CPSB Unanimously Passes Resolution In Support of Payroll Deduction


CPSB Thanks Payroll Deduct

Red River Parish is deeply grateful to the Caddo Parish School Board for taking a stand in support of payroll deduction. This resolution was a join resolution of all the professional associations in the Parish. Here is the text from the resolution: Resolution Opposing Elimination of Payroll Deduction of Professional Dues


WHEREAS: Employees of the Caddo Parish School District enjoy the right to have deductions made from their paychecks for various purposes, and


WHEREAS: Those purposes are as varied as contributions to United Way, insurance policies, credit unions, automobile purchases, home mortgages, professional organization dues and other recognized vendors, and


WHEREAS: Bills have been introduced in the 2014 Louisiana Legislative Session that would prohibit professional organizations from collecting dues through payroll deduction, and


WHEREAS: Passage of those bills would directly impact organizations in Caddo Parish, including Association of Professional Educators of Louisiana, Bus Drivers Association, Caddo Association of Educators, Louisiana Association of Principals, Louisiana Association of School Executives, and Red River United/Louisiana Federation of Teachers, and


WHEREAS: Membership in the affected organizations is a strictly voluntary donation of an individual’s salary and not an expenditure of public funds, and


WHEREAS: Contributions made through payroll deduction are at negligible cost to employing agencies, and


WHEREAS: The purpose behind bills prohibiting payroll deduction to certain organizations is strictly political and aimed at silencing the voice of public employees, therefore be it


RESOLVED: That the Caddo Parish School Board opposes legislation that would discriminate against professional organizations by prohibiting the deduction of member dues, and be it further


RESOLVED: that copies of this resolution be sent to the governor and the members of the Louisiana Legislature.