Show Me the Money

Keep Our Foundation Strong


Red River United is launching a “Keep Our Foundation Strong” campaign.  Your school’s Red River United workplace leaders will be distributing “bricks” for you to sign.  We want to present the Caddo Parish School Board with a brick wall that represents the solidarity of ALL school employees in efforts to achieve a well-deserved pay supplement for our support personnel. If you do not receive a brick, want more bricks, want to return your brick to Red River United, or if you are interested in hosting a brick signing luncheon at your school, contact us.

Reclaiming the promise of public education will take the helping hand of ALL school employees. PSRPs are our office employees, custodians, maintenance workers, bus drivers, paraprofessionals, food service workers, school nurses and health aides, technicians, groundskeepers, security coordinators, secretaries, bookkeepers, mechanics, special education assistants, and hundreds of other job titles.

PSRPs are “leaders in our unions, foundations of our schools.” This union cannot succeed without the support and leadership of the PSRPs.  PSRPs are educators, working every day to ensure that our children are receiving a quality public education. Whether you are a paraprofessional assisting in a lesson, maintenance making sure our schools are running, food service providing a good and nutritious meal, or an office worker helping students, teachers, and parents, PSRPs are essential to the education of our children.

Join the fight! Let your voice be heard! (No, we will not throw the bricks.  The bricks are paper not foam.)

Workshop, November 9, 2013: Using Questions to Teach & Learn

Using Questions to Teach & Learn

This research based workshop promotes critical thinking skills by improving questioning strategies by students and teachers. It looks at surface and deep structure of questions that go across curriculum contents and comes under the umbrella of Danielson’s model of Common Core standards. It destroys the myth of Bloom’s Taxonomy as having a set order to questioning techniques and proves higher level thinking can occur at all question levels. This is a hands-on activity based …workshop that teachers can use immediately in the classroom.


New Teacher Academy 2


The New Teacher Academy is offered during the school year on the 2nd Saturday of the Month.

Educational Research and Dissemination (ER&D) is an AFT professional development program for teachers, paraprofessionals, and school-related personnel. ER&D courses are grounded in scientifically-based research and meet the standards for high-quality professional development.

As a teacher, you will learn research-based strategies in:
 Beginning of the Year Classroom Management
 Establishing the Learning Environment
 Effective Group Management
 Interactive Instructional Strategies
 Time on Task
 Maximizing Time on Task
 Effective Use of Teacher Praise
 Using Homework Effectively




These courses are NCLB compliant and approved by local school boards for CLU Credit. One hour = One credit. (free to members & potential members)

Let’s Eat!

Member Luncheons with Red River United.

You pick the time, and we will bring the food.

There is nothing more important to Red River United than sitting down with members and hearing about their vision for the organization. We are always looking for creative ways to reclaim the promise of public education and enhance the well-being of our members. There is no greater expert in this arena than YOU! After all, you know the concerns of your school and profession better than anyone else. Red River United is here to listen and learn.


[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’School’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Phone’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’I would like to meet with a Red River United representative on one of the following dates:’ type=’textarea’/][contact-field label=’Time’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’I plan to bring the following colleagues with me to the luncheon. (Ideally%26#x002c; these would be individuals that have not yet joined Red River United and would be interested in learning more about the organization.)’ type=’textarea’/][/contact-form]

Take Action Now!


We invite you to join our ACE/LEGs Committee (Activists for Congressional Education/Legislative Education Groups) to visit with, call, and send e-mails to local state legislators to let them know how the recent legislation has impacted teachers and school employees AND to let them know about much needed, new legislation.

*We will keep you updated as we set the meetings.