BREAKING: Payroll Deduct Ban Filed for Upcoming Legislative Session


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Silence Your Voice Bill Filed for Upcoming Legislative Session Representative Talbot is first out of the gate with a bill to eliminate payroll deduct. HB172 will be heard in the House Labor and Industrial Relations Committee. Payroll deduction helps us support our professional union and advocate for the needs of Louisiana students. Let’s look at the facts:

  • Because payroll deduction is part of the systems already in effect in municipal, parish, and state government offices, it does not add a dime to administrative costs.
  • Lots of organizations, from credit unions to charities to insurance companies already use payroll deduction.
  • The organizations an employee chooses to support is a personal choice – not the government’s.


Aiming this law only at our professional organization violates your freedom of speech. It is an attempt to gag the voice of teachers and school employees in our schools and in Baton Rouge.


There’s a pattern here: It seems that state after state they are trying to silence the voice of educators. We can’t let outsiders decide what happens in Louisiana schools.