Giving Thanks, Seeking Justice

Thanksgiving is an incredibly special holiday when we give thanks for what is most important to us and think about how to help those who are struggling. This year, as the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah converges with Thanksgiving and a film about Nelson Mandela’s life is released in theaters, we are also thinking about freedom, hope and opportunity.

Many Americans are still struggling this Thanksgiving. The income gap between rich and poor Americans is the highest in more than a century. Unemployment is far too high, and wages for most workers are not high enough. Many people work for employers that pocket huge profits, yet earn so little that they rely on food stamps and Medicaid.

And as we know, in schools, hospitals and other worksites, austerity and deprofessionalization have become all too common, with those who are working every day to make a difference in other people’s lives often being disparaged or demonized rather than praised for their work.

As veteran political strategist Doug Sosnik recently wrote, “At the core of Americans’ anger and alienation is the belief that the American dream is no longer attainable.”

Walmart, the world’s largest private employer, in many ways symbolizes this. So, while countless Americans will head out on Black Friday to look for bargains and purchase holiday gifts, many Walmart employees and their supporters will be calling on the company to be a better employer and an ethical and responsible corporate citizen.

Sign this petition in support of Walmart workers.

AFT members will be joining in Black Friday events conducted by Walmart workers through their Organization United for Respect at Walmart (OUR Walmart). These events will take place throughout the country on Nov. 29, the day after Thanksgiving. I will be joining a demonstration in Westchester, N.Y. Visit for information and to locate activities.

We’ll have another opportunity to take a stand against poverty wages on Dec. 5, when there will be actions at fast-food restaurants in 200 cities and towns as part of the National Day Against Low Pay. A recent study  found that more than half of the families of fast-food workers receive public assistance. Fast-food workers and their families would rather have a living wage—not the $7 billion a year in public assistance they need just to survive, which in effect is a subsidy to corporations that fail to pay a living wage. Please visit  for more information and to sign the petition in support of striking fast-food workers.

Finally, the National Day of Action to Reclaim the Promise of Public Education, sponsored by the AFT and many other groups concerned about our children and public education, is around the corner—Monday, Dec. 9. In cities across the country, educators, parents, students, faith leaders, community activists and others will come together to call for changes to ensure that all children have access to an excellent public education and the opportunities that come with it. Years of austerity and failed policies have hurt public schools and students. Our actions must reflect the magnitude of these challenges, and I hope you will take part in Day of Action events in your city.

Help us reclaim the promise.

All of us who are concerned about flawed education “reforms” that fail our children, and about rising inequality and its effects on individuals, families, communities and the country, must stand up to confront these conditions. And communities are coming together with educators because they value who we are and what we do.

These events in the coming days and weeks provide opportunities for us to be part of a broad movement to fight for the American dream and for dignity and respect for everyone—not just the well-heeled—who wants a shot at opportunity and justice.

So on this Thanksgiving, I want to thank you and wish you and your family a happy holiday and a momentary respite. Thank you for being in the trenches day after day making a difference in the lives of others. Thank you for all you do in the face of so much adversity and anger. Thank you for having hope and faith that when we join together and fight virtuous fights, we can make our country and our world a more just place.

In unity,
Randi Weingarten
AFT President

Winter Membership Meeting: 12/4 at 4:30

Red River United will be having a winter membership meeting on December 4 from 4:30-5:30 at the Red River United Office (1726 Line Ave, Shreveport, LA 71105). All school employees (both members AND non-members) are encouraged to attend.


We will discuss Red River United’s vision for 2014 (and how YOU plug in to that), updates on VAM grievances, updates on planning period and student hour grievances, know your rights information, winter membership recruitment drive information, and legislative policy updates.


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planning time





4:30 PM


It is time that the Caddo Parish School Board hears how drastically the lack of planning time has impacted teachers both personally and professionally. It is critical that the CPSB realizes that changes to the staffing formula have affected students’ learning and academic success.


The CPSB needs to hear your story !


Red River United has moved the planning period and student hour class action grievances to LEVEL IV. However, we must come to the board meeting on December 3 prepared to speak on the planning time issue. Let’s pack the board room!

Red River United’s intent is to restore planning time THIS SCHOOL YEAR for both teacher and student success. YES, IT IS POSSIBLE. 

RSVP ON FACEBOOK HERE.  For more information, call Red River United at 318-424-4579.

Winter Membership Drive!

Membership drive_winter

Want Red River United to do some of that holiday shopping?

Participate in Red River United’s Winter Membership Drive!

The first person to recruit FIVE new members at their worksite will receive a FREE Ricoh Printer (valued at $200).

The first person to recruit TEN new members at their school will receive a FREE Apple iPad 2 (valued at $350)

Membership drive_winter

Assist those Affected by Super Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines!

