Strike a Pose for Early Childhood Education

Strike a Pose for Early Childhood Education!

During his annual State of the Union address on Jan. 28th, President Obama will list his goals for the upcoming

year. Right now, the week prior to the State of the Union, we will call on the president to include early learning in his

speech through a Twitter action with advocates across the country. Tweet your support for early childhood education

using hashtag #StrongStart.


Download Your #StrongStart sign here.


We will be tweeting at the President using photos of people who believe all children should get a

#StrongStart! Join us by following these three easy steps:

1. Download and print out a #StrongStart sign here


2. Take a photo with the sign, like one you see here. Feel free to get creative—you could have children

(or yourself) strike a “strong muscles” pose or make a funny face.


3. Send your photo to or tweet them to @AFTunion.

The more photos we’re able to tweet, the more likely we’ll get the president’s attention. So send in as

many photos featuring different people as you’d like, and forward this request to your friends and family.

Then, on Jan. 21, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern time, we will tweet your great photos on the hashtag

#StrongStart. Please contact if you have any questions.

Thank you for everything you do to support early learning!

BESE Report, January 2014

BESE Report January 2014

No mandatory salaries in the new MFP

This week the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education approved an MFP Task Force report that recommends a 2.75 percent increase in the $3.5 billion formula, but does not specify that half of the increase should go to teacher salaries.

That prompted LFT President Steve Monaghan to point out that after five years of frozen salary steps, teacher pay is an issue that needs to be addressed.

Prior to the Jindal administration’s freeze on the MFP, half of an annual 2.75 percent increase was dedicated to salaries. Although school boards can choose to spend some of the MFP increase on salaries, Monaghan said, teachers and school employees have no voice in the decision.

“There is no real negotiation over the use of funds,” Monaghan said. “Those who have the authority will make the choice.”

The lack of step increases “is having an effect on teachers and educators,” Monaghan told the board. “We are going to lose some good people, and we already have.”

The LFT president suggested that collective bargaining agreements between school boards and employees would help ensure that scarce funds are spent wisely in school districts.

The 2.75 percent increase would amount to about $70 million. An MFP formula will be developed by BESE in March and sent to the legislature for approval. Lawmakers may either approve or reject the formula, but may not change it. If it is rejected, BESE can rewrite the formula, or let the previous year’s formula become effective by default.

Course Choice will be problematic in MFP

The controversial Course Choice program will be included in the Minimum Foundation Program if BESE takes the advice of the MFP task force, a step that LFT President Steve Monaghan said could provoke yet another constitutional confrontation.

Course Choice, one of Gov. Jindal’s pet education initiatives, allows non-public providers to create credit courses for public school students. Funding the program through the MFP was declared unconstitutional by the State Supreme Court.

Since that decision, the $3 million Course Choice program has been financed by the Department of Education outside of the MFP.

Supporters believe it will be legal to launder MFP funds for Course Choice offerings if the money is sent to local school systems to subsidize the courses.

At Tuesday’s meeting of BESE’s finance committee, Monaghan said he believes that would still violate the constitutional ban on using MFP funds for non-public schools.

The LFT president pointed out that the state Virtual School, which was abolished in favor of Course Choice, would have provided online courses without violating the constitution.

VAM study to move forward, sort of

BESE will move forward on a study of the effects the Value Added Model of evaluation has on teachers, but that is not quite what the author of the proposal intended.

Across the nation, questions have been raised about the validity of Value Added Methods. Last October BESEMember Lottie Beebe asked for a study of the reliability of the VAM. She suggested that a panel of statisticians and mathematicians look at the formula, and report on its reliability.

Instead, the board authorized Superintendent John White and BESE Executive Director Heather Cope to get a third party to study VAM with a focus on how it impacts teachers.

Their waffling prompted Dr. James Finney, a theoretical mathematician, to ask, “What are you afraid of Superintendent White? Are you afraid that people will finally learn what you already know, this model does not work?”

FBI investigation of charter school raises questions

An FBI raid on a Baton Rouge charter school prompted discussion of a new policy aimed at informing BESEmembers when a school is under investigation. The charter of the Kenilworth Science and Technology Charter School was recently renewed even though Superintendent of Education John White was reportedly aware of an investigation.

BESE Member Lottie Beebe said that members had no knowledge of the investigation into the charter school’s finances, and had received no communication from White about the issue. FBI agents descended on the school in December, just weeks after BESE voted to renew its charter along in a package that included a number of charter renewals.

White said that the department of education will develop a protocol for reporting issues and present it to the board.

Board member under investigation for cheating submits expenses

A BESE member who is under investigation for allegedly double billing the state and his local school board for travel expenses submitted a bill for $3,600 to BESE this month.

DeSoto Parish District Attorney Richard Johnson has said he plans to charge BESE Member Walter Lee with felony theft and malfeasance in office. Lee allegedly billed both BESE and the DeSoto School Board for travel expenses amounting to more than $13,000. Lee is also accused of shenanigans involving a leased school board vehicle that he returned to a dealership, and then bought for far less than its book value.

BESE President Chas Roemer has reportedly told his colleagues that Lee will not be reimbursed for his current ravel expenses until the legal situation is resolved.

Lee did not attend this week’s BESE meetings.

SURVEY: Children with Chronic Conditions in the School Setting


Dear EducatorIf you are a regular education teacher in grades 1-12 in a public school and have taught for at least one year, you are invited to participate in a survey that explores your experiences in working with children who have a chronic condition. Children with chronic conditions make up more than 26% of the student body. A chronic condition is defined as one that lasts one year or more and requires ongoing medical attention and/or limits activities of daily living (including learning). Examples include asthma, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, ADHD, learning disabilities, sickle cell disease, kidney disease, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and food allergies.Dr. Janice Selekman, a professor from the University of Delaware, is conducting a survey to identify the experiences, barriers, and challenges (need for knowledge, skills, and ideas for accommodations) of, as well as resources that are most helpful to, regular education teachers when they have students with a chronic condition. This survey has the support of the American Federation of Teachers and is partially funded by the National Association of School Nurses.

Analysis of the surveys will be used to assist pre-service educators to understand the needs of practicing teachers and to expand programs to enhance the health-related knowledge of new teachers. It will assist current school administrators to address faculty needs for working with students with chronic conditions and it will assist school nurses to understand their role in enhancing the health of these children and adolescents by preventing health-related problems and enhancing academic outcomes. The findings will be presented to teachers and school administrators, as well as school nurses to assist them in understanding the needs of teachers in regular education classrooms.

Please fill out the attached survey and submit it via Survey Monkey. If you would rather fill out the survey by hand, contact Dr. Selekman at the e-mail below and one will be sent to you. You can send it to Dr. Janice Selekman, 317 McDowell Hall, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716.

This questionnaire is voluntary and your return of the survey indicates your willingness to participate. We will not collect your name or school’s name; the goal is to have representation from throughout the country, including urban, suburban, and rural areas as well as representation from those in elementary, middle, and high school.

It is estimated that the survey will take about 15 minutes of your time. If you have questions about the survey, please contact Dr. Janice Selekman at (302-897-8884)

Janice Selekman DNSc, RN, NCSN, FNASN
Professor, University of Delaware