Why should ALL Caddo employees receive the Hero Pay Supplement?


I appreciate that Caddo employees are receiving much deserved recognition and being thanked for their hard work during this school year. It has without a doubt been a challenging year, and educators have worked so hard to conquer the challenges for their students.

If I had not chosen to return to school during the pandemic or if I had taken a leave of some sort just to get out of teaching during this difficult time, I would not mind being excluded from the Hazard Pay/Heroes Supplement. However, I chose to return to work in August while I was five months pregnant. I had many concerns about returning because I had taken quarantine very seriously and not been around others at all up until the school year began. But I made the decision to return to work, be very careful, and remain dedicated to the education of my students.

I prepared all of the lessons and materials for my students and my sub before my maternity leave. I made sure everything was ready and accessible on canvas so that my sub, who had no Canvas training, would not have a difficult time utilizing that platform with both my traditional and virtual students.

I had a cesarean delivery in December and was out for the allotted eight week recovery time. I stayed in communication with my students’ guardians and my sub, and I adjusted lessons on canvas when school was canceled due to the weather. I have since returned to work and will finish out the school year with my students.

I know other teachers who have had or will have their baby at some point during this school year, all of whom have worked very hard during the pandemic and been committed to their jobs. To exclude those who were out on medical leave, such as maternity leave, is penalizing Caddo employees who should actually be included in this supplement.

I feel it is important to speak up for the pregnant teachers or teachers with newborn babies. It was a scary and hard decision to return to work while growing and protecting a young and precious life. I applaud all mom’s who took their pregnancies and the pandemic in stride. It is a shame that due to the nature of a birth we would be penalized instead of recognized alongside our equally as dedicated and heroic colleagues.

We are asking the Caddo Parish School Board to do what is right. Employees should NOT be punished for having a baby or a health condition.