Know Your Rights- Transfers!

Know Your Rights: Teacher Transfer Policies

Note that these policies only apply to teachers. Support personnel have different transfer policies, especially in Caddo, and less rigid deadlines.

A teacher transferred to a school or position must be certified and qualified for the position to which transferred. Should a person request reassignment to a lesser position, such personnel, upon reassignment, shall be placed in the salary schedule at the level of the new position. Procedures and timelines for requesting, reviewing, interviewing, and making recommendations for transfers of personnel shall be maintained by the Division of Human Resources. All teachers are eligible for transfer during the transfer period, regardless of temporary certification and funding status. Vacant positions must be requested using Caddo School’s official application portal. Transfers will begin May 1st and go through June 30th for the following school year. The Director of Certified Personnel, acting under the authority of the Superintendent, shall be responsible for approving the principal’s recommendation for transfers. Transfer recommendations after June 30th will require approval by the Chief Human Resource Officer. Teachers and the principals will be notified in writing of approved transfers by the Human FILE: GBM Caddo Parish School Board 2 of 2 Resources Department for the upcoming school year. In the event of school closures, those certified teachers affected will be placed first in any vacancies that occur.
Your personnel file/record is the ONLY thing a principal looks at if you are considering transferring to another school or another parish. Make sure you know what is in your personnel file, and that you write rebuttals for everything that goes in your personnel file. 

Fine-tune your SLTs and prepare for your observations using Red River United’s After Hours tutoring, FREE to all RRU members and available after-school by appointment. Call 318-424-4579 for more information or to set up an appointment!  


You should have already received your Be Back Letter. Make sure you sign your Be Back Letter, and click the box saying that you intend to transfer schools.

Employees who voluntarily request a transfer to another location or position shall submit such request to the Superintendent or principal in writing.  Such requests shall be submitted on or before July 15 in order to be considered for the next school year.  A written notation of the request to transfer shall also be sent to the employee’s principal or immediate supervisor.  All voluntary transfers approved by the Superintendent shall be completed prior to August 1, whenever possible. 

A teacher transferred to a school or position must be certified and qualified for the position to which transferred.  Should a person request reassignment to a lesser position, such personnel, upon reassignment, shall be placed in the salary schedule at the level of the new position.


You should have already received your Be Back Letter. Make sure you sign your Be Back Letter, and click the box saying that you intend to transfer schools.
Your personnel file/record is the ONLY thing a principal looks at if you are considering transferring to another school or another parish. Make sure you know what is in your personnel file, and that you write rebuttals for everything that goes in your personnel file. 


Disciplinary Write-Ups


This pertains to both disciplinary write-ups and evaluations.


If you receive a disciplinary write-up or evaluation result, SEE, SIGN, AND REBUT.

When you are given the paperwork, be sure to SIGN the write-up/evaluation result so you can receive a copy.

Signing a write-up/evaluation result does NOT constitute agreeing with the contents of the write-up/paperwork— it is a record that you have seen the paperwork before it is put into your personnel file. 

After you sign the write-up/evaluation, contact Red River United immediately at 318-424-4579 and write a rebuttal. A rebuttal tells YOUR side of the story, and is permanently attached to your personnel file with the write-up.  

Your personnel file/record is the ONLY thing a principal looks at if you are considering transferring to another school or another parish. Make sure you know what is in your personnel file, and that you write rebuttals for everything that goes in your personnel file. 


Know Your Rights- Evaluations




If you receive an observation or evaluation that is not an accurate representation of your performance,  SEE, SIGN, AND REBUT.

When you are given the paperwork, be sure to SIGN the observation/evaluation result so you can receive a copy.

Signing an observation/evaluation does NOT constitute agreeing— it is a record that you have seen the paperwork before it is put into your personnel file. 

After you sign the document, the clock begins.  In most cases, you have 15 working days to write a rebuttal; however, teachers in Caddo have 48 hours to issue and appeal.  Contact Red River United immediately at 318-424-4579.

Your observations and evaluations may determine if you move up on the salary schedule as well as your possibility of becoming tenured.



Know Your Rights- SLTs

What you need to know about Student Learning Targets

Student Learning Targets (SLTs) are a crucial part of a teacher’s COMPASS evaluation. To make sure that your evaluation is an appropriate, accurate and fair representation of your professional abilities, the Louisiana Federation of Teachers offers the following hints for writing your SLTs in collaboration with your principal.

Student Learning Target tips:

  • Set reasonable, realistic targets.
  • SLTs should include teacher and administrator input.
  • Consider including the stipulation that only the scores of students who took both the pre and post assessments will be included in the calculation.
  • You might stipulate that a certain attendance factor will determine if a student remains in the SLT group. Refer to language for attendance requirements for updating students in CVR. The same rules should apply when writing SLTs.
  • Students with high scores on the pre-assessment instrument may not be capable of achieving their targeted growth. Consider excluding those students from your group.
  • SLTs should be written only for the students you teach, based on their specific past performance and pre-assessment data. Do not base them on the performance of the students in the entire school or school district.
  • SLTs are intended to be a comparison of where your students were at the beginning of the year and how much they have progressed during the year, based on your teaching, just as a VAM score is based on the progress of only your students.
  • Share your SLT drafts with your peers for wording and math calculations.
  • Monitor and record student performance throughout the year.
  • At midyear, check to see if you are eligible to make changes to your SLTs.

For one-on one assistance or questions, contact us today.


Teachers, make sure you check all of your classroom rosters mid-year (in January) and remove students who are no longer in your class. Your SLTs (student learning targets) are based on your current roster— so make sure your roster reflects who is actually in your class.

 You also have the right to amend your SLTs (student learning targets) at the mid- year mark. Contact Red River United immediately at 318-424-4579 if you have any questions.