small Actions Made a Huge Difference!

Thank You for Committing to Get Active This Legislative Session! Your Small Actions Made a Huge Difference!

Over 200 people committed to taking action this legislative session.

Over 2000 individual emails were sent via our click and send campaings throughout the legislative session.

Over 200 letters were hand addressed and signed by teachers and school employees in support of a fully funded MFP and solidarity for raises for ALL school employees.

YOU made a difference this legislative session! Let’s keep the momentum going! Email redriverunited@redriverunited.org or call our office at 318-424-4579 to find out how you can get more involved in our advocacy efforts, tell us about your workday, and suggest ways in which we can improve the way you work, and the quality of education our students receive.

Join Red River United TODAY- FREE Dues Until September

Join Red River United Today, Pay No Dues until September!

Join Red River United, the largest and most activeorganzation in northern Louisiana and don’t pay dues until September!! Join Red River United and become an advocate for yourself, your students, and public education! Call318-424-4579 or email us atRedriverunited@redriverunited.org for any questions about what we do and can do with you as an active member of our organization.

HB 1277- Teacher Tenure and Due Process, Awaits Jindal’s Signature

HB 1277 – Teacher Tenure and Due Process

HB 1277 by Rep. Jeff Thompson (R-Shreveport)  is a bill that improves the state law governing the discipline and dismissal of teachers has passed both houses of the legislature and awaits Governor Bobby Jindal’s signature. The bill is limited to those sections of Act 1 of 2012 that deal with the discipline and dismissal of teachers. No longer will the superintendent have the sole final word on dismissal of teachers. Teachers recommended for termination may present their case to a hearing officer chosen at random from a list of individuals approved by the school board. Unlike Act 1’s provisions, in which a three-person advisory panel’s decision was not binding, the hearing officer is empowered to reverse a superintendent’s decision. The bill includes other provisions aimed at making sections of Act 1 into a clearer, fairer process. Read more here.

Red River United’s State affiliate, the Louisiana Federation of Teachers filed lawsuit against Act 1 in June of 2012, soon after Act 1 was passed. Since then, a LA state court has ruled Act 1 of 2012 unconstitutional in it’s entirety on two (2) seperate occasions because it violates a prohibition on bundling too many objectives in a single law. Our objections to Act 1 go far deeper than just the questionable way it was railroaded through the system. The Louisiana state attorney has appealed the judge’s decision, so the law will remain in effect until the Supreme Court of Louisiana makes a final decision.  HB 1277 helps to ensure due process when dealing with the dismissal and termination of teachers as we mitigate the damages of the bill until the high court makes a final decision.