The entire AFT family is heartbroken by the loss of life and devastation caused by Super Typhoon Haiyan. The magnitude of the destruction in the Philippines is staggering. Thousands have lost their lives, and many more have been injured, orphaned or separated from their families.

Help those affected by Super Typhoon Haiyan by donating to the AFT Disaster Relief Fund.

We have many Filipino members in Baltimore, Md.; Louisiana; New York; New Jersey; California; and throughout the United States who are desperately seeking information about family and friends.

Every bit can help those affected by this tragedy. Donate today.

The Philippines now faces the daunting task of rebuilding communities that have been left without essentials such as food, shelter, clean water, schools, healthcare, power and transportation. Many of our affiliates have asked us to provide any help we can in the recovery effort. As a result, the AFT will:

  • Actively solicit volunteers to assist in relief and recovery efforts, as we did in the aftermath of the Haitian earthquake in 2010.
  • Send an immediate contribution of $10,000 to help get supplies and other assistance to those who need them most.
  • Open up the AFT Disaster Relief Fund to help with ongoing recovery efforts, as we did during Superstorm Sandy and the Oklahoma tornadoes.
  • Set up a toll-free hotline and an emergency email address to assist in any way we possibly can. For more information, call 888-238-2011 or email
  • Continue to work with our labor, healthcare and education partners to assist the Philippines on its road to recovery, which we know will be long and difficult.

Natural disasters, whenever they occur, have the power to touch us all. In times like this, we realize we truly are citizens of the world and have a responsibility to help one another. We join with others throughout the world in sending our thoughts and prayers to the millions affected by this devastating tragedy.

Contribute to the AFT Disaster Relief Fund today.

In unity,
Randi Weingarten
AFT President

High Quality Education Starts With Pre-K

Numerous studies show that early childhood education has positive effects on children long after they finish their education. From their first day of kindergarten, children who attended prekindergarten perform better academically in a classroom setting and do better socially with their peers. But it doesn’t stop there—in long-term studies, children who had high-quality early childhood education were more likely to graduate from high school, attend college and even own a home.

So, how do we expand pre-K programs and give all children the opportunity to succeed? You can start by writing your members of Congress, urging them to support the Strong Start for America’s Children Act.
Right now, parents have access to early education and child care programs that range in quality, but not all parents are able to afford high-quality early education and care. We must reclaim the promise of public education by ensuring that all children have access to high-quality early learning programs.

Urge your elected officials to support the Strong Start for America’s Children Act. It is the first step in making sure our children have access to high-quality public education.
The introduction of this historic early learning bill, which has bipartisan support in Congress, provides an opportunity we can’t afford to miss. When we invest in early learning, we invest in our children, our economy and America’s future.

The promise of public education starts early, with high-quality early education. Write your members of Congress today.
In unity,
Tor Cowan
AFT Legislative Director

Scholarships for RRU Members!



Scholarships for Red River United members and the children of Red River United members pursuing post-secondary studies are available. More will be posted as they surface:


NBA Internship Program:

Offers college students an exciting opportunity to use their skills and classroom learning within a national sports environment.

More information here. 

The NASCAR Diversity Internship Program

A 10-week, full-time, paid summer work opportunity for deserving students with an interest in the NASCAR industry.

Learn more here. 


Black Enterprise Internships

Designed to provide real-life work experiences for college students interested in a career in the media industry.
Learn more here. 


NCAA Ethnic Minority and Women’s Internship

Offers an opportunity for a minority, female college student to be chosen for a unique two-year internship program.

Learn more here. 

Minority Access Internship Program

Offers spring, summer and fall internships for college sophomores, juniors, seniors, graduates and professionals.
Learn more here. 



Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Internships

Available for college students pursuing undergraduate associates or bachelors degrees.

Learn more here.

Essence Communications Internship Program

Open to undergraduate, graduate students, or recent college graduates interested in a career in the media industry. Applicants must have a strong interest in issues pertaining to African American women.
Learn more 


BET Networks Internships

Provides paid internships for both undergraduate and graduate college students at five different locations.
Learn more here 

UNCF/NAACP Gateway to Leadership Internship Program

A 10-week paid summer internship for undergraduate students attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
Learn more here 


 The White House Initiative’s Year-round Internship Program

Offers an exciting experience for undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in improving education outcomes for African Americans.
Learn more at 

Overcrowding on the Bus: Know Your Rights!

Bus Drivers are responsible for the critical task of making sure that our students get to school and back home safely. That being said, there are laws and policies in place in order to ensure student safety on buses. There is no set maximum number of students who can be transported on a single bus, and how many kids you can legally transport depends on the size of children. 

Federal law states that the number of students transported in a school bus must be compliant with the bus manufacturer’s instructions. The bus manufacturer states that in order to ensure maximum safety, all students must fit fully within their seats.

That means that every student must be fully covered by the seat back in front of them.

Hands, feet, and bodies can NOT  be in the aisles. Students can NOT sit on the floors of buses (yes, we’ve heard about this happening).
If your bus is overcrowded, call Red River United IMMEDIATELY at 318-424-4579 before beginning your route.


Veterans: Speak Out for Veterans’ Issues! Join the Union Veterans Council.

Are you, or is one of your colleagues, a veteran? Become an advocate for all veterans, military families, and working men and women by signing up for Union Veterans Council action alerts. These alerts will keep you informed about important issues and events and let you know when your voice is needed to make a difference.

The Union Veterans Council brings together union leaders and union members who are veterans to speak out on veterans’ issues and influence public policy to improve the quality of life for U.S. veterans and their families. The two primary areas of focus for veterans are access to good jobs and access to quality healthcare.

While union veterans are encouraged to sign up, you don’t have to be a veteran to join the Union Veterans Council.  Anyone can show their support by joining the Union Veterans Council today.

This Veterans Day, honor the men and women who served our country by joining us and passing this message along to others who may be interested.

School Board Meeting Update: 11/5/13


View the entire press conference here.

At the November 5, 2013 Caddo Parish School Board meeting, the Recovery School District revealed its Partnership Agreement with the Caddo Parish School Board. This “agreement,” among other things, essentially forces the Caddo Parish School board to close down Newton Smith 6th Grade Center and Linear Leadership Academy, and gives the Caddo Parish School Board the option to choose between contracting a management or charter corporation to have complete control of curriculum, hiring, and daily operations of Atkins, Midway, Fair Park, and Woodlawn, or having a service provider provide these services under the control of a CPSB appointed principal. If the Caddo Parish School Board chooses to do neither, the Recovery School District can take over, and do with these schools as they please.

The plan also encourages Caddo Parish to partner with “alternative certification teacher pipeline programs” (their words, not ours), and school board members explicitly mentioned Teach for America. Teach for America recruits recent college graduates to teach in classrooms for 2-3 year periods. Over 50% of all Teach for America teachers nationwide leave teaching after 2 years, and more than 80% leave teaching after 3 years. These teachers enter the classroom with only five weeks of teacher training, and absolutely no live classroom experience. School districts also pick up some of the costs of training these teachers, who replace qualified, certified, and experienced teachers in the nation’s toughest classrooms. That this plan wants to bring TFA into Caddo Parish is a slap in the face of Caddo Parish teachers. Instead of supporting Caddo’s excellent teachers, this new plan wants to PAY to train college graduates with no education experience to take the place of a certified, experienced teacher.

Red River United believes that students are best served by community controlled schools, and that the Caddo Parish School System is best equipped to raise academic standards. Red River United does not believe turning our students over to the RSD, a management corporation, a service provider, or a charter school corporation meets the promise of providing a quality public education to our students. This is a question of civil rights. All children deserve a stable, quality education. The RSD does not have a proven track record of turning around AU schools. Parents and students are demonstrating a lack of confidence in the RSD through participation in community actions and petitions.

Sign our community petition asking the RSDs to leave our public schools alone. Like our Reclaim Caddo Parish Facebook cause page, and check out links to articles about the RSD on the page. Remember, the threat of an RSD takeover is still lurking on the sidelines.

This is how Red River United proposes to improve Caddo Schools:

Caddo should focus on creating K-8 models. They are stabilizing for students and have provided academic success in our district.

Caddo should focus on choice. One area proven successful has been our programmatic magnet schools. These schools should be standalone, and not part of any existing school.

Caddo should concentrate the focus on where we can be the most effective in overall student achievement – we should provide Pre-k for every student in our district, with wraparound services for at-risk youngsters.

Caddo should focus on strong professional development for all of our teachers. TAP, for example, has proven successful in other districts and in Caddo Parish where it has been implemented in several schools.

Caddo should focus on academic standards and disciplinary codes of conduct in all of our schools. Teachers cannot teach, and students cannot learn in an atmosphere full of disruption and discord.

Caddo should be willing to reach out to the community, the public for their help and input. After all, it is the Public’s Education.

Red River United believes in the promise of a public education, which needs to be safeguarded against moves to undermine by outside corporations seeking to make a profit. What is the promise of public education? Public schools provide transportation to and from school, provide healthy breakfasts and lunches for our children, a clean and safe environment to learn, a certified classroom teacher, and a promise to provide services to ALL children, even those with special needs. These are all promises of public education. Will we be able to keep these promises once we have torn apart our Caddo Parish Schools, relinquished community control of our schools, and parsed control of our schools to private- monied and political interests